
#31 2010-07-13 11:40:13

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation


the last list before commit admin part ;-)

$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Theme has been successfully installed';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Visit the gallery';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Visit Piwigo project website';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Guest settings';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Main page';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Photo page';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Activate navigation bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Activate navigation thumbnails';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Activate icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Activate field "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Photo properties';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Allow user customization';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Languages';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installed Languages';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Add New Language';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Language has been successfully installed';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Select:';
$lang['None'] = 'None';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Invert';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Webmaster status is required.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Bound Theme';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Allow rating';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'Select at least one comment';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active Plugins';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Inactive Plugins';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Missing Plugins';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Uninstalled Plugins';
$lang['By %s'] = 'By %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Visit plugin site';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active Languages';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Delete this language';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Forbid this language to users';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'Inactive Languages';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Make this language available to users';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'Set as default language for unregistered and new users';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'Add Photos';
$lang['Download'] = 'Download';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'The following tag was deleted';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Miscellaneous';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'User Upload';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Virtual Links';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'There is no other language available.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'There is no other plugin available.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'There is no other theme available.';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Add another set of photos';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'This theme was not designed to be directly activated';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Pending Comments';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'No file was uploaded';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'Missing a temporary folder';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'Failed to write file to disk';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'File upload stopped by extension';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'Unknown upload error';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = 'Error on file "%s" : %s';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#32 2010-07-13 12:55:16

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

some updates..
$lang['Rating by guests'] = 'Misafir Puanları';
$lang['Rating'] = 'Puan';

$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Tema başarıyla yüklendi';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Galeriyi ziyaret et';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Piwigo proje sitesini ziyaret et';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader <em>Piwigo Yükleyiciyi temsil eder</em>. Bilgisayarınızdan, pLoader fotoğraflarınızı hazırlar ve Piwigo fotoğraf galerisi aktarabilirsiniz.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Misafir ayarları';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Ana Sayfa';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Resim Sayfası';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Gezinti çubuğunu aktiflestir';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Küçük resimler gezinti çubuğunu aktiflestir';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Aktifleştir simge "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Aktifleştir alan "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Resim özellikleri';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Kullanıcı özelleştirme izin ver';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Diller';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Yüklü Diller;
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Yeni bir dil ekle';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Dil başarıyla yüklendi';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Seç:';
$lang['None'] = 'Hiçbiri';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Ters çevir';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Bu tema devreden çıkarmak imkansız, en az bir tema gerekir.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Site yöneticisi durum gereklidir.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Yükümlü tema';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Puanlamaya izin ver';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'En az bir yorum seç';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Aktif Eklentiler';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Aktif olmayan Eklentiler';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Eksik Eklentiler';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Kaldırılan eklentiler';
$lang['By %s'] = 'Tarafından %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Ziyaret eklenti sitesini';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Aktif Diller';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Bu dili sil';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Kullanıcılar için bu dili yasakla';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Bu dili devre dışı bırakmak imkansız, önce varsayılan olarak başka bir dil ayarla.';



#33 2010-07-13 13:08:53

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.'] = 'İmkansız bu dili devre dışı bırakmak için, en az bir dil gerekir.';
$lang['Inactive Languages'] = 'Aktif olmayan diller';
$lang['Make this language available to users'] = 'Bu dil kullanıcılara açık olsun';
$lang['Set as default language for unregistered and new users'] = 'Kayıtsız ve yeni kullanıcılar için varsayılan dil olarak ayarlamak';
$lang['Add Photos'] = 'Resim ekle';
$lang['Download'] = 'İndir';
$lang['The following tag was deleted'] = 'Aşağıdaki etiketi silindi';
$lang['Miscellaneous'] = 'Karışık';
$lang['User Upload'] = 'Kullanıcı yükleme';
$lang['Virtual Links'] = 'Sanal Linkler';
$lang['There is no other language available.'] = 'Kullanılabilir başka bir dil yok.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.'] = 'Kullanılabilir başka bir eklenti yok.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.'] = 'Kullanılabilir başka bir teama yok';
$lang['Add another set of photos'] = 'Başka bir resim seti ekleyin';
$lang['Order of menubar items has been updated successfully.'] = 'Menü öğeleri sıralaması başarıyla güncellendi.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated'] = 'Bu tema doğrudan harekete geçmek için tasarlanmış değildir';
$lang['Pending Comments'] = 'Bekleyen Yorumlar';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting'] = 'php.ini dosyasındaki upload_max_filesize (%sB),  post_max_size (%sB) den daha büyük bu ayarı değiştirmelisin.';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use'] = 'Exif eklentisi hazır değil, yönetici exif hizmet dışı bırakmalı';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'Yüklenen dosyanın php.ini upload_max_filesize aşıyor: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB'] = 'Yüklenen dosyalar php.ini post_max_size aşıyor: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'] = 'Yüklenen dosya HTML biçiminde belirtilmiş MAX_FILE_SIZE aşıyor';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'] = 'Yüklenen dosya sadece kısmen yüklendi';
$lang['No file was uploaded'] = 'dosya yüklenmedi';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder'] = 'Geçici bir klasöre eksik';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk'] = 'Dosya diske yazılamadı';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension'] = 'Dosya yükleme Ek tarafından durduruldu';
$lang['Unknown upload error'] = 'Bilinmeyen yükleme hata';
$lang['Error on file "%s" : %s'] = 'Hata dosyada "%s" : %s';



