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Virtual AutoGrant [{$VAG.Ver}]

{'New virtual categories will be assumed private, access granted to creator and webmaster and/or uploaded pictures will have "Who can see" set to creator privacy level'|@translate}

{'Virtual AutoGrant configuration'|@translate}
{'All new virtual categories will be set private'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}
{'Categories created by the Piwigo API will be set private'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}
{'Grant access to creator'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}
{'Grant access to default webmaster'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate} (*)
{'Force "Who can see" at the creator privacy level'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}
{'"Who can see" is free on webmasters uploads'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}
{'"Who can see" is free for private categories'|@translate} {'On'|@translate} {'Off'|@translate}

(*) : {'Only the default webmaster can change this option.'|@translate}

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