Changeset 403 for trunk

Mar 31, 2004, 7:26:31 PM (20 years ago)
  • Category upload admin control panel
3 added
1 deleted
10 edited


  • trunk/admin.php

    r394 r403  
    112112 case 'cat_modify':
    113113   $title = $lang['title_edit_cat'];      $page_valide = true; break;
     114 case 'admin_upload':
     115   $title = $lang['upload'];      $page_valide = true; break;
    114116 case 'infos_images':
    115117   $title = $lang['title_info_images'];   $page_valide = true; break;
    203205  'U_GROUPS'=>add_session_id($link_start.'group_list' ),
    204206  'U_CATEGORIES'=>add_session_id($link_start.'cat_list' ),
     207  'U_UPLOAD'=>add_session_id($link_start.'admin_upload' ),
    205208  'U_WAITING'=>add_session_id($link_start.'waiting' ),
    206209  'U_COMMENTS'=>add_session_id($link_start.'comments' ),
  • trunk/admin/admin_phpinfo.php

    r394 r403  
    6868    $output = preg_replace('#border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600"#', 'border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="95%"', $output);
    6969    $output = preg_replace('#<tr class="v"><td>(.*?<a .*?</a>)(.*?)</td></tr>#s', '<tr class="throw"><td><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>\2</td><td>\1</td></tr></table></td></tr>', $output);
    70     $output = preg_replace('#<td>#', '<td style="{background-color: #9999cc;}">', $output);
     70    $output = preg_replace('#<td>#', '<td style="background-color: #444444;text-align:center;">', $output);
    7171        $output = preg_replace('#<th>#', '<th class="throw">', $output);
    7272    $output = preg_replace('#class="e"#', 'class="row1" nowrap="nowrap"', $output);
  • trunk/admin/cat_list.php

    r394 r403  
    223   if ($category['status'] == 'private')
     223  if ($category['visible'] == 'false')
    224224  {
    225225    $category_image = '<img src="'.PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'template/'.$user['template'].'/admin/images/icon_folder_lock.gif"
    256256        'U_MOVE_UP'=>add_session_id( $url.'up='.$category['id'] ),
    257257        'U_MOVE_DOWN'=>add_session_id( $url.'down='.$category['id'] ),
    258         'U_CAT_EDIT'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat_id='.$row['id'] ),
     258        'U_CAT_EDIT'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat_id='.$category['id'] ),
    259259        'U_CAT_DELETE'=>add_session_id( $url.'delete='.$category['id'] ),
    260         'U_INFO_IMG'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=infos_images&amp;cat_id='.$row['id'] ),
    261         'U_CAT_UPDATE'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=update&amp;update='.$row['id'] )
     260        'U_INFO_IMG'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=infos_images&amp;cat_id='.$category['id'] ),
     261        'U_CAT_UPDATE'=>add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=update&amp;update='.$category['id'] )
    262262        ));
    270270        $template->assign_block_vars('category.virtual' ,array());
    271271  }
    272   $url = add_session_id( './admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat='.$row['id'] );
     272  $url = add_session_id( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat='.$row['id'] );
    273273  if ( $category['nb_images'] > 0 )
    274274  {
  • trunk/admin/cat_modify.php

    r394 r403  
    2626// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    28 include_once( './admin/include/' );
    29 //----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
    30 $sub = $vtp->Open( './template/'.$user['template'].'/admin/cat_modify.vtp' );
    31 $tpl = array( 'remote_site','editcat_confirm','editcat_back','editcat_title1',
    32               'editcat_name','editcat_comment','editcat_status',
    33               'editcat_visible','editcat_visible_info', 'submit',
    34               'editcat_uploadable','cat_virtual','cat_parent' );
    35 templatize_array( $tpl, 'lang', $sub );
     28if( !defined("PHPWG_ROOT_PATH") )
     30        die ("Hacking attempt!");
     32include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/' );
    3634//---------------------------------------------------------------- verification
    37 if ( !is_numeric( $_GET['cat'] ) )
    38 {
    39   $_GET['cat'] = '-1';
    40 }
     35if ( !isset( $_GET['cat_id'] ) || !is_numeric( $_GET['cat_id'] ) )
     37  $_GET['cat_id'] = '-1';
     40$template->set_filenames( array('categories'=>'admin/cat_modify.tpl') );
