Sep 1, 2010, 6:48:53 PM (14 years ago)

Bug correction :
bug:0001837 : there is now a default translation file (in english), so the application won't crash when a translation is not found
bug:0001833 : the accents are manage when creating a new category
bug:0001832 : on a right click on the categories list, the selection is now visible
bug:0001830 : there is no bug on refreshing the categories tree

Features :
feature:001828 : exif and iptc tags are kept after resizing an image
feature:001827 : pwg.images.addChunk is now fully used : images are split into chunks before being sent

Other features :

  • The user can manage his preferences :

-The web images size
-The chunks size

  • The user can save the login informations (url, login, password) /!\ in a plain text file !
1 added

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