Changeset 28620

Jun 3, 2014, 12:29:47 PM (10 years ago)

[Br2.6] - Language - prepare for 2.6.3

8 added
7 edited


  • branches/2.6/language/br_FR/admin.lang.php

    r27952 r28620  
    208208$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Lakaat ur stroll luc\'hskeudennoù all';
    209209$lang['Add detailed content'] = 'Lakaat endalc\'h dre ar munud';
     210$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Aotreiñ da reiñ notennoù';
     211$lang['All %d photos are selected'] = 'An holl %d luc\'hskeudenn a zo diuzet';
     212$lang['All %d users are selected'] = 'An holl %d implijer a zo diuzet';
     213$lang['All languages are up to date.'] = 'An holl yezhoù a zo hizivaet';
     214$lang['All plugins are up to date.'] = 'An holl lugantoù a zo hizivaet';
     215$lang['All themes are up to date.'] = 'An holl temoù a zo hizivaet';
     216$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Urzh dre zorn ar rummad a zo bet enrollet';
     217$lang['Album name'] = 'Anv ar rummad';
     218$lang['Album photos associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Luc\'hskeudennoù liammet gant ar rummadoù-mañ: %s';
     219$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Rummadoù aotreet dre ar strolladoù';
     220$lang['Albums automatically sorted'] = 'Rummadoù urzhiet emgefreek';
     221$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Rummad "%s" a zo bet lakaet ouzhpenn';
     222$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '%d luc\'hskeudenn a zo er rummad "%s" bremañ';
     223$lang['Album list management'] = 'Merañ listenn ar rummadoù';
     224$lang['Allowed file types: %s.'] = 'Seurtoù restroù aotreet: %s';
     225$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'An holl gwellekadurioù a zo bet graet.';
     226$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Aotren personeladur an implijerien';
     227$lang['Allow user registration'] = 'Aotren an implijerien d\'en em enrollañ';
     228$lang['Allow users to delete their own comments'] = 'Aotren an implijerien da zilemel o evezhiadennoù';
     229$lang['Allow users to edit their own comments'] = 'Aotren an implijerien da cheñch o evezhiadennoù';
     230$lang['Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photography software designed to manage large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.'] = 'Adobe Photoshop Lightroom a zo ur meziant graet evit merañ ur maread luc\'hskeudennoù niverel hag evit ober labour goudeproduiñ.';
     231$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.'] = 'digiKam a zo ur meziant frank araokaet evit merañ luc\'hskeudennoù niverel gant Linux, Windows, pe MacOS X.';
     232$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'Paouezet eo bet ezkargañ ar restr gant astenn';
     233$lang['Some upgrades are available for extensions.'] = 'Hizivadurioù ez eus evit astennoù.';
     234$lang['All extensions are up to date.'] = 'An holl astennoù a zo hizivaet';
     235$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'N\'eo ket hegerzh astenn exif, ret e vefe d\'ar merour diweredekaat implij exif.';
     236$lang['Extensions Update'] = 'Hizivadur an astennoù';
     237$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Pajenn-degemer ar merour';
     238$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Arc\'hweladurioù araokaet';
     239$lang['An error has occured during upgrade.'] = 'Ur fazi a zo c\'hoarvezet en ur hizivaat.';
     240$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'Ur fazi a zo c\'hoarvezet en ur eztennañ ar restroù (%s).';
     241$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Ur postel gant titouroù a zo bet kaset da strollad "%s"';
     242$lang['Anomaly'] = 'Direizhder';
     243$lang['An error has occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.'] = 'Ur fazi a zo c\'hoarvezet en ur eztennañ. Sellit ouzh aotreoù ar restroù ho staliadur Piwigo.<br><a href="%s">Klikit amañ evit diskouez renabl ar fazi</a>.';
     244$lang['By rank'] = 'Dre renk';
     245$lang['Caddie'] = 'Karrigell';
     246$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Merañ ar c\'harrigell';
     247$lang['By %s'] = 'Dre %s';
     248$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Liammañ ouzh ar rummad';
     249$lang['Associated'] = 'Liammet';
     250$lang['Authorized'] = 'Aotreet';
     251$lang['Apply selected corrections'] = 'Arloañ ar reizhadurioù diuzet';
     252$lang['Applications'] = 'Arloadoù';
     253$lang['Apply action'] = 'Arloañ an obererezh';
