
#1 2010-09-28 15:52:21


slovak language

hello, i`ve prepared translation for slovak language - frontend, backend /admin/ and help files. how can i send it?


#2 2010-09-28 15:59:59

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: slovak language

Hi dodo (don't forget to register in the forum, you'll get email notifications on replies),

Either you're feeling comfortable with Subversion (SVN) and we create a translator account for you, or you send files to "ddtddt" on the domain :-)



#3 2010-09-28 21:23:59

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks for translation by e-mail

[Subversion] r7030

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#4 2010-09-29 12:39:17

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks for translation by e-mail

[Subversion] r7037

For plugin LocalFilesEditor

description -> Edit local files from administration panel.


$lang['locfiledit_onglet_localconf'] = 'Local config';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_css'] = 'CSS';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_tpl'] = 'Templates';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_lang'] = 'Languages';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_plug'] = 'Personal Plugin';
$lang['locfiledit_cant_save'] = 'Current file isn\'t writeable. Check if a directory "include/" is writeable (chmod).';
$lang['locfiledit_newfile'] = 'File is not existing and will be created by LocalFiles Editor';
$lang['locfiledit_save_config'] = 'File written successfully.';
$lang['locfiledit_show_default'] = 'Display reference file: ';
$lang['locfiledit_save_bak'] = 'Backup copy will be created on save.';
$lang['locfiledit_saved_bak'] = 'Backup file created (%s)';
$lang['locfiledit_save_file'] = 'Save file';
$lang['locfiledit_choose_file'] = 'Choose the file to be edited';
$lang['locfiledit_edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['locfiledit_restore'] = 'Restore the backup file';
$lang['locfiledit_restore_confirm'] = 'Please confirm?
Restore won\'t be effective till next save.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded1'] = 'Backup file loaded.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded2'] = 'You must save file to restore it.';
$lang['locfiledit_syntax_error'] = 'Syntax error! File can\'t be saved.';
$lang['locfiledit_enable_editarea'] = 'Enable Editarea';
$lang['locfiledit_disable_editarea'] = 'Disable Editarea';
$lang['locfiledit_new_tpl'] = 'Create new file';
$lang['locfiledit_new_filename'] = 'File name';
$lang['locfiledit_model'] = 'Model';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_page'] = 'Empty page';
$lang['locfiledit_parent_directory'] = 'Parent directory';
$lang['locfiledit_filename_error'] = 'Forbidden caraters in file name.';
$lang['locfiledit_file_already_exists'] = 'File already exists.';
$lang['locfiledit_model_error'] = 'You must choose a model.';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_filename'] = 'You must fill file name.';
$lang['locfiledit_webmaster_only'] = 'Only webmasters can create or modify local files.';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#5 2010-09-29 15:37:26

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language

Pre plugin LocalFilesEditor

popis -> Editácia lokálnych súborov z panelu administrátora.


$lang['locfiledit_onglet_localconf'] = 'Lokálna konfigurácia';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_css'] = 'CSS';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_tpl'] = 'Šablóny';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_lang'] = 'Jazyky';
$lang['locfiledit_onglet_plug'] = 'Osobný Plugin';
$lang['locfiledit_cant_save'] = 'Súčasný súbor nie je zapisovateľný. Skontrolujte, či adresár "include/" je zapisovateľný (chmod).';
$lang['locfiledit_newfile'] = 'Súbor neexistuje a bude vytvorený pomocou LocalFiles Editor';
$lang['locfiledit_save_config'] = 'Súbor bol úspešne zapísaný.';
$lang['locfiledit_show_default'] = 'Zobraziť referenčný súbor: ';
$lang['locfiledit_save_bak'] = 'Záložná kópia bude vytvorená pri uložení.';
$lang['locfiledit_saved_bak'] = 'Vytvorený záložný súbor (%s)';
$lang['locfiledit_save_file'] = 'Uložiť súbor';
$lang['locfiledit_choose_file'] = 'Vybrať súbor na editovanie';
$lang['locfiledit_edit'] = 'Editovať';
$lang['locfiledit_restore'] = 'Obnoviť záložný súbor';
$lang['locfiledit_restore_confirm'] = 'Prosím potvrdíte?
Obnova nebude účinná pokiaľ neuložíte.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded1'] = 'Záložný súbor nahraný.';
$lang['locfiledit_bak_loaded2'] = 'Musíte uložiť súbor na jeho obnovenie.';
$lang['locfiledit_syntax_error'] = 'Syntaktický chyba! Súbor nemôže byť uložený.';
$lang['locfiledit_enable_editarea'] = 'Povoliť editáciu';
$lang['locfiledit_disable_editarea'] = 'Zakázať editáciu';
$lang['locfiledit_new_tpl'] = 'Vytvorenie nového súboru';
$lang['locfiledit_new_filename'] = 'Meno súboru';
$lang['locfiledit_model'] = 'Model';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_page'] = 'Prázdna strana';
$lang['locfiledit_parent_directory'] = 'Domovský adresár';
$lang['locfiledit_filename_error'] = 'Nepovolené znaky v názve súboru.';
$lang['locfiledit_file_already_exists'] = 'Súbor už existuje.';
$lang['locfiledit_model_error'] = 'Musíte vybrať model.';
$lang['locfiledit_empty_filename'] = 'Musíte zadať meno súboru.';
$lang['locfiledit_webmaster_only'] = 'Len webmasteri môžu vytvoriť alebo modifikovať lokálne súbory.';



