{include file='include/tag_selection.inc.tpl'} {include file='include/datepicker.inc.tpl'} {literal} {/literal} {known_script id="jquery.fcbkcomplete" src=$ROOT_URL|@cat:"themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.fcbkcomplete.js"} {/literal}

{'Batch management'|@translate}


{if !empty($thumbnails)}

{'global mode'|@translate} | {'unit mode'|@translate}

{'Display options'|@translate}

{'elements per page'|@translate}: 20 | 50 | 100 | {'all'|@translate}


{'Select:'|@translate} {'All'|@translate}, {'None'|@translate}, {'Invert'|@translate} {'All %u photos of this page are selected.'|@translate|@sprintf:$nb_thumbs_page} {'Select all %d photos of the current set.'|@translate|@sprintf:$nb_thumbs_set} {'All %u photos of the current are selected.'|@translate|@sprintf:$nb_thumbs_set}

{if !empty($thumbnails)} {/if} {if !empty($navbar) }
{include file='navigation_bar.tpl'|@get_extent:'navbar'}
{'display'|@translate} 20 · 50 · 100 · {'all'|@translate} thumbnails per page
No photo selected, no action possible.

{'Note: photo deletion does not apply to photos added by synchronization. For photos added by synchronization, remove them from the filesystem and then perform another synchronization.'|@translate}



{assign var='authorDefaultValue' value='Type here the author name'}

{assign var='nameDefaultValue' value='Type here the name name'}


{'Caddie is currently empty'|@translate}
