{html_head}{literal} {/literal}{/html_head}

{'Hotlink Compatibility'|@translate}



{/if} {if $FILE_ERROR}

{'Piwigo can\'t create or modify the .htaccess, you would have to do it manually if you want to apply this upgrade. Here is what you must put in the file:'|@translate}

{/if} {if $REWRITE_ERROR}

{'You already have a .htaccess file but it blocks the rewrite engine (line RewriteEngine off), please remove this line to allow Piwigo to apply the upgrade.'|@translate}

{/if} {if $HOST_WARNING}

{'Your gallery is hosted by a service known to have issues with URL Rewriting, you apply this upgrade at your own risk.'|@translate}

{/if} {if $NO_ERROR}

{if $HOST_WARNING} {'Apply upgrade anyway'|@translate} {else}
{'Apply upgrade'|@translate} {/if}
