{html_head} {known_script id="jquery" src=$ROOT_URL|cat:"themes/default/js/jquery.packed.js"} {known_script id="colorpicker" src="$PWG_CUMULUS_PLUGIN_JS/colorpicker.js"} {literal} {/literal} {/html_head}

{'Cumulus Tags Cloud Plugin'|@translate}

{'That plugin display tags using a flash movie that rotates them in 3D. It works like a regular tags cloud but in a more amazing and exciting way.'|@translate}

{'Vous can choose that mode for tags default display mode by adding (or changing) in the configuration file'|@translate} include/config_local.inc.php :

$conf['tags_default_display_mode'] = 'cumulus';
{'Animation width and height'|@translate}

{'Tags size'|@translate}

{'Animation colors'|@translate}