     254$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Arloañ d\'an iz-rummadoù';
     255$lang['Anyway only webmasters can see this tab and never administrators.'] = 'Ar mestr-gwiad hepken a c\'hell gwellet an ivinell-mañ. Ar merourien ne c\'hellont ket.';
     256$lang['Date'] = 'Deiziad';
     257$lang['Configuration'] = 'Kefluniadur';
     258$lang['Database'] = 'Diaz roadennoù';
     259$lang['Average rate'] = 'Notenn keitad';
     260$lang['Cancel'] = 'Nullañ';
     261$lang['Change password'] = 'Cheñch ger-tremen';
     262$lang['Watermark'] = 'Ritenn';
     263$lang['add a new watermark'] = 'Lakaat ur ritenn nevez';
     264$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = 'Lakaat ur ritenn ma vez an uhelder brasoc\'h eget';
     265$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = 'Lakaat ur ritenn ma vez al ledander brasoc\'h eget';
     266$lang['Aperture is designed for professional photographers with iPhoto simplicity.'] = 'Aperture a zo empennet evit al luc\'hskeudennerien a-vicher, gant aezamant iPhoto.';
     267$lang['Aperture is a powerful tool to refine images and manage massive libraries on Mac.'] = 'Aperture a zo un ostilh galloudus evit eilaozañ luc\'hskeudennoù ha merañ meur a luc\'hskeudennoù gant MacOSX.';
     268$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'iPhoto a zo ar merour-luc\'hskeudennoù dre ziouer gant MacOSX. Gant lugant ezporzhiañ Piwigo e vo posubl deoc\'h krouiñ rummadoù nevez, hag ezporzhiañ ho luc\'hskeudennoù eus iPhoto betek ho palier luc\'hskeudennoù Piwigo.';
     269$lang['Automatic correction'] = 'Difazier emgefreek';
     270$lang['Automatic sort order'] = 'Urzh rummañ emgefreek';
     271$lang['Available on'] = 'Hegerzh e';
     272$lang['Available only with HTML format'] = 'Hegerzh gant furmad HTML hepken';
     273$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version'] = 'Ne vo graet netra diwar-benn ar fazi betek stumm an arload a zeu';
     274$lang['Piwigo version'] = 'Stumm Piwigo';
     275$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.'] = 'Emañ stumm Piwigo diwezhañ o labourat ganeoc\'h.';
     276$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required ']['%s'] = 'Stumm %s staliet [%s] n\'eo ket kenglotus gant stumm eo ret kaout [%s]';
     277$lang['GD version'] = 'Stumm GD';
     278$lang['New Version'] = 'Stumm nevez';
     279$lang['Version'] = 'Stumm';
     280$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Reiñ an aotre d\'an implijerien evit lakaat evezhiadennoù er rummadoù diuzet';
     281$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?'] = 'Ha sur oc\'h da zilemel al lugant-se ?';
     282$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?'] = 'Ha sur oc\'h da staliañ al lugant-se ?';
     283$lang['Delete selected photos'] = 'Dilemel al luc\'hskeudennoù diuzet';
     284$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Diuzañ ur rummad';
     285$lang['Choose an action'] = 'Dibabit un obererezh';
     286$lang['Center of interest'] = 'Darn talvoudus';
     287$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Cheñch livioù ar mererezh';
     288$lang['Change username'] = 'Cheñch anv implijer';
     289$lang['Available versions for'] = 'Stummoù hegerz evit';
     290$lang['Basic settings'] = 'Arventennoù diazez';
     291$lang['By default, the center of interest is placed in the middle of the photo.'] = 'An darn talvoudus e-barzh al luc\'hskeudenn a vez en he c\'hreiz dre ziouer.';
     292$lang['Can\'t connect to server.'] = 'Ne oa ket posubl kevreañ ouzh ar servijer';
     293$lang['Languages which need upgrade'] = 'Yezhoù o deus ezhomm un hizivadur';
     294$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.'] = 'Ha sur oc\'h da gregiñ gant staliadur an hizivaat-se? Ret eo deoc\'h sellout ouzh ar stumm-mañ, ma ne vez ket ezhomm da zistaliañ a-raok.';
     295$lang['Plugins which need upgrade'] = 'Lugantoù da hizivaat';
     296$lang['Themes which need upgrade'] = 'Temoù o deus ezhomm un hizivadur';
     297$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.'] = 'Ne oa ket posubl degas an hizivadur';
     298$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Ostiziad ';
     299$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Implijer';
     300$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Mestr-gwiad';
     301$lang['Approximate maximum resolution: %dM pixels (that\'s %dx%d pixels).'] = 'Diarunusted uc\'hek arnes: %dM piksel (%dx%d piksel).';
  • branches/2.6/language/br_FR/common.lang.php