#34 2010-07-13 15:24:15

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation


I'm add admin part

[Subversion] r6679

You can look result on ->

and see the missing line here -> … lang=tr_TR

therefore a new liste

$lang['Theme has been successfully installed'] = 'Theme has been successfully installed';
$lang['Visit Gallery'] = 'Visit the gallery';
$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = 'Visit Piwigo project website';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.';
$lang['Guest Settings'] = 'Guest settings';
$lang['Main Page'] = 'Main page';
$lang['Photo Page'] = 'Photo page';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Activate navigation bar';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Activate navigation thumbnails';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Activate icon "%s"';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Activate field "%s"';
$lang['Photo Properties'] = 'Photo properties';
$lang['Allow user customization'] = 'Allow user customization';
$lang['Languages'] = 'Languages';
$lang['Installed Languages'] = 'Installed Languages';
$lang['Add New Language'] = 'Add New Language';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed'] = 'Language has been successfully installed';
$lang['Select:'] = 'Select:';
$lang['None'] = 'None';
$lang['Invert'] = 'Invert';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.'] = 'Webmaster status is required.';
$lang['Bound Theme'] = 'Bound Theme';
$lang['Allow rating'] = 'Allow rating';
$lang['Select at least one comment'] = 'Select at least one comment';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Active Plugins';
$lang['Inactive Plugins'] = 'Inactive Plugins';
$lang['Missing Plugins'] = 'Missing Plugins';
$lang['Uninstalled Plugins'] = 'Uninstalled Plugins';
$lang['By %s'] = 'By %s';
$lang['Visit plugin site'] = 'Visit plugin site';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Active Languages';
$lang['Delete this language'] = 'Delete this language';
$lang['Forbid this language to users'] = 'Forbid this language to users';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.'] = 'Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.';
$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menus';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#35 2010-07-13 15:26:16

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

if a translator register on  I let him see the admin part ;-)

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#36 2010-07-13 15:52:27

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

well i have got the files to my admin so will be looking now and then to update if needs which probably will do lol

just this line $lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menüler';
others are done above i think ?

Last edited by Nakre (2010-07-13 15:52:41)



#37 2010-07-13 21:07:47

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

OK i didn't look [Forum, post 114900 by Nakre in topic 16174] Turkish Translation

I update -> [Subversion] r6680 … lang=tr_TR

Can you confirm translate EN and TR is same for

$lang['Form'] = 'Form';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'images candidates for metadata synchronization';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Reverse \'default group\' property';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#38 2010-07-13 23:40:03

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

some updates..mind u some of these from common.lang and some of them admin.lang if u need to know which is from where ill put with next update..
$lang['Webmaster'] = 'Site Yöneticisi';
$lang['Documentation'] = 'Belgeler';
$lang['Add'] = 'Ekle';
$lang['Caddie'] = 'Yardımcı';
$lang['Upload a picture'] = 'Resim Ekle';
$lang['Menu Management'] = 'Menü Yönetimi';

$lang['Form'] = 'Biçim';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Küçük resim';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'metadata senkronizasyon için görüntüleri adayları';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Ters \'varsayılan\' özellik';
$lang['IP'] = 'IP';

Last edited by Nakre (2010-07-13 23:47:22)



#39 2010-07-14 00:50:25

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#40 2010-07-14 00:51:52

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

I propose now the install file.