#6 2010-09-29 16:52:45

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7038


For plugin language_switch

description -> Switch to another language from flags on your gallery home page.


For plugin admin_multi_view

description -> Allows administrators to view gallery as guests and/or change the language and/or theme on the fly. Practical to debug changes...


For plugin c13y_upgrade

description -> Check integrity of upgrades.


$lang['c13y_upgrade_no_anomaly'] = 'No anomaly detected after application upgrade, "Check upgrades" plugin was deactivated.';
$lang['c13y_dbl_email_user'] = 'Users with same email address';
$lang['c13y_correction_dbl_email_user'] = 'Delete duplicate users';
$lang['c13y_obsolete_plugin'] = 'Obsolete plugin';
$lang['c13y_correction_obsolete_plugin'] = '"%s" plugin has been included in this application version and you must uninstall it.';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#7 2010-09-29 17:14:15

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language


Pre plugin language_switch

popis -> Prepínač na iný jazyk z vlajok vo Vašej galérii.


Pre plugin admin_multi_view

popis -> Umožňuje administrátorom vidieť galériu aho hosťom a/alebo zmeniť jazyk a-alebo šablónu. Prakticky ladiť zmeny...


Pre plugin c13y_upgrade

popis -> Skontrolovať úplnosť upgradov.


$lang['c13y_upgrade_no_anomaly'] = 'Žiadne anomálie neboli zistené po aplikácii upgrade, "Kontrola upgradov" plugin bol deaktivovaný.';
$lang['c13y_dbl_email_user'] = 'Používatelia s rovnakou emailovou adresou';
$lang['c13y_correction_dbl_email_user'] = 'Vymazanie duplicitných používateľov';
$lang['c13y_obsolete_plugin'] = 'Zastaraný plugin';
$lang['c13y_correction_obsolete_plugin'] = '"%s" plugin bol obsiahnutý v tejto verzii aplikácie a musíte ho odinštalovať.';



#8 2010-09-29 17:59:28

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7040

For plugin autoupdate can you translate


description -> Upgrade your gallery automatically.


$lang['Click here to upgrade automatically'] = 'Click here to upgrade automatically';
$lang['autoupdate_alert'] = 'Are you sure you want to autmatically upgrade piwigo?\nWarning!!! Files manually modified could be overwritten.';
$lang['autoupdate_success'] = 'Piwigo has been successfully upgraded (version %s)';
$lang['autoupdate_fail'] = 'An error occured during upgrade.';

$lang['autoupdate_extract_fail'] = 'An error occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.';

$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server';
$lang['Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes'] = 'Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes';
$lang['Some upgrades are available for you plugins'] = 'Some upgrades are available for you plugins';
$lang['Click here see upgrade plugins page'] = 'Click here see upgrade plugins page';
$lang['Gallery and plugins are up to date'] = 'Gallery and plugins are up to date';
$lang['Unable to check upgrades...'] = 'Unable to check upgrades...';
$lang['Click here to check upgrades now'] = 'Click here to check upgrades now';

$lang['Notify on admin homepage'] = 'Notify on admin homepage';
$lang['Don\'t notify on admin homepage'] = 'Don\'t notify on admin homepage';

$lang['Upgrade in progress... Please wait.'] = 'Upgrade in progress... Please wait.';
$lang['Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...'] = 'Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...';

$lang['Upgrade to Piwigo %s'] = 'Upgrade to Piwigo %s';
$lang['Two upgrades are available'] = 'Two upgrades are available';
$lang['This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.'] = 'This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.';
$lang['This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = 'This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.';
$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = 'Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.';
$lang['You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = 'You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).';
$lang['autoupdate_step_1'] = 'First Step';
$lang['autoupdate_step_2'] = 'Second Step';
$lang['autoupdate_step_3'] = 'Third Step';
$lang['Save Template Directory'] = 'Save template directory';
$lang['Dump Database'] = 'Dump Database';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = 'Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)';
$lang['Unable to write new local directory.'] = 'Unable to write new local directory.';
$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = 'Unable to send template directory.';
$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = 'Unable to dump database.';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#9 2010-09-29 18:37:22

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language

popis -> Automatický upgrade Vašej galérie.