    r27890 r28620  
    2424Language Name: Brezhoneg [FR]
    25 Version: 2.6.1
     25Version: 2.6.2
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    419419$lang['%d photos per page'] = '%d luc\'hskeudenn e pep pajenn';
    420420$lang['Theme'] = 'Tem';
    421 ?>
     421$lang['No results for'] = 'Disoc\'h ebet evit';
  • branches/2.6/language/en_GB/admin.lang.php

    r26461 r28620  
    5757$lang['Last import'] = 'Latest import';
    5858$lang['Last revisions'] = "Latest revisions";
    59 $lang['Last send'] = "Latest send";
     59$lang['Last send'] = 'Last sent';
    6060$lang['Link all album photos to some existing albums'] = "Link all album photos to some existing album";
    6161$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Manage keywords';
    109109$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = "You are running a development version, no check possible.";
    110110$lang['You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !'] = 'You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter is deprecated, please remove it or rename it to <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !';
    111 $lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = "Please upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application, otherwise it might work improperly, or not at all";
     111$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all'] = 'Please upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application, otherwise it might not work correctly, or not at all';
    113113$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.'] = 'digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organise, tag, and share photographs.';
    146146$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active languages';
    147147$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active plugins';
    148 ?>
     148$lang['You are using the Flash uploader. Problems? Try the <a href="%s">Browser uploader</a> instead.'] = 'You are using the Flash uploader.  Problems? Try the <a href="%s">Browser uploader</a> instead.';
     149$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Upload photos';
     150$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Uploaded photos';
     151$lang['Update All'] = 'Update all';
     152$lang['Update Complete'] = 'Update complete';
     153$lang['Switch to clear or dark colors for administration'] = 'Switch to clear or dark colours for administration';
     154$lang['Start Upload'] = 'Start upload';
     155$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Pending comments';
     156$lang['Obsolete Plugins'] = 'Obsolete plugins';
     157$lang['Multiple Size'] = 'Multiple size';
     158$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'] = 'This theme could not be activated  as the parent theme ( %s )is missing';
     159$lang['Help Me'] = 'Help me';
     160$lang['An error occured during extraction (%s).'] = 'An error occurred during the files (%s) extraction.';
     161$lang['An error has occured during upgrade.'] = 'An error has occurred during upgrade.';
     162$lang['An error has occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.'] = 'An error has occurred during extract. Please check file permissions of your Piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.';
  • branches/2.6/language/en_GB/common.lang.php

    r26640 r28620  
    2424Language Name: English [GB]
    25 Version: 2.6.0
     25Version: 2.6.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    5454$lang['Requested tag does not exist'] = 'Requested keyword does not exist';
    5555$lang['Search tags'] = "Search keywords";
    56 $lang['show tag cloud'] = "show keywords ungrouped";
     56$lang['show tag cloud'] = 'show keywords cloud';
    5757$lang['Tag results for'] = "Keyword results for";
    5858$lang['Tag'] = "Keyword";
    6565$lang['display your favorites photos'] = 'display your favourite photos';
    6666$lang['You are not authorized to access the requested page'] = 'You are not authorised to access the requested page';
    67 $lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Successfully registered; you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!';
     67$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = 'Successfully registered.  You will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!';
    6868$lang['Please, enter a login'] = 'Please enter a login';
    6969$lang['Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error'] = 'Piwigo encountered an irrecoverable error';
    70 ?>
     70$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgotten your password?';
  • branches/2.6/language/gl_ES/common.lang.php

    r26640 r28620  
    2424Language Name: Galego [ES]
    25 Version: 2.6.0
     25Version: 2.6.1
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
  • branches/2.6/language/he_IL/common.lang.php

    r27890 r28620  
    2424Language Name: עברית [IL]
    25 Version: 2.6.1
     25Version: 2.6.2
    2626Language URI:
    2727Author: Piwigo team
    420420$lang['Email'] = 'אימייל';
    421421$lang['%d photos per page'] = '%d תמונות בעמוד';
    422 ?>
     422$lang['No results for'] = 'לא נמצאו תוצאות עבור';
  • branches/2.6/language/he_IL/install.lang.php

    r26461 r28620  
    6565$lang['Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help : %s'] = 'אל תהסס להתייעץ בפורומים שלנו בכל נושא: %s';
    6666$lang['Welcome to your new installation of Piwigo!'] = 'ברוך הבא לגלרית piwigo החדשה שלך';
    67 ?>
     67$lang['localhost or other, supplied by your host provider'] = 'מקומי(localhost)או אחר, המסופק על ידי הספק המארח שלך';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.