{literal} {/literal}

{'Ldap_Login Plugin'|@translate}

{"If the LDAP doesn't furnish the mail address, users can set it up in the profile page."|@translate}
{'Ldap_Login configuration'|@translate}

{if $ALLOW_NEWUSERS} {else} {/if} {'Do you allow new piwigo users to be created when users authenticate succesfully on the ldap ?'|@translate}

{'Users members of this ldap group (e.g.: piwigo,users ... , default is void ) can authenticate on piwigo and are created if the option above is selected. If left blank, everyone can authenticate.'|@translate}

{if $ADVERTISE_ADMINS} {else} {/if} {'Do you want admins to be advertised by mail in case of new users creation upon ldap login ?'|@translate}

{if $SEND_CASUAL_MAIL} {else} {/if} {'Do you want to send mail to the new users, like casual piwigo users receive ?'|@translate}