$lang['Click here to upgrade automatically'] = 'Kliknite sem na automatický upgrade';
$lang['autoupdate_alert'] = 'Ste si istý, že chcete automaticky upgradovať piwigo?\nUpozornenie!!! Manuálne upravované súbory budú prepísané.';
$lang['autoupdate_success'] = 'Piwigo bolo úspešne upgradované (verzia %s)';
$lang['autoupdate_fail'] = 'Pri upgrade sa vyskytla chyba.';

$lang['autoupdate_extract_fail'] = 'Pri rozbaľovaní sa vyskytla chyba. Prosím skontrolujte prístupové práva súborov Vašej inštalácie piwigo.<br><a href="%s">Kliknite sem na zobrazenie logu chyby</a>.';

$lang['Piwigo cannot retrieve upgrade file from server'] = 'Piwigo nemôže získať upgradovací súbor zo servra';
$lang['Click here to see Piwigo %s release notes'] = 'Kliknite sem na zobrazenie poznámok k vydaniu Piwigo %s';
$lang['Some upgrades are available for you plugins'] = 'Nejaké upgrady sú dostupné pre Vaše pluginy';
$lang['Click here see upgrade plugins page'] = 'Kliknite sem na zobrazenie upgradov pluginov';
$lang['Gallery and plugins are up to date'] = 'Galéria a pluginy sú aktuálne';
$lang['Unable to check upgrades...'] = 'Nemožno skontrolovať upgrady...';
$lang['Click here to check upgrades now'] = 'Kliknite sem na skontrolovanie upgradov';

$lang['Notify on admin homepage'] = 'Oznámiť na administrátorskú stránku';
$lang['Don\'t notify on admin homepage'] = 'Neznámiť na administrátorskú stránku';

$lang['Upgrade in progress... Please wait.'] = 'Prebieha upgrade... Prosím čakajte.';
$lang['Checking upgrades for gallery and plugins...'] = 'Skontrolovať upgrady pre galériu a pluginy...';

$lang['Upgrade to Piwigo %s'] = 'Upgradovať na Piwigo %s';
$lang['Two upgrades are available'] = 'Dva upgrady sú dostupné';
$lang['This is a minor upgrade, with only bug corrections.'] = 'Toto je malý upgrade len s opravenými chybami.';
$lang['This is a major upgrade, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.'] = 'Toto je veľký upgrade s <a href="%s">novými funkciami</a>.';
$lang['Some themes and plugins may be not available yet.'] = 'Niektoré šablóny a pluginy nemusia byť dostupné.';
$lang['You can upgrade to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = 'Môžete priamo upgradovať na Piwigo %s bez upgradu na Piwigo %s (odporúčané).';
$lang['autoupdate_step_1'] = 'Prvý krok';
$lang['autoupdate_step_2'] = 'Druhý krok';
$lang['autoupdate_step_3'] = 'Tretí krok';
$lang['Save Template Directory'] = 'Uložte adresár šablón';
$lang['Dump Database'] = 'Odpojiť databázu';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)'] = 'Vrátane historických údajov (Upozornenie: limit pamäte servra môže byť prekročený)';
$lang['Unable to write new local directory.'] = 'Nemôžem zapisovať do nových lokálnych adfresárov.';
$lang['Unable to send template directory.'] = 'Nemôžem poslať do adresára šablón.';
$lang['Unable to dump database.'] = 'Nemôžem odpojiť databázu.';



#10 2010-09-29 19:22:23

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7041

For plugin PWG_Stuffs can you translate


description -> Insert modules on your gallery

$lang['stuffs_mods_management'] = 'Modules management';
$lang['stuffs_add_mod'] = 'Add a module';
$lang['stuffs_edit_mod'] = 'Edit module';

