Dec 14, 2010, 6:36:16 PM (13 years ago)

lv_LV translation update (thx to Aivars Baldone)

1 edited


  • extensions/NBC_UserAdvManager/trunk/language/lv_LV/help/plugin.lang.php

    r8135 r8137  
    1414$lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Pēcreģistrācijas un citas iespējas (options)';
    15 $lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    16 - Ghost (neredzamo) lietotāju pārvaldība<br>
    17 - Sekojošie reģistrētie lietotāji<br>
    18 - Viesu komentāriem obligāts Nikneims (iesauka)<br>
    19 ...
    20 ';
    2115$lang['UAM_casenTitle'] = 'Lietotājvārdi: Reģistrjutīgs';
    2216$lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Lietotājvārdi: Rakstzīmju izņēmumi';
    166 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.7
    167 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Gestion automatique des utilisateurs
    168 fantomes';
    169 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet d\'appliquer
    170 des règles de gestion automatisée des visiteurs fantômes. Lorsque ce
    171 mode est actif, on partira du principe qu\'un visiteur ayant atteind la
    172 limite maximale entre deux visites et ayant déjà été notifié par mail
    173 est considéré comme expiré.';
    174 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle'] = 'Suppression automatique des
    175 comptes expirés';
    176 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle_d'] = 'Supprime automatiquement le
    177 compte d\'un utilisateur lorsque celui-ci est expiré. La suppression
    178 survient lors de la connexion de l\'utilisateur qui est alors redirigé
    179 vers une page annonçant que sont compte a été détruit. Un texte
    180 personnalisé peut être saisi dans le champ ci-dessous.<br>
    181 Ce champ est compatible avec l\'extension FCK Editor et, pour une
    182 utilisation multi-langues, vous pouvez utiliser les balises [lang] du
    183 plugin Extended Description si celui-ci est actif.<br><br>
    184 Note : Lorsque cette option est active, les autres règles automatiques
    185 ne sont pas accessibles.';
    186 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle'] = 'Changement automatique de groupe /
    187 statut';
    188 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'Changement automatique de groupe
    189 / statut';
    190 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Emailing automatique des comptes
    191 expirés';
    192 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'Emailing automatique des
    193 comptes expirés';
    194 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.7
    197160// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
     161/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle_d'] = 'Also called &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot;, when this function is activated, you can manage your visitors depending on the frequency of their visits. 2 operating modes are available:<br><br>
     162- Manual management : When the time between 2 visits is reached,, the visitor appears in the &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; table where you will be able to remind visitors via email or delete him.<br><br>
     163- Automated management : When the period between 2 successive visits is reached, the visitor is automatically deleted or moved into a wait group and/or status. In this second case, an information email can be sent to him.<br><br>
     164<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note : If you enable this feature for the first time or you have reactivated after a long period off during which new visitors are registered, you must initialize or reset the Ghost Tracker (see corresponding instructions on &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; tab).</b>';
     165/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
     166- Automatic or manual management of ghosts users<br>
     167- Followed registered users<br>
     168- Nickname mandatory for guests comments<br>
    198171$lang['UAM_mailexcTitle_d'] = 'Pēc noklusējuma Piwigo atbalsta visas e-pasta adreses formātā xxx@yyy.zz. Šīs opcijas iespējošana ļauj izslēgt no adresēm noteiktus domēnus formātā: @
    221194Spraudni instalējot, aizpildītais teksts ir piedāvāts kā paraugs).<br><br>
    222195Lai izmantotu vairākas valodas, jūs varat lietot Paplašinātā apraksta spraudņa tagus (gadījumā, ja tas ir aktīvs).';
     196/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
     197/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
     198<br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
     199<br><br>The triggering of these automation is achieved when connecting users (any user!) to the gallery.';
     200/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
     201/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle_d'] = 'This is only valid when the user whose account has expired itself triggers the deletion mechanism (rare but possible). he\'s then disconnected of the gallery and redirected to a page showing the deletion of his account and, possibly, the reasons for this deletion.<br><br>
     202Custom text for the redirect page can be entered in this field that is compatible with the FCK Editor and, for multi-languages, you can use the tags [lang] of the plugin Extended description if it\'s active.';
     203/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle'] = 'Automatic change of group / status';
     204/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
     205<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
     206/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status';
     207/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When an account is expired (group / status change demoting the visitor), an email information can be sent to clarify the reasons for this change and the means to recover the initial access to the gallery.
     208<br>To do this, a link to revalidation of registration is attached to the email (automatic generation of a new validation key).<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>If the user has already been notified, his account is automatically destroyed.</b>
     209<br><br>Enter the custom text that also explain the reasons for the demotion, to accompany the validation link. The custom text is not mandatory but strongly recommended. In fact, your visitors will not appreciate receiving an email containing only a single link without further explanation. ;-)
     210<br><br>To use multiple languages, you can use the Extended description plugin\'s tags if it is active.
     211<br><br><b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: The use of this function is intimately associated with the confirmation of registration by the user (confirmation by mail) and can not be activated without this option.</b>';
     212/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notification of manual registration validation';
     213/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail_d'] = 'When an administrator or Webmaster of the gallery manually valid registration pending, a notification email is automatically sent to the user. Enter here the text that appears in this email.<br><br>
     214To use multiple languages, you can use the Extended description plugin\'s tags if it is active.';
    223215// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
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