    4142//--------------------------------------------------------- form criteria check
    4243if ( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) )
    4546  // links for access rights
    4647  $query = 'SELECT status';
    47   $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
    48   $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['cat'];
     48  $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE;
     49  $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['cat_id'];
    4950  $query.= ';';
    5051  $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
    52   $query = 'UPDATE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
     53  $query = 'UPDATE '.CATEGORIES_TABLE;
    5454  $query.= ' SET name = ';
    55   if ( $_POST['name'] == '' )
     55  if ( empty($_POST['name']))
    5656    $query.= 'NULL';
    5757  else
    6060  $query.= ', comment = ';
    61   if ( $_POST['comment'] == '' )
     61  if ( empty($_POST['comment']))
    6262    $query.= 'NULL';
    6363  else
    6666  $query.= ", status = '".$_POST['status']."'";
    6767  $query.= ", visible = '".$_POST['visible']."'";
    6968  if ( isset( $_POST['uploadable'] ) )
    7069    $query.= ", uploadable = '".$_POST['uploadable']."'";
    7877      $query.= $_POST['associate'];
    7978  }
    80   $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['cat'];
     79  $query.= ' WHERE id = '.$_GET['cat_id'];
    8180  $query.= ';';
    8281  mysql_query( $query );
    8685    // deletion of all access for groups concerning this category
    8786    $query = 'DELETE';
    88     $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'group_access';
    89     $query.= ' WHERE cat_id = '.$_GET['cat'];
     87    $query.= ' FROM '.GROUP_ACCESS_TABLE;
     88    $query.= ' WHERE cat_id = '.$_GET['cat_id'];
    9089    mysql_query( $query );
    9190    // deletion of all access for users concerning this category
    9291    $query = 'DELETE';
    93     $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_access';
    94     $query.= ' WHERE cat_id = '.$_GET['cat'];
     92    $query.= ' FROM '.USER_ACCESS_TABLE;
     93    $query.= ' WHERE cat_id = '.$_GET['cat_id'];
    9594    mysql_query( $query );
    9695    // resynchronize all users
    107106    check_favorites( $row['id'] );
    108107  }
    110   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'confirmation' );
    111   $url = add_session_id( './admin.php?page=cat_list' );
    112   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'confirmation.back_url', $url );
    113   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'confirmation' );
    114 }
    115 //------------------------------------------------------------------------ form
    116 $form_action = './admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat='.$_GET['cat'];
    117 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'form_action', add_session_id( $form_action ) );
    119 $query = 'SELECT,name,dir,status,comment,uploadable';
    120 $query.= ',id_uppercat,site_id,galleries_url,visible';
    121 $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories as a, '.PREFIX_TABLE.'sites as b';
    122 $query.= ' WHERE = '.$_GET['cat'];
     108  $template->assign_block_vars('confirmation' ,array());
     111$query = 'SELECT a.*, b.*';
     112$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' as a, '.SITES_TABLE.' as b';
     113$query.= ' WHERE = '.$_GET['cat_id'];
    123114$query.= ' AND a.site_id =';
    124115$query.= ';';
    125 $row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
    127 if ( !isset( $row['dir'] ) ) $row['dir'] = '';
    128 if ( !isset( $row['id_uppercat'] ) ) $row['id_uppercat'] = '';
    130 $result = get_cat_info( $row['id'] );
    131 // cat name
    132 $cat_name = get_cat_display_name( $result['name'], ' - ' );
    133 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'cat:name', $cat_name );
    134 // cat dir
    135 if ( $row['dir'] != '' )
    136 {
    137   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'storage' );
    138   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'storage.dir', $row['dir'] );
    139   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'storage' );
    140 }
    141 else
    142 {
    143   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'virtual' );
    144   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'virtual' );
    145 }
    146 // remote site ?
