Changeset 2803 for trunk/plugins

Oct 24, 2008, 9:00:36 PM (16 years ago)

Merging revision 2802
Advices [19] $confsubcatify replaced by $conftags_default_display_mode

Translation is needed for German, Spanish, Italian...
Please reorder after translation.

6 edited


  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/adv_set.php

    r2797 r2803  
    121121$adv['v'][18] = sprintf($lang['current'], 'true');
    123 $adv['n'][19] = 'subcatify';
    124 /* $adv['c'][19] = $conf['subcatify']; No longer exist */
    125 $adv['v'][19] = sprintf($lang['current'], 'true');
     123$adv['n'][19] = 'tags_default_display_mode';
     124$adv['c'][15] = ( $conf['tags_default_display_mode'] == 'cloud' );
     125$adv['v'][19] = sprintf($lang['current'], "'".$conf['tags_default_display_mode']."'");
    127127$adv['n'][20] = 'allow_random_representative';
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r2801 r2803  
    9292$lang['Adv_case'][18] = array( /* show_picture_name_on_title */
    9393 'Für eine leichtere Galerie müssen nur einen Blick bis zu $conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false,', );
    94 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* subcatify */
    95  'Wenn Sie keine Kategorie-Beschreibungen haben, nur einen Blick bis zu $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false,', );
    9695$lang['Adv_case'][20] = array( /* allow_random_representative */
    9796 'Verlassen $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true, ',
    165164 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
    166165 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
     166$lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* tags_default_display_mode */
     167 '\'cloud\' by default, importance of tags is shown with font size.',
     168 'You can change the tags page, $conf[\'tags_default_display_mode\'] = \'letters\'', );
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r2801 r2803  
    9292$lang['Adv_case'][18] = array( /* show_picture_name_on_title */
    9393 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to $conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false,', );
    94 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* subcatify */
    95  'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have a look to $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false,', );
     94$lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* tags_default_display_mode */
     95 '\'cloud\' by default, importance of tags is shown with font size.',
     96 'You can change the tags page, $conf[\'tags_default_display_mode\'] = \'letters\'', );
    9697$lang['Adv_case'][20] = array( /* allow_random_representative */
    9798 'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true, ',
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r2801 r2803  
    9292$lang['Adv_case'][18] = array( /* show_picture_name_on_title */
    9393 'For a lighter gallery just have a look to $conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false,', );
    94 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* subcatify */
    95  'If you do NOT have any category descriptions just have a look to $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false,', );
    9695$lang['Adv_case'][20] = array( /* allow_random_representative */
    9796 'Leave $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true, ',
    165164 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
    166165 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
     166 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* tags_default_display_mode */
     167 '\'cloud\' by default, importance of tags is shown with font size.',
     168 'You can change the tags page, $conf[\'tags_default_display_mode\'] = \'letters\'', );
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r2801 r2803  
    9494$lang['Adv_case'][18] = array( /* show_picture_name_on_title */
    9595 'Pour une galerie moins chargée, faites le test de $conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false,', );
    96 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* subcatify */
    97  'Si aucune de vos catégories ne possède de description alors essayez $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false;', );
     96$lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* tags_default_display_mode */
     97 'Par défaut à \'cloud\' (nuage), plus un "tag" est utilisé plus il sera écrit en grand.',
     98 'Vous pouvez changer l\'affichage des "tags", $conf[\'tags_default_display_mode\'] = \'letters\'', );
    9899$lang['Adv_case'][20] = array( /* allow_random_representative */
    99100 'Laissez $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true, ',
  • trunk/plugins/admin_advices/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r2801 r2803  
    9494$lang['Adv_case'][18] = array( /* show_picture_name_on_title */
    9595 'Per una galleria meno "carica", provate con $conf[\'show_picture_name_on_title\'] = false,', );
    96 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* subcatify */
    97  'Se nessuna delle vostre categorie ha una descrizzione provate $conf[\'subcatify\'] = false,', );
    9897$lang['Adv_case'][20] = array( /* allow_random_representative */
    9998 'Lasciate pure $conf[\'allow_random_representative\'] = true, ',
    167166 'Choosing false, template changes are not detected, this improves response time.',
    168167 'Anyway Specials > Maintenance > Purge compiled templates, is recommended after this $conf change.' );
     168 $lang['Adv_case'][19] = array( /* tags_default_display_mode */
     169 '\'cloud\' by default, importance of tags is shown with font size.',
     170 'You can change the tags page, $conf[\'tags_default_display_mode\'] = \'letters\'', );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.