$lang['Installation'] = "Installation";
$lang['Basic configuration'] = "Basic configuration";
$lang['Default gallery language'] = "Default gallery language";
$lang['Database configuration'] = "Database configuration";
$lang['Admin configuration'] = "Admin configuration";
$lang['Start Install'] = "Start installation";
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = "mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :";
$lang['Webmaster login'] = "Webmaster login";
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = "It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration";
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = "Connection to server successful, but the connection to the database is impossible";
$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = "Cannot connect to server";
$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "The type of database your Piwigo data will be store in";
$lang['Host'] = "Host";
$lang['localhost,,'] = "localhost,,";
$lang['User'] = "User";
$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = "user login given by your host provider";
$lang['Password'] = "Password";
$lang['user password given by your host provider'] = "user password given by your host provider";
$lang['Database name'] = "Database name";
$lang['also given by your host provider'] = "also given by your host provider";
$lang['Database table prefix'] = "Database tables prefix";
$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = "database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage your tables better)";
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = "enter a login for webmaster";
$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = "webmaster login can't contain characters ' or \"";
$lang['please enter your password again'] = "please enter your password again";
$lang['Webmaster password'] = "Webmaster password";
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = "Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel";
$lang['Password [confirm]'] = "Password [confirm]";
$lang['verification'] = "verification";
$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = "Need help? Ask your question on <a href=\"%s\">Piwigo message board</a>.";
$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = "Webmaster mail address";
$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = "Visitors will be able to use this mail to contact the site administrator";
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = "PHP 5 is required";
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.'] = "It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.";
$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = "Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.";
$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = "Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.";
$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = "Try to configure PHP 5";
$lang['Sorry!'] = "Sorry!";
$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = "Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.";
$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = "You should refer to your hosting provider's support and see how you can switch to PHP 5 by yourself.";
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = "Hope to see you back soon.";
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/ failed.'] = 'Creation of config file local/config/ failed.';
$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Download the config file';
$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = 'You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.';
$lang['SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.'] = 'SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.';
$lang['Learn more'] = 'Learn more';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#41 2010-10-04 20:09:48