    147 if ( $row['site_id'] != 1 )
    148 {
    149   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'server' );
    150   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'server.url', $row['galleries_url'] );
    151   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'server' );
    152 }
    153 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'name',    $row['name'] );
    154 if ( !isset( $row['comment'] ) ) $row['comment'] = '';
    155 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'comment', $row['comment'] );
    156 // status : public, private...
    157 $options = get_enums( PREFIX_TABLE.'categories', 'status' );
    158 foreach ( $options as $option  ) {
    159   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'status_option' );
    160   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'status_option.option', $lang[$option] );
    161   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'status_option.value', $option );
    162   if ( $option == $row['status'] )
    163   {
    164     $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'status_option.checked', ' checked="checked"' ); 
    165   }
    166   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'status_option' );
    167 }
    168 // visible : true or false
    169 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'visible_option' );
    170 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.value', 'true' );
    171 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.option', $lang['yes'] );
    172 $checked = '';
    173 if ( $row['visible'] == 'true' )
    174 {
    175   $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    176 }
    177 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.checked', $checked );
    178 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'visible_option' );
    179 $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'visible_option' );
    180 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.value', 'false' );
    181 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.option', $lang['no'] );
    182 $checked = '';
    183 if ( $row['visible'] == 'false' )
    184 {
    185   $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    186 }
    187 $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'visible_option.checked', $checked );
    188 $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'visible_option' );
    189 // uploadable : true or false
    190 // a category can be uploadable if :
    191 //  1. upload is authorized
    192 //  2. category is not virtual
    193 //  3. category is on the main site
    194 if ( $conf['upload_available'] and $row['dir'] != '' and $row['site_id'] == 1 )
    195 {
    196   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'uploadable' );
    197   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'uploadable_option' );
    198   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.value', 'true' );
    199   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.option', $lang['yes'] );
    200   $checked = '';
    201   if ( $row['uploadable'] == 'true' )
    202   {
    203     $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    204   }
    205   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.checked', $checked );
    206   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'uploadable_option' );
    207   $vtp->addSession( $sub, 'uploadable_option' );
    208   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.value', 'false' );
    209   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.option', $lang['no'] );
    210   $checked = '';
    211   if ( $row['uploadable'] == 'false' )
    212   {
    213     $checked = ' checked="checked"';
    214   }
    215   $vtp->setVar( $sub, 'uploadable_option.checked', $checked );
    216   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'uploadable_option' );
    217   $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'uploadable' );
    218 }
     116$category = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
     118// Navigation path
     119$current_category = get_cat_info($_GET['cat_id']);
     120$url = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_list&amp;parent_id=';
     121$navigation = '<a class="" href="'.add_session_id(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_list').'">';
     122$navigation.= $lang['gallery_index'].'</a>-&gt;';
     123$navigation.= get_cat_display_name($current_category['name'], '-&gt;', $url);
     125$form_action = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=cat_modify&amp;cat_id='.$_GET['cat_id'];
     126$access = ($category['status']=='public')?'ACCESS_FREE':'ACCESS_RESTRICTED';
     127$lock = ($category['visible']=='true')?'UNLOCKED':'LOCKED';
     129//----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
     132  'CATEGORIES_NAV'=>$navigation,
     133  'CAT_NAME'=>$category['name'],
     134  'CAT_COMMENT'=>$category['comment'],
     135  'CATEGORY_DIR'=>$category['dir'],
     136  'SITE_URL'=>$category['galleries_url'],
     138  $access=>'checked="checked"',
     139  $lock=>'checked="checked"',
     141  'L_EDIT_CONFIRM'=>$lang['editcat_confirm'],
     142  'L_EDIT_NAME'=>$lang['description'],
     143  'L_STORAGE'=>$lang['storage'],
     144  'L_EDIT_COMMENT'=>$lang['comment'],
     145  'L_EDIT_STATUS'=>$lang['conf_general_access'],
     146  'L_EDIT_STATUS_INFO'=>$lang['cat_access_info'],
     147  'L_ACCESS_FREE'=>$lang['conf_general_access_1'],
     148  'L_ACCESS_RESTRICTED'=>$lang['conf_general_access_2'],
     149  'L_EDIT_LOCK'=>$lang['cat_lock'],
     150  'L_EDIT_LOCK_INFO'=>$lang['cat_lock_info'],
     151  'L_YES'=>$lang['yes'],
     152  'L_NO'=>$lang['no'],
     153  'L_SUBMIT'=>$lang['submit'],
     155  'F_ACTION'=>add_session_id($form_action)
     156  ));
     158if ( !empty($category['dir']))
     160  $template->assign_block_vars('storage' ,array());
     163if ( $category['site_id'] != 1 )
     165  $template->assign_block_vars('storage' ,array());
    219169// can the parent category be changed ? (is the category virtual ?)
