Changeset 881 for trunk/language

Oct 8, 2005, 12:04:53 AM (19 years ago)
  • new: mass virtual categories movement manager in Administration>Categories>Move screen.
2 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r876 r881  
    2828$lang['%d categories including %d physical and %d virtual'] = '%d categories including %d physical and %d virtual';
     29$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d categories moved';
    2930$lang['%d comments'] = '%d comments';
    3031$lang['%d elements'] = '%d elements';
    8384$lang['Members'] = 'Members';
    8485$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Metadata synchronized from file';
     86$lang['Move categories'] = 'Move categories';
    8587$lang['Move'] = 'Move';
    8688$lang['Name'] = 'Name';
     89$lang['New parent category'] = 'New parent category';
    8790$lang['No'] = 'No';
    8891$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Number of comments per page';
    130133$lang['Validate'] = 'Validate';
    131134$lang['Validation'] = 'Validation';
     135$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Virtual categories movement';
     136$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtual categories to move';
    132137$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Webmaster cannot be deleted';
    133138$lang['Yes'] = 'Yes';
    134139$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'You are running on development sources, no check possible.';
    135140$lang['You are running the latest version of PhpWebGallery.'] = 'You are running the latest version of PhpWebGallery.';
     141$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'You cannot move a category in its own sub category';
    136142$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'You need to confirm deletion';
    137143$lang['actions'] = 'actions';
  • trunk/language/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php

    r876 r881  
    2828$lang['%d categories including %d physical and %d virtual'] = '%d catégories dont %d physiques et %d virtuelles';
     29$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d catégories déplacées';
    2930$lang['%d comments'] = '%d commentaires utilisateur';
    3031$lang['%d elements'] = '%d éléments';
    8384$lang['Members'] = 'Membres';
    8485$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Meta-données synchronisées à partir du fichier';
     86$lang['Move categories'] = 'Déplacer les catégories';
    8587$lang['Move'] = 'Déplacer';
    8688$lang['Name'] = 'Nom';
     89$lang['New parent category'] = 'Nouvelle catégorie parente';
    8790$lang['No'] = 'Non';
    8891$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Nombre de commentaires utilisateur par page';
    130133$lang['Validate'] = 'Valider';
    131134$lang['Validation'] = 'Validation';
     135$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Déplacement de catégories virtuelles';
     136$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Catégories virtuelles à déplacer';
    132137$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Le webmestre ne peut pas être supprimé';
    133138$lang['Yes'] = 'Oui';
    134139$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Vous travaillez avec les sources de développement, impossible de vérifier la dernière version.';
    135140$lang['You are running the latest version of PhpWebGallery.'] = 'Vous utilisez la dernière version de PhpWebGallery.';
     141$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer une catégorie dans sa propre sous-catégorie';
    136142$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Vous devez confirmer la suppression';
    137143$lang['actions'] = 'actions';
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