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

$lang['Installation'] = "Yükleme";
$lang['Basic configuration'] = "Temel yapılandırma";
$lang['Default gallery language'] = "Varsayılan galeri dil";
$lang['Database configuration'] = "Veritabanı yapılandırması";
$lang['Admin configuration'] = "Admin yapılandırma";
$lang['Start Install'] = "Başlangıç yükleme";
$lang['mail address must be like xxx@yyy.eee (example :'] = "e-mailiniz böyle olmalı xxx@yyy.eee (örnek :";
$lang['Webmaster login'] = "Site yöneticisi giriş";
$lang['It will be shown to the visitors. It is necessary for website administration'] = "Bu ziyaretçilere gösterilecek. Bu web sitesi yönetimi için gerekli olan";
$lang['Connection to server succeed, but it was impossible to connect to database'] = "Sunucu başarılı, ama veritabanına bağlantı imkansız";
$lang['Can\'t connect to server'] = "Sunucuya bağlanamadı";
$lang['Database type'] = "Database type";
$lang['The type of database your piwigo data will be store in'] = "veritabanı türü Piwigo veri depolamak olacak";
$lang['Host'] = "Host";
$lang['localhost,,'] = "localhost,,";
$lang['User'] = "User";
$lang['user login given by your host provider'] = "host sağlağıcı tarafından size verilen kullanıcı girişi";
$lang['Password'] = "Şifre";
$lang['user password given by your host provider'] = "host sağlağıcı tarafından size verilen şifre";
$lang['Database name'] = "Veritabanı adı";
$lang['also given by your host provider'] = "host sağlağıcı tarafından verildi";
$lang['Database table prefix'] = "Veritabanı tabloları öneki";
$lang['database tables names will be prefixed with it (enables you to manage better your tables)'] = "veritabanı tablolarını isimlerini onunla öneki eklenecektir (daha iyi tablolar yönetmenize olanak sağlar)";
$lang['enter a login for webmaster'] = "webmaster için bir giriş";
$lang['webmaster login can\'t contain characters \' or "'] = "Site yöneticisi ' veya \ karakterlerini içeremez"";
$lang['please enter your password again'] = "tekrar şifrenizi giriniz";
$lang['Webmaster password'] = "Site yöneticisi şifresi";
$lang['Keep it confidential, it enables you to access administration panel'] = "gizli tutun, yönetim paneline ulaşmanızı sağlar";
$lang['Password [confirm]'] = "Şifre [kabul]";
$lang['verification'] = "doğrulama";
$lang['Need help ? Ask your question on <a href="%s">Piwigo message board</a>.'] = "Yardım ihtiyacınız var? Sorularınızı <a href=\"%s\">Piwigo forumda sorabilirsiniz</a>.";
$lang['Webmaster mail address'] = "Site yöneticisi posta adresi";
$lang['Visitors will be able to contact site administrator with this mail'] = "Ziyaretçilerin site yöneticisi ile bağlantıya geçmesi için bu postayı kullanmaları mümkün olacak";
$lang['PHP 5 is required'] = "PHP 5 gerekli";
$lang['It appears your webhost is currently running PHP %s.'] = "Bu web host şu anda PHP %s çalışıyor görünüyor.";
$lang['Piwigo may try to switch your configuration to PHP 5 by creating or modifying a .htaccess file.'] = "Piwigo .htaccess dosyası yaparak veya değiştirerek ayarlarınızı PHP 5 için düzenlemeyi deneyebilir.";
$lang['Note you can change your configuration by yourself and restart Piwigo after that.'] = "Eğer kendi başınıza yapılandırmasını değiştirirseniz bundan sonra Piwigo yeniden başlatın.";
$lang['Try to configure PHP 5'] = "PHP 5 yapılandırmak için çalışın";
$lang['Sorry!'] = "Üzgünüm!";
$lang['Piwigo was not able to configure PHP 5.'] = "Piwigo PHP 5 yapılandırmak mümkün değildi.";
$lang['You may referer to your hosting provider\'s support and see how you could switch to PHP 5 by yourself.'] = "Host sağlayıcınız ile PHP 5 e geçmekbilmek için konuşun.";
$lang['Hope to see you back soon.'] = "Sizi tekrar görmeyi umut ederiz.";
$lang['Congratulations, Piwigo installation is completed'] = 'Tebrikler, Piwigo kurulum tamamlandı.';
$lang['An alternate solution is to copy the text in the box above and paste it into the file "local/config/" (Warning : must only contain what is in the textarea, no line return or space character)'] = 'Diğer çözüm aşağıdaki kutudaki yaziyi kopyalayın ve bu "local/config/" dosya içine pasteleyin.(Uyarı : sadece olan metin, alanında hiçbir satır iade veya boşluk karakteri içermelidir)';
$lang['Creation of config file local/config/ failed.'] = 'Dosya yapılandırmada hata local/config/ .';
$lang['Download the config file'] = 'Yapılandırma dosyasını indir';
$lang['You can download the config file and upload it to local/config directory of your installation.'] = 'Yapılandırma dosyasını indireip düzenleyebilir ve local/config bölümüne yükleyebilirsiniz..';
$lang['SQLite and PostgreSQL are currently in experimental state.'] = 'SQLite ve PostgreSQL deneysel durumda.';
$lang['Learn more'] = 'Daha fazla bilgi edinin';



#42 2010-10-04 21:07:19

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7096

For add upgrade, can you translate

$lang['Upgrade'] = "Upgrade";
$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = "This page proposes to upgrade the database from your Piwigo old version to the new version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).";
$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = "Upgrade from version %s to %s";
$lang['Statistics'] = "Statistics";
$lang['total upgrade time'] = "total upgrade time";
$lang['total SQL time'] = "total SQL time";
$lang['SQL queries'] = "SQL queries";
$lang['Upgrade informations'] = "Upgrade information";
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = "Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.";
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = "As a precaution, the following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrades before reactivating them:";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Only an administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "You do not have access rights to run upgrade";
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "All sub-categories of private categories become private";
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Users and groups permissions have been erased";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = "Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration";
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#43 2010-10-18 19:22:36