    220170if ( $row['dir'] == '' )
    224174  // $conf['max_LOV_categories']
    225175  $query = 'SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_total_categories';
    226   $query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
     176  $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE;
    227177  $query.= ';';
    228178  $countrow = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
    249199  $vtp->closeSession( $sub, 'parent' );
    251202//----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code
    252 $vtp->Parse( $handle , 'sub', $sub );
     203$template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'categories');
  • trunk/category.php

    r394 r403  
    489489  if ( isset( $page['comment'] ) and $page['comment'] != '' )
    490490  {
    491     $template->assign_block_vars('cat_infos.navigation',array('COMMENTS' => $page['cat_comment']));
     491    $template->assign_block_vars('cat_infos.comment',array('COMMENTS' => $page['comment']));
    492492  }
  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r394 r403  
    4040$lang['storage'] = 'Directory';
    4141$lang['edit'] = 'Edit';
     42$lang['authorized'] = 'Authorized';
     43$lang['forbidden'] = 'Forbidden';
    4345// Specific words
    5557$lang['cat_private'] = 'Private category';
    5658$lang['cat_image_info'] = 'Images info';
     59$lang['editcat_status'] = 'Status';
     60$lang['editcat_confirm'] = 'Category informations updated successfully.';
     61$lang['editcat_perm'] = 'To set permissions for this category, click';
     62$lang['cat_upload'] = 'Select uploadable categories';
     63$lang['cat_upload_info'] = 'Only non virtual categories are shown.';
     64$lang['cat_lock'] = 'Lock';
     65$lang['cat_lock_info'] = 'This category will temporary been disabled for maintenance.';
     66$lang['cat_access_info'] = 'Permission management.';
    5868// Titles
    7282$lang['title_waiting'] = 'Pictures waiting for validation';
    74 $lang['menu_add_user'] = 'add';
    75 $lang['menu_list_user'] = 'list';
    7784//Error messages
    7885$lang['conf_err_prefixe'] = 'thumbnail\'s prefix mustn\'t contain any accentued character';
    8289$lang['conf_err_max_user_listbox'] = 'the max user listbox number must be an integer value between 0 and 255';
    8390$lang['cat_error_name'] = 'The name of a category mustn\'t be empty';
     93$lang['conf_confirmation'] = 'Information data registered in database';
     94$lang['conf_general_title'] = 'Main configuration';
     95$lang['conf_general_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster login';
     96$lang['conf_general_webmaster_info'] = 'It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration';
     97$lang['conf_general_mail'] = 'Webmaster mail adress';
     98$lang['conf_general_mail_info'] = 'Visitors will be able to contact by this mail';
     99$lang['conf_general_prefix'] = 'Thumbnail prefix';
     100$lang['conf_general_prefix_info'] = 'Thumbnails use this prefix. Do not fill if your not sure.';
     101$lang['conf_general_access'] = 'Access type';
     102$lang['conf_general_access_1'] = 'Free';
     103$lang['conf_general_access_2'] = 'Restricted';
     104$lang['conf_general_access_info'] = '- free : anyone can enter the site, any visitor can create an account in order to customize the appareance of the website<br />- restricted : the webmaster create accounts. Only registered users can enter the site';
     105$lang['conf_comments'] = 'Users comments';
     106$lang['conf_comments_title'] = 'Configuration of users comments';
     107$lang['conf_comments_show_comments'] = $lang['conf_comments'];
     108$lang['conf_comments_show_comments_info'] = 'display the users comments under each picture ?';
     109$lang['conf_comments_comments_number'] = 'Number of comments per page';
     110$lang['conf_comments_comments_number_info'] = 'number of comments to display on each page. This number is unlimited for a picture. Enter a number between 5 and 50.';
     111$lang['conf_err_comment_number'] = 'The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.';
     112$lang['conf_remote_site_delete_info'] = 'Deleting a remote server will delete all the image and the categories in relation with this server.';
     113$lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Configuration of the users upload';
     114$lang['conf_upload_available'] = 'authorized the upload of pictures';
     115$lang['conf_upload_maxfilesize'] = 'maximum filesize';