$lang['stuffs_module_title'] = 'Module title';
$lang['stuffs_desc'] = 'Description';
$lang['stuffs_only_for_admin'] = '(only for administration pannel)';
$lang['stuffs_type'] = 'Module type';
$lang['stuffs_position'] = 'Position';
$lang['stuffs_id_ligne'] = 'ID line';
$lang['stuffs_width'] = 'Width';
$lang['stuffs_action'] = 'Actions';
$lang['stuffs_edit'] = 'Modify module';
$lang['stuffs_delete'] = 'Delete module';
$lang['stuffs_confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete module %s?';
$lang['stuffs_main_block'] = 'Main block';

$lang['stuffs_add_module'] = 'Add new module';
$lang['stuffs_module_config'] = 'Module configuration';
$lang['stuffs_visual_config'] = 'Display configuration';
$lang['stuffs_module_options'] = 'Module options';
$lang['stuffs_authorized_group'] = 'Authorized groups';
$lang['stuffs_authorized_users'] = 'Authorized users';
$lang['stuffs_public_module'] = '(Keep empty for public module)';
$lang['stuffs_show_title'] = 'Show module title';
$lang['stuffs_show_module_on'] = 'Show module :';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_home'] = 'On main page';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_cats'] = 'On all categories pages';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_pictures'] = 'On picture pages';
$lang['stuffs_no_options'] = 'No options for this module';

//Messages d'infos
$lang['stuffs_order_saved'] = 'Order successfully saved.';

// Messages d'erreurs
$lang['stuffs_error_no_mod_selected'] = 'You didn\'t select any module.';
$lang['stuffs_no_name'] = 'You must specify name module';

//                            Module LastComs

$lang['module_name_lastcoms'] = 'Last comments';
$lang['module_desc_lastcoms'] = 'Display last posted comments';

$lang['lastcoms_no_nb_comments'] = 'You must specify numbers of comments.';
$lang['lastcoms_config'] = 'Configuration';
$lang['lastcoms_nb_comments'] = 'Number of comments to display';
$lang['lastcoms_show_buttons'] = 'Show admin buttons';
$lang['lastcoms_dim'] = 'Thumbnails size';
$lang['lastcoms_width'] = 'Max width';
$lang['lastcoms_height'] = 'Max height';
$lang['lastcoms_nb_cadres'] = 'Numbers of frame by line';
$lang['lastcoms_taille_cadres'] = 'Frame height';

//                            Module Logon

$lang['module_name_logon'] = 'Login';
$lang['module_desc_logon'] = 'Display login block';

$lang['logon_remove_menubar_block'] = 'Remove "Quick connect" block from menubar';

//                            Module Personal

$lang['module_name_personal'] = 'Personnal block';
$lang['module_desc_personal'] = 'Display personnal block (like an edito)';

$lang['personal_content'] = 'content';

//                            Module Tags

$lang['module_name_tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['module_desc_tags'] = 'Display gallery tags';

$lang['stuffs_tags_default_display'] = 'Tags display';
$lang['stuffs_tags_cloud'] = 'Tags cloud';
$lang['stuffs_tags_letters'] = 'Group by lettters';
$lang['stuffs_tags_cumulus'] = 'Use cumulus mode (plugin <a href= target="_blank">Cumulus Tags Cloud</a> must be installed)';

//                            Module Piclenswall

$lang['module_name_piclenswall'] = 'Piclens 3DWall';
$lang['module_desc_piclenswall'] = 'Display piclens 3D wall (plugin <a href="" target="_blank">Cooliris/piclens</a> must be installed)';

$lang['piclenswall_height'] = 'Wall height';
$lang['piclenswall_background_color'] = 'Background color';
$lang['piclenswall_black'] = 'Black';
$lang['piclenswall_white'] = 'White';
$lang['piclenswall_info'] = 'So that the wall is working properly';
$lang['piclenswall_info_piclens'] = 'You must install and activate <a href="">Cooliris/piclens</a> plugin.';
$lang['piclenswall_info_crossdomain'] = 'You must copy <a href="%s">crossdomain.xml</a> file to the root of your site (or moddify existing file).';
$lang['piclenswall_info_param'] = '3D Wall Settings must be modified in <b>Cooliris-piclens/b> plugin configuration page.';

//                            Module Most Visited

$lang['module_name_mostvisited'] = 'Most visited';
$lang['module_desc_mostvisited'] = 'Display x most visited pictures in the gallery or a category';

$lang['stuffs_mv_nb_images'] = 'Maximum number of pictures to display';
$lang['stuffs_mv_category_display'] = 'Display on categories pages';
$lang['stuffs_mv_all_cats'] = 'All categories';
$lang['stuffs_mv_w_thumb'] = 'Only categories with thumbnails';
$lang['stuffs_mv_wo_thumb'] = 'Only categories without thumbnails';
$lang['stuffs_mv_selected_cats'] = 'Only selected categories';

