Jan 15, 2014, 5:25:57 PM (10 years ago)

[user_collections] Update et_EE, thanks to : Pelagis

1 edited


  • extensions/UserCollections/language/et_EE/plugin.lang.php

    r26663 r26743  
    4949$lang['Remove from collection'] = 'Eemalda seeriast';
    5050$lang['%d more...'] = 'veel %d...';
    51 $lang['A photo collection by %s'] = '%s fotoseeria';
     51$lang['A photo collection by %s'] = '%s fotovalik';
    5252$lang['Active'] = 'Nähtaval';
    53 $lang['Add to collection'] = 'Lisa fotoseeriasse';
    54 $lang['Allow users to send their public collections by mail'] = 'Luba kasutajatel teavitada avalikest fotoseeriatest meilitsi';
    55 $lang['Allow users to set their collections as public'] = 'Luba kasutajatel avalikustada oma fotoseeriaid';
    56 $lang['Clear'] = 'Tühista';
    57 $lang['Clear this collection'] = 'Tühjenda fotoseeria';
    58 $lang['Click here to view the complete collection'] = 'Näita tervet fotoseeriat';
    59 $lang['Collection'] = 'Fotoseeria';
    60 $lang['Collection name:'] = 'Fotoseeria nimi:';
    61 $lang['Collections'] = 'Fotoseeriad';
    62 $lang['Create a new collection'] = 'Loo uus fotoseeria';
     53$lang['Add to collection'] = 'Lisa fotovalikusse';
     54$lang['Allow users to send their public collections by mail'] = 'Luba kasutajatel teavitada avalikest fotovalikutset meilitsi';
     55$lang['Allow users to set their collections as public'] = 'Luba kasutajatel avalikustada oma fotovalikuid';
     56$lang['Clear'] = 'Tühjenda';
     57$lang['Clear this collection'] = 'Tühjenda fotovalik';
     58$lang['Click here to view the complete collection'] = 'Kliki siia, et näha tervet fotovalikut';
     59$lang['Collection'] = 'Fotovalik';
     60$lang['Collection name:'] = 'Fotovaliku nimi:';
     61$lang['Collections'] = 'Fotovalikud';
     62$lang['Create a new collection'] = 'Loo uus fotovalik';
    6363$lang['Date added to collection, new → old'] = 'Lisamiskuupäev, uued → vanad';
    6464$lang['Date added to collection, old → new'] = 'Lisamiskuupäev, vanad → uued';
    65 $lang['Delete this collection'] = 'Eemalda fotoseeria';
     65$lang['Delete this collection'] = 'Eemalda fotovalik';
    6666$lang['Download CSV file'] = 'Laadi alla CSV-loendina';
    6767$lang['E-mail sent successfully'] = 'Epost saadetud';
    7171$lang['Photos number, high → low'] = 'Piltide numbrid, suur → väike';
    7272$lang['Photos number, low → high'] = 'Piltide numbrid, väike → suur';
    73 $lang['Collection not found'] = 'Kogumit ei leitud';
     73$lang['Collection not found'] = 'Fotovalikut ei leitud';
    7474$lang['Expiration date'] = 'Aegumise tähtaeg';
    7575$lang['New share added: <a href="%s">%s</a>'] = 'Uus jagatav lisatud:  <a href="%s">%s</a>';
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