{footer_script}{literal} $('form#pla').submit(function() { window.location.href = $(this).attr('action') + '&plugin_id=' + $(this).find('select').val(); return false; }); {/literal}{/footer_script}
{'Select a plugin'|translate}

{'How to use?'|translate}

This tool analyses each file of the selected plugin, searching for l10n, l10n_dec and translate functions.
Then it compares the matched strings to the content of the plugin's language files and the common and admin core language files.
Each file of the plugin can be configured as Common (public) or Admin and can be attached to one or more plugin's language files.

When the analysis is complete, each string can have one of these three status :

missing :
not in the plugin language file
AND not in the common language file
    belonging to at least one common file
    OR not in the admin language file
useless :
in the plugin language file
    in the common language file
    OR (
        not belonging to any common file
        AND in the admin language file
ok :
any other case

You can click the icon on the left of each string to see in which files it is used. Additionally you can see if the string is missing in only one or all files (corresponding to a problem in the loaded language files.


For both core and plugin dependencies, we assume that the language files are loaded at the beginning of the file and available for the whole file. In practice this is not true because of functions, triggers, pre-filters, etc.