     116$lang['conf_upload_maxfilesize_info'] = 'Maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures. Must be a number between 10 and 1000 KB.';
     117$lang['conf_err_upload_maxfilesize'] = 'Maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures must be a number between 10 and 1000 KB.';
     118$lang['conf_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum width';
     119$lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_info'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded images. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
     120$lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum width authorized for the uploaded images must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
     121$lang['conf_upload_maxheight'] = 'maximum height';
     122$lang['conf_upload_maxheight_info'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded images. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
     123$lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum height authorized for the uploaded images must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
     124$lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 'thumbnails maximum width';
     125$lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail_info'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded thumbnails. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
     126$lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded thumbnails must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
     127$lang['conf_upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 'thumbnails maximum height';
     128$lang['conf_upload_maxheight_thumbnail_info'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded thumbnails. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
     129$lang['conf_err_upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded thumbnails must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
     130$lang['conf_default_title'] = 'Default display properties for unregistered visitors and new accounts';
     131$lang['conf_default_language_info'] = 'Default language';
     132$lang['conf_default_theme_info'] = 'Default theme';
     133$lang['conf_session_title'] = 'Sessions configuration';
     134$lang['conf_session_size'] = 'identifier size';
     135$lang['conf_session_size_info'] = '- the longer your identifier is, the more secure your site is<br />- enter a number between 4 and 50';
     136$lang['conf_session_time'] = 'validity period';
     137$lang['conf_session_time_info'] = '- the shorter the validity period is, the more secure your site is<br />- enter a number between 5 and 60, in minutes';
     138$lang['conf_session_key'] = 'keyword';
     139$lang['conf_session_key_info'] = '- the session keyword improve the encoding of the session identifier<br />- enter any sentence shorter than 255 caracters';
     140$lang['conf_general_log_info'] = 'Keep an history of visits on your website ? Visits will be shown in the history section of the administration panel';
     141$lang['conf_general_mail_notification'] = 'Mail notification';
     142$lang['conf_general_mail_notification_info'] = 'Automated mail notification for adminsitrators (and only for them) when a user add a comment or upload a picture.';
     143$lang['conf_comments_validation'] = 'validation';
     144$lang['conf_comments_validation_info'] = 'An administrator validate users posted comments before the becom visible on the site';
     145$lang['conf_comments_forall'] = 'for all ?';
     146$lang['conf_comments_forall_info'] = 'Even guest not registered can post comments';
     147$lang['conf_default_nb_image_per_row_info'] = 'number of pictures for each row by default';
     148$lang['conf_default_nb_row_per_page_info'] = 'number of rows by page by default';
     149$lang['conf_default_short_period_info'] = 'By days. Period within a picture is shown with a red mark. The short period must be superior to 1 day.';
     150$lang['conf_default_long_period_info'] = 'By days. Period within a picture is shown with a green mark. The long period must be superior to the short period.';
     151$lang['conf_default_expand_info'] = 'expand all categories by default in the menu ?';
     152$lang['conf_default_show_nb_comments_info'] = 'show the number of comments for each picture on the thumbnails page';