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

$lang['Upgrade'] = "Güncelleştirme";
$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = "Bu sayfa yeni sürüme Piwigo eski sürümünden veritabanı yükseltme öneriyor. Yükseltme yardımcısı Şu anda bir <strong> sürüm% (veya eşdeğeri) </ strong> çalıştıran düşünüyor.";
$lang['Upgrade from version %s to %s'] = "%s sürümden %s sürümüne güncelleştir";
$lang['Statistics'] = "İstatistik";
$lang['total upgrade time'] = "toplam güncelleme zamanı";
$lang['total SQL time'] = "tolam SQL zamanı";
$lang['SQL queries'] = "SQL sorguları";
$lang['Upgrade informations'] = "Güncelleme bilgileri";
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = "Herhangi bir sorunla karşılaşırsanız, [Yönetim> Araçlar> Bakım] dan bakım yapınız.";
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = "Bir önlem olarak, aşağıdaki eklentiler devre dışı olmuştur.Onları aktif etmeden önce eklentileri yükseltme için kontrol etmelisiniz";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Sadece yönetici güncelleme çalıştırabilir: Aşağıdan giriş yapın.";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Güncelleme çalıştırmak için yetkiniz yok";
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = "Özel kategorilerin tüm alt kategorileri de özel olur";
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Kullanıcılar ve grupların izinleri silinmiştir";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = "Sadece küçük resim ön eki ve site yöneticisi posta adresiniz önceki yapılandırman kaydedili";
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = '<i>%s</i> içine, <b>?></b> önce, ekleyin:';

Last edited by Nakre (2010-10-18 19:26:20)



#44 2010-10-18 22:28:29

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: Turkish Translation

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7270

Can you translate for plugin album

description -> Rename "category" into "album"

$lang['%d category including'] = '%d album including';
$lang['%d categories including'] = '%d albums including';
$lang['%d category moved'] = '%d album moved';
$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d albums moved';
$lang['Apply to subcategories'] = 'Apply to subalbums';
$lang['Association to categories'] = 'Association to albums';
$lang['Categories authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums authorized thanks to group associations';
$lang['Categories manual order was saved'] = 'Albums manual order has been saved';
$lang['Category elements associated to the following categories: %s'] = 'Album photos associated to the following albums: %s';
$lang['Link all category elements to a new category'] = 'Link all album photos to a new album';
$lang['Link all category elements to some existing categories'] = 'Link all album photos to existing albums';
$lang['Linked categories'] = 'Linked albums';
$lang['Manage permissions for a category'] = 'Manage permissions for an album';
$lang['Move categories'] = 'Move albums';
$lang['New parent category'] = 'New parent album';
$lang['Only private categories are listed'] = 'Only private albums are listed';
$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Other private albums';
$lang['Parent category'] = 'Parent album';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by category %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink %s has previously been used by album %s. Delete it from the permalinks history first';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by category %s'] = 'Permalink %s is already used by album %s';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Albums representation';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Select at least one album';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Storage album';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Virtual albums movement';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtual albums to move';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Virtual album name';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'You cannot move an album into its own sub album';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'associate to album';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Add a virtual album';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Authorize users to add comments on selected albums';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'The name of an album cannot not be empty';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Lock albums';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Private album';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Public album';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Manage authorizations for selected albums';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Select uploadable albums';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtual album added';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtual album deleted';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['delete category'] = 'delete album';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from album';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit album permissions';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Album informations updated successfully.';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to album';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Manage album photos';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Manage sub-albums';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'sub-albums';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Albums management';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Edit an album';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Update albums information';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'reduce to single existing albums';
$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'display maximum information (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'albums deleted in the database';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'albums added in the database';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtual album';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Identical files names in more than one physical album';
$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Visit the album %s';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Discover the album:';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'edit this album information';
$lang['No element in this category'] = 'No element in this album';
$lang['Drop into category'] = 'Drop into album';
$lang['existing category'] = 'existing album';
$lang['create a new category'] = 'create a new album';
$lang['Category name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['Category \'%s\' has been added'] = 'Album \'%s\' has been added';
$lang['Category \'%s\' now contains %d photos'] = 'Album \'%s\' now contains %d photos';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Albums sorted by alphanumerical order';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Albums sorted by reverse alphanumeric order';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new pictures, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Expand all categories'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'shows images at the root of this album';
$lang['in this category'] = 'in this album';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'in %d sub-album';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'in %d sub-albums';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'display all elements in all albums and sub-albums';
$lang['Recent categories'] = 'Recent albums';
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = 'display recently updated albums';
$lang['Search in Categories'] = 'Search in albums';
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = 'Search in subalbums';
$lang['set as category representative'] = 'set as album representative';
$lang['Category: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Category results for'] = 'Album results for';
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'All sub-albums of private albums become private';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#45 2010-12-01 19:42:39

Translation Team

Re: Turkish Translation

is it needing only rename "category" into "album" or translated whole content ?



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