{combine_css path=$OAUTH_PATH|cat:"admin/template/style.css"} {combine_css path=$OAUTH_PATH|cat:'template/oauth_sprites.css'} {footer_script}{literal} jQuery("select.enable").change(function() { var $top = $(this).closest("div.provider"); var p = $top.data('p'); if ($(this).val()=='true') { $top.find("td.keys").show(); $top.removeClass('disabled'); $top.addClass('enabled'); } else { $top.find("td.keys").hide(); $top.removeClass('enabled'); $top.addClass('disabled'); } }); jQuery("#close_help").click(function() { jQuery("#help_container").animate({"margin-right": "-550px"}, 'fast'); return false; }); jQuery(".open-help").click(function() { var $top = $(this).closest("div.provider"); var p = $top.data('p'); $("#help_container h5").html($top.find("h4").html()); $("#help_container div").html($top.find("div.help").html()); $("#help_container").animate({"margin-right": "0px"}, 'fast'); return false; }); {/literal}{/footer_script}


{foreach from=$PROVIDERS item=provider key=p}


{if $provider.new_app_link} {/if}

{if $provider.require_client_id} {else} {/if}
{if $provider.new_app_link}
  1. {'Go to %s and create a new application'|@translate|sprintf:$provider.new_app_link:$provider.new_app_link}
  2. {if $p=='Google'}
  3. {'On the API Access tab, create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID'|@translate}
  4. {'Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'|@translate}
  5. {'On the Create Client ID popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on (more options)'|@translate}
  6. {else}
  7. {'Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'|@translate}
  8. {/if} {if $provider.callback}
  9. {assign var=callback value=$OAUTH_CALLBACK|cat:$p} {'Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: %s'|@translate|sprintf:$callback}
  10. {/if} {if $p=='Live'}
  11. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Redirect Domain':$SERVERNAME}
  12. {elseif $p=='Facebook'}
  13. {'Set the %s to %s'|@translate|sprintf:'application type':'Website with facebook authentication'}
  14. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Site Url, App Domains':$SERVERNAME}
  15. {elseif $p=='LinkedIn'}
  16. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Website URL':$SERVERNAME}
  17. {'Set the %s to %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Application Type':'Web Application'}
  18. {elseif $p=='Yahoo'}
  19. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Application URL, Application Domain':$SERVERNAME}
  20. {'Set the %s to %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Kind of Application':'Web-based'}
  21. {'Set the %s to %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Access Scopes':'This app will only access public...'}
  22. {'Once the application is registered update the permissions : set Contacts as Read and Social Directory as Read Public'|@translate}
  23. {elseif $p=='Twitter'}
  24. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Application Website, Application Callback URL':$SERVERNAME}
  25. {'Set the %s to %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Default Access Type':'Read only'}
  26. {elseif $p=='Tumblr'}
  27. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Application Website, Default Callback URL':$SERVERNAME}
  28. {elseif $p=='Instagram'}
  29. {'Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'|@translate|sprintf:'Website':$SERVERNAME}
  30. {/if}
  31. {'Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'|@translate}

{'No registration required for OpenID based providers'|@translate}


Icons from : WPZOOM | Library : HybridAuth