Feb 25, 2011, 12:22:52 AM (13 years ago)

Rewritten version of Community plugin :

  • user upload (web form on gallery side)
  • precise permission manage (who, where, with moderation or not, ability to create sub-albums)
  • email notification to administrators when photos are uploaded

Requires Piwigo 2.2.0RC3

12 deleted
3 edited


  • extensions/community/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r3993 r9372  
    2020// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    22 $lang['Community'] = 'Community';
    23 $lang['Add permissions'] = 'Add permissions';
    24 $lang['Permission level'] = 'Permission level';
    25 $lang['Community level 1'] = 'add photos';
    26 $lang['Community level 2'] = 'add photos + categories';
    27 $lang['community permissions "%s" added/updated for "%s"'] = 'community permissions "%s" added/updated for "%s"';
    28 $lang['community permissions "%s" removed for "%s"'] = 'community permissions "%s" removed for "%s"';
     22$lang['Add a permission'] = 'Add a permission';
     23$lang['Who?'] = 'Who?';
     24$lang['any visitor'] = 'any visitor';
     25$lang['any registered user'] = 'any registered user';
     26$lang['a specific user'] = 'a specific user';
     27$lang['a group'] = 'a group';
     28$lang['Where?'] = 'Where?';
     29$lang['The whole gallery'] = 'The whole gallery';
     30$lang['ability to create sub-albums'] = 'ability to create sub-albums';
     31$lang['Which level of trust?'] = 'Which level of trust?';
     32$lang['sub-albums creation'] = 'sub-albums creation';
     33$lang['Upload Permissions'] = 'Upload Permissions';
     34$lang['Pending Photos'] = 'Pending Photos';
     35$lang['Permission added'] = 'Permission added';
     36$lang['Permission removed'] = 'Permission removed';
     37$lang['%s (the user)'] = '%s (the user)';
     38$lang['%s (the group)'] = '%s (the group)';
     39$lang['low trust'] = 'low trust';
     40$lang['uploaded photos must be validated by an administrator'] = 'uploaded photos must be validated by an administrator';
     41$lang['high trust'] = 'high trust';
     42$lang['uploaded photos are directly displayed in the gallery'] = 'uploaded photos are directly displayed in the gallery';
     43$lang['%d photos validated'] = '%d photos validated';
     44$lang['%d photos rejected'] = '%d photos rejected';
     45$lang['web size'] = 'web size';
     46$lang['Zoom'] = 'Zoom';
     47$lang['Upload your own photos'] = 'Upload your own photos';
     48$lang['%d photos uploaded by %s'] = '%d photos uploaded by %s';
     49$lang['Validation page: %s'] = 'Validation page: %s';
     50$lang['%d photos uploaded into album "%s"'] = '%d photos uploaded into album "%s"';
     51$lang['Hi administrators,'] = 'Hi administrators,';
  • extensions/community/language/fr_FR/description.txt

    r4842 r9372  
    1 Permettre à des utilisateurs d'ajouter des photos avec pLoader
     1Permet aux utilisateurs d'ajouter des photos sans être administrateur
  • extensions/community/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r3673 r9372  
    33// | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery                                  |
    44// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    5 // | Copyright(C) 2009      Pierrick LE GALL             http://piwigo.org |
     5// | Copyright(C) 2008-2011 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
     6// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team    http://phpwebgallery.net |
     7// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL   http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
    68// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    79// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
    2022// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    22 $lang['Community'] = 'Communauté';
    23 $lang['Add permissions'] = 'Ajouter des permissions';
    24 $lang['Permission level'] = 'Niveau de permission';
    25 $lang['Community level 1'] = 'ajouter des photos';
    26 $lang['Community level 2'] = 'ajouter des photos + categories';
    27 $lang['community permissions "%s" added/updated for "%s"'] = 'permissions communautaires "%s" ajoutées ou mises à jour pour "%s"';
    28 $lang['community permissions "%s" removed for "%s"'] = 'permissions communautaires "%s" supprimées pour "%s"';
     24$lang['Add a permission'] = 'Ajouter une permission';
     25$lang['Who?'] = 'Qui ?';
     26$lang['any visitor'] = 'n\'importe quel visiteur';
     27$lang['any registered user'] = 'n\'importe quel utilisateur enregistré';
     28$lang['a specific user'] = 'un utilisateur en particulier';
     29$lang['a group'] = 'un groupe';
     30$lang['Where?'] = 'Où ?';
     31$lang['The whole gallery'] = 'La galerie toute entière';
     32$lang['ability to create sub-albums'] = 'possibilité de créer des sous-albums';
     33$lang['Which level of trust?'] = 'Quel degré de confiance ?';
     34$lang['sub-albums creation'] = 'création de sous-albums';
     35$lang['Upload Permissions'] = 'Permissions d\'ajout';
     36$lang['Pending Photos'] = 'Photos en attente';
     37$lang['Permission added'] = 'Permission enregistrée';
     38$lang['Permission removed'] = 'Permission supprimée';
     39$lang['%s (the user)'] = '%s (l\'utilisateur)';
     40$lang['%s (the group)'] = '%s (le groupe)';
     41$lang['low trust'] = 'confiance faible';
     42$lang['uploaded photos must be validated by an administrator'] = 'les photos ajoutées doivent être validées par un administrateur';
     43$lang['high trust'] = 'confiance élevée';
     44$lang['uploaded photos are directly displayed in the gallery'] = 'les photos ajoutées sont directement visibles dans la galerie';
     45$lang['%d photos validated'] = '%d photos validées';
     46$lang['%d photos rejected'] = '%d photos rejetées';
     47$lang['web size'] = 'taille web';
     48$lang['Zoom'] = 'Zoom';
     49$lang['Upload your own photos'] = 'Ajoutez vos propres photos';
     50$lang['%d photos uploaded by %s'] = '%d photos ajoutées par %s';
     51$lang['Validation page: %s'] = 'Page de validation : %s';
     52$lang['%d photos uploaded into album "%s"'] = '%d photos ajoutée à l\'album "%s"';
     53$lang['Hi administrators,'] = 'Bonjours chers administrateurs,';
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