Dec 13, 2009, 10:28:25 PM (14 years ago)

[Event Cats] Continue EN translation ; fix bugs 1324 and 1325

1 edited


  • extensions/event_cats/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r4472 r4486  
    203203// Help banner
     204// Entries tab
     205$lang['ec_help_banner1_entries']   = '<ul><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/disable.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Make entry outdated</span>: to make a code unusable any more, but with a customized message;</li><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/nforced.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Force</span>: to make impossible to reach other pages by modifying the URL;<li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/forced.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Don\'t force</span>: to be able to use the same code to reach different pages;</li><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/duplicate.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Copy</span>: to create a new entry using the same code but heading to a different page;</li><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/url2.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Test</span>: to check whether it works or not ;-)&nbsp;;</li><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/delete.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Delete</span>: Delete entry;</li><li style = "list-style-image:url(plugins/event_cats/icon/modify.png);"><span style = "font-weight:bold;">Modify</span>: Modify entry.</ul>';
     207// New entry tab, general case
     208$lang['ec_help_banner1_new_c']   = 'Link here a <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">code</span> to an <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">identified user</span> and to a <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">displayed page</span>; it will create a corresponding URL in tab "Autolog entries", and you will then be able to copy and transmit it to concerned people. (It is too complicated, too heavy to provide here a list of all images, thus you must mark an image identifier ("<span style = "font-weight:bold;">Image id</span>"), if you want to use this field.) <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Generate a username</span> and <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Full auto</span>: select a <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">displayed page</span> first, as the username creation is based on the name of this page. <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Comment</span>: memo, personal note, visible only in administration part. <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Existing code</span>: to use the same code to identify the same account, making it head to another displayed page. Displayed page <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Forced</span>: to impose the displayed page whatever are the parameters <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">&cat=</span>, <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">&img=</span>, <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">&ap=</span> in the URL.';
     210// New entry tab, "copy an entry" (duplicate entry) case
     211$lang['ec_help_banner2_new_c']     = 'If you wish to provide access to another event (thus a different category) to the same group of people for which you had alreday created an entry, you can provide them the same <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">code</span> (of course associated to the same <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">identified user</span>), and head the account to a different <span style = "font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;">displayed page</span>. <span style = "font-weight:bold;">Reset</span> to come back to a "normal" entry creation.';
    205214unset($t_ap1, $t_ap2);
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