$lang['stuffs_mv_cat_selection'] = 'Categories selection';
$lang['stuffs_mv_hold_ctrl'] = 'hold CTRL';

//                            Module Best Rated

$lang['module_name_bestrated'] = 'Best rated';
$lang['module_desc_bestrated'] = 'Display x best rated pictures in the gallery or a category';

//                            Module Recent

$lang['module_name_recent'] = 'Recent pictures';
$lang['module_desc_recent'] = 'Display x recent pictures in the gallery or a category (if exist)';

//                            Module Random

$lang['module_name_random'] = 'Random pictures';
$lang['module_desc_random'] = 'Display x random pictures in the gallery or a category';

//                            Module Citation

$lang['module_name_citation'] = 'Random quote';
$lang['module_desc_citation'] = 'Display a random quote';
$lang['module_Citation_lang'] = 'Language';
$lang['module_Citation_code'] = 'Related code';

//                            Module Featured Photos

$lang['module_name_featuredphotos'] = 'Featured Photos';
$lang['module_desc_featuredphotos'] = 'Display favorites photos of the webmaster';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#11 2010-09-29 20:46:34

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language

For plugin PWG_Stuffs can you translate


popis -> Vloženie modulov do Vašej galérie

$lang['stuffs_mods_management'] = 'Manažment modulov';
$lang['stuffs_add_mod'] = 'Pridať modul';
$lang['stuffs_edit_mod'] = 'Editovať modul';

$lang['stuffs_module_title'] = 'Názov modulu';
$lang['stuffs_desc'] = 'Popis';
$lang['stuffs_only_for_admin'] = '(len pre panel administrátora)';
$lang['stuffs_type'] = 'Typ modulu';
$lang['stuffs_position'] = 'Pozícia';
$lang['stuffs_id_ligne'] = 'ID linka';
$lang['stuffs_width'] = 'Šírka';
$lang['stuffs_action'] = 'Akcie';
$lang['stuffs_edit'] = 'Upraviť modul';
$lang['stuffs_delete'] = 'Vymazať modul';
$lang['stuffs_confirm_delete'] = 'Ste si istý, že chcete vymazať modul %s?';
$lang['stuffs_main_block'] = 'Hlavná skupina';

$lang['stuffs_add_module'] = 'Pridaj nový modul';
$lang['stuffs_module_config'] = 'Konfigurácia modulu';
$lang['stuffs_visual_config'] = 'Zobraz konfiguráciu';
$lang['stuffs_module_options'] = 'Možnosti modulu';
$lang['stuffs_authorized_group'] = 'Autorizované skupiny';
$lang['stuffs_authorized_users'] = 'Autorizovaný používatelia';
$lang['stuffs_public_module'] = '(Ponechať prázdne pre verejný modul)';
$lang['stuffs_show_title'] = 'Zobraz názov modulu';
$lang['stuffs_show_module_on'] = 'Zobraz modul :';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_home'] = 'Na hlavnej stránke';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_cats'] = 'Na všetkých stránkach kategórií';
$lang['stuffs_show_on_pictures'] = 'Na stránkach fotografií';
$lang['stuffs_no_options'] = 'Žiadne možnosti pre tento modul';

//Messages d'infos
$lang['stuffs_order_saved'] = 'Poradie úspešne uložené.';

// Messages d'erreurs
$lang['stuffs_error_no_mod_selected'] = 'Neoznačili ste žiaden modul.';
$lang['stuffs_no_name'] = 'Musíte určiť názov modulu';

//                            Module LastComs

$lang['module_name_lastcoms'] = 'Posledné komentáre;
$lang['module_desc_lastcoms'] = 'Zobraziť posledné poslané komentáre';

$lang['lastcoms_no_nb_comments'] = 'Musíte určiť počet komentárov.';
$lang['lastcoms_config'] = 'Konfigurácia';
$lang['lastcoms_nb_comments'] = 'Počet zobrazených komentárov';
$lang['lastcoms_show_buttons'] = 'Ukázať administrátorské tlačidlá';
$lang['lastcoms_dim'] = 'Veľkosť náhľadov';
$lang['lastcoms_width'] = 'Max výška';
$lang['lastcoms_height'] = 'Max šírka';
$lang['lastcoms_nb_cadres'] = 'Počet stĺpcov';
$lang['lastcoms_taille_cadres'] = 'Výