{* variables to be set => by plugin: $AK_BY_LINE : thumbnails columns $thumbnails[*]['AK_URL']): additional url to reloader ./picloader.php?cat=xx/yyy $AK_NAV_PREV (explode($NAV_BAR)): url to previous index (save it in session) $AK_NAV_NEXT (explode($NAV_BAR)): url to next index (save it in session) Save all current image ids in session to reduce the reloader workload. => by plugin and reloader: $AK_PIC_SRC : src of new current pic $AK_PIC_ALT : alt of new current pic $AK_PIC_TITLE : title of new current pic $AK_PREVIOUS['U_PIC'] : additional url to reloader of previous pic (or url to previous index, taken from session) $AK_PREVIOUS['load'] = if reloadable 'load ' else '' $AK_PREVIOUS['TITLE'] : title of previous pic $AK_NEXT['U_PIC'] : additional url to reloader of next pic (or url to next index, taken from session) $AK_NEXT['load'] = if reloadable 'load ' else '' $AK_NEXT['TITLE'] : title of next pic $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC : Thumbnails location $AK_SHOW_OVER : hover or click *} {assign var=temp value=$TITLE|@strripos:''} {assign var=akUP value=$akUP|@substr:0:$temp} {assign var=akUP value=$akUP|@substr:9}
{'home'|@translate} {if !empty($akUP)} {'thumbnails'|@translate} {/if}
{if !empty($thumbnails)} {if $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'top' or $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'bottom'} {else}
{/if} {if $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'top'} {include file=$AK_HORIZONTAL_TPL|@get_extent:'horizontal_thumbs'} {/if} {if $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'left'} {include file=$AK_VERTICAL_TPL|@get_extent:'vertical_thumbs'} {/if} {if $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'right'} {include file=$AK_VERTICAL_TPL|@get_extent:'vertical_thumbs'} {/if} {if $AK_THUMBNAILS_LOC == 'bottom'} {include file=$AK_HORIZONTAL_TPL|@get_extent:'horizontal_thumbs'} {/if}
{* Picture *} {include file=$AK_RELOADED_IMAGE_TPL|@get_extent:'picture_reload'}
{/if} {known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|cat:"template-common/lib/jquery.packed.js"} {html_head} {/html_head}