     153$lang['conf_default_maxwidth_info'] = 'Maximum width for display pictures : picture will have a new width only for display, picture files won\'t be changed. Let empty if you don\'t wish to have a limit.';
     154$lang['conf_default_maxheight_info'] = 'Just as the maximum width, but for the height';
     155$lang['conf_session_cookie'] = 'Authorize cookies';
     156$lang['conf_session_cookie_info'] = 'users won\'t have to log on each visit any more. Less secure.';
    139 $lang['conf_confirmation'] = 'Information data registered in database';
    140 $lang['conf_general_title'] = 'Main configuration';
    141 $lang['conf_general_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster login';
    142 $lang['conf_general_webmaster_info'] = 'It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration';
    143 $lang['conf_general_mail'] = 'Webmaster mail adress';
    144 $lang['conf_general_mail_info'] = 'Visitors will be able to contact by this mail';
    145 $lang['conf_general_prefix'] = 'Thumbnail prefix';
    146 $lang['conf_general_prefix_info'] = 'Thumbnails use this prefix. Do not fill if your not sure.';
    147 $lang['conf_general_access'] = 'Access type';
    148 $lang['conf_general_access_1'] = 'Free';
    149 $lang['conf_general_access_2'] = 'Restricted';
    150 $lang['conf_general_access_info'] = '- free : anyone can enter the site, any visitor can create an account in order to customize the appareance of the website<br />- restricted : the webmaster create accounts. Only registered users can enter the site';
    151 $lang['conf_comments'] = 'Users comments';
    152 $lang['conf_comments_title'] = 'Configuration of users comments';
    153 $lang['conf_comments_show_comments'] = $lang['conf_comments'];
    154 $lang['conf_comments_show_comments_info'] = 'display the users comments under each picture ?';
    155 $lang['conf_comments_comments_number'] = 'Number of comments per page';
    156 $lang['conf_comments_comments_number_info'] = 'number of comments to display on each page. This number is unlimited for a picture. Enter a number between 5 and 50.';
    157 $lang['conf_err_comment_number'] = 'The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.';
    158 $lang['conf_remote_site_delete_info'] = 'Deleting a remote server will delete all the image and the categories in relation with this server.';
    159 $lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Configuration of the users upload';
    160 $lang['conf_upload_available'] = 'authorized the upload of pictures';
    161 $lang['conf_upload_maxfilesize'] = 'maximum filesize';
    162 $lang['conf_upload_maxfilesize_info'] = 'Maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures. Must be a number between 10 and 1000 KB.';
    163 $lang['conf_err_upload_maxfilesize'] = 'Maximum filesize for the uploaded pictures must be a number between 10 and 1000 KB.';
    164 $lang['conf_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum width';
    165 $lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_info'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded images. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
    166 $lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum width authorized for the uploaded images must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
    167 $lang['conf_upload_maxheight'] = 'maximum height';
    168 $lang['conf_upload_maxheight_info'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded images. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
    169 $lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth'] = 'maximum height authorized for the uploaded images must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
    170 $lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 'thumbnails maximum width';
    171 $lang['conf_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail_info'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded thumbnails. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
    172 $lang['conf_err_upload_maxwidth_thumbnail'] = 'Maximum width authorized for the uploaded thumbnails must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
    173 $lang['conf_upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 'thumbnails maximum height';
    174 $lang['conf_upload_maxheight_thumbnail_info'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded thumbnails. Must be a number superior to 10 pixels';
    175 $lang['conf_err_upload_maxheight_thumbnail'] = 'Maximum height authorized for the uploaded thumbnails must be a number superior to 10 pixels.';
    176 $lang['conf_default_title'] = 'Default display properties for unregistered visitors and new accounts';
    177 $lang['conf_default_language_info'] = 'Default language';
    178 $lang['conf_default_theme_info'] = 'Default theme';
    179 $lang['conf_session_title'] = 'Sessions configuration';
    180 $lang['conf_session_size'] = 'identifier size';
    181 $lang['conf_session_size_info'] = '- the longer your identifier is, the more secure your site is<br />- enter a number between 4 and 50';
    182 $lang['conf_session_time'] = 'validity period';
    183 $lang['conf_session_time_info'] = '- the shorter the validity period is, the more secure your site is<br />- enter a number between 5 and 60, in minutes';
    184 $lang['conf_session_key'] = 'keyword';
    185 $lang['conf_session_key_info'] = '- the session keyword improve the encoding of the session identifier<br />- enter any sentence shorter than 255 caracters';
    186 $lang['conf_session_delete'] = 'delete out-of-date sessions';
    187 $lang['conf_session_delete_info'] = 'it is recommanded to empty the database table of session, because out-of-date sessions remains in the database (but it doesn\'t make any security trouble)';
     212$lang['menu_add_user'] = 'add';
     213$lang['menu_list_user'] = 'list';
    188214$lang['user_err_modify'] = 'This user can\'t be modified or deleted';
    189215$lang['user_err_unknown'] = 'This user doesn\'t exist in the database';
    199225$lang['permuser_title'] = 'Restrictions for user';
    200226$lang['permuser_warning'] = 'Warning : a "<span style="font-weight:bold;">forbidden access</span>" to the root of a category prevent from accessing the whole category';
    201 $lang['permuser_authorized'] = 'authorized';
    202 $lang['permuser_forbidden'] = 'forbidden';
    203228$lang['permuser_parent_forbidden'] = 'parent category forbidden';
    204229$lang['listuser_confirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete this user';
    218 $lang['editcat_confirm'] = 'Information registered in the database';
    219 $lang['editcat_title1'] = 'Options for the';
    220 $lang['editcat_name'] = 'Name';
    221 $lang['editcat_comment'] = 'Comment';
    222 $lang['editcat_status'] = 'Status';
    223245$lang['infoimage_general'] = 'General options for the category';
    224246$lang['infoimage_useforall'] = 'use for all pictures ?';
    277299$lang['title_group_perm'] = 'Modify permissions for group';
    278300$lang['title_picmod'] = 'Modify informations about a picture';
    279 $lang['conf_general_log_info'] = 'Keep an history of visits on your website ? Visits will be shown in the history section of the administration panel';
    280 $lang['conf_general_mail_notification'] = 'Mail notification';
    281 $lang['conf_general_mail_notification_info'] = 'Automated mail notification for adminsitrators (and only for them) when a user add a comment or upload a picture.';
    282 $lang['conf_comments_validation'] = 'validation';
    283 $lang['conf_comments_validation_info'] = 'An administrator validate users posted comments before the becom visible on the site';
    284 $lang['conf_comments_forall'] = 'for all ?';
    285 $lang['conf_comments_forall_info'] = 'Even guest not registered can post comments';
    286 $lang['conf_default_nb_image_per_row_info'] = 'number of pictures for each row by default';
    287 $lang['conf_default_nb_row_per_page_info'] = 'number of rows by page by default';
    288 $lang['conf_default_short_period_info'] = 'By days. Period within a picture is shown with a red mark. The short period must be superior to 1 day.';
    289 $lang['conf_default_long_period_info'] = 'By days. Period within a picture is shown with a green mark. The long period must be superior to the short period.';
    290 $lang['conf_default_expand_info'] = 'expand all categories by default in the menu ?';
    291 $lang['conf_default_show_nb_comments_info'] = 'show the number of comments for each picture on the thumbnails page';
    292 $lang['conf_default_maxwidth_info'] = 'Maximum width for display pictures : picture will have a new width only for display, picture files won\'t be changed. Let empty if you don\'t wish to have a limit.';
    293 $lang['conf_default_maxheight_info'] = 'Just as the maximum width, but for the height';
    294 $lang['conf_session_cookie'] = 'authorize cookies';
    295 $lang['conf_session_cookie_info'] = 'users won\'t have to log on each visit any more. Less secure.';
    296301$lang['adduser_associate'] = 'Associate to group';
    297302$lang['group_add'] = 'Add a group';
    301306$lang['group_list_title'] = 'List of existing groups';
    302307$lang['group_err_unknown'] = 'This group doesn\'t exist in the database';
    303 $lang['cat_first'] = 'Move first';
    304 $lang['cat_last'] = 'Move last';
    305 $lang['editcat_visible_info'] = '(invisible but for administrators)';
    306 $lang['editcat_visible'] = 'Visible';
    307 $lang['editcat_uploadable'] = 'Upload available';
    308308$lang['infoimage_keyword_separation'] = '(separate with coma ",")';
    309309$lang['infoimage_addtoall'] = 'add to all';
    321321$lang['permuser_only_private'] = 'Only private categories are shown';
    322322$lang['waiting_update'] = 'Validated pictures will be displayed only once pictures database updated';
    323 $lang['conf_upload_available_info'] = 'Authorizing the upload of pictures by users on the categories of the website (not on a remote server). This is general parameter, it is needed to authorize upload category by category, by default, no category is "uploadable".';
    324323$lang['cat_unknown_id'] = 'This category is unknown in the database';
    325324$lang['install_warning'] = 'The file "install.php" is still present. Please remove it from your server. It is not secure to keep it.';
  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php

    r400 r403  
    4141$lang['thumbnails'] = 'Thumbnails';
    4242$lang['search'] = 'Search';
    43 $lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
    4443$lang['comment'] = 'Comment';
    4544$lang['comments'] = 'Comments';
    4948$lang['yes'] = 'Yes';
    5049$lang['date'] = 'Date';
     50$lang['description'] = 'Description';
     52// Form words
     53$lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
     54$lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
     55$lang['reset'] = 'Reset';
    5257// Identification
    5661$lang['customize'] = 'Customize';
    5762$lang['new'] = 'New';
    58 $lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
    5963$lang['identification'] = 'Identification';
    112116$lang['registration_date'] = 'registered on';
    113117$lang['creation_date'] = 'created on';
    114 $lang['comment'] = 'comment';
    115118$lang['author'] = 'author';
    116119$lang['size'] = 'size';
    186189$lang['upload_username'] = 'Username';
    187190$lang['upload_successful'] = 'Picture uploaded with success, an administrator will validate it as soon as possible';
    188 // new or modified in release 1.3
    189 $lang['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
    191192$lang['guest'] = 'guest';
  • trunk/template/default/admin.tpl

    r394 r403  
    6161<div class="home">
    6262  <div class="titrePage">{PAGE_TITLE}</div>
    63   {ADMIN_CONTENT}
     63  <div align="center">{ADMIN_CONTENT}</div>
    6565        </td>
  • trunk/template/default/category.tpl

    r394 r403  
    100100                          <!-- END navigation -->
    101101                          <!-- BEGIN comment -->
    102                           <div class="comments">{cat_infos.comment.COMMENTS}</div>
     102                          <div class="info">{cat_infos.comment.COMMENTS}</div>
    103103                          <!-- END comment -->
    104104                          <div class="infoCat">
  • trunk/template/default/default.css

    r394 r403  
    224 input,select {
     224input,select,textarea {
    225225 text-indent:2px;
    226226 background-color:#505050;
    263263/* Other styles */ {
    265   color:#E0E0E0;
    266   background-color:#444444;
    267   margin-bottom:5px;
     265  color:#FFF48E;
     266  margin:5px 0px 5px 0px
    268267  white-space:nowrap;
    269   margin-left:5px;
    270   margin-right:5px;
    271   text-align:right;
     268  text-align:center;
     269  font-size:16px;
    273271.menuInfoCat {
    310308  padding:5px;
    313 .tableComment,.cellAuthor,.cellInfo {
    314   border-color:#E0E0E0;
    315   border-style:solid;
    316 }
    317 .tableComment {
    318   width:100%;
    319   border-width:2px;
    320   text-align:left;
    321   padding: 10px;
    322 }
    323 .cellAuthor {
    324   border-width:0px;
    325   border-right-width:1px;
    326   width:20%;
    327 }
    328 .cellInfo {
    329   border-width:0px;
    330   border-bottom-width:1px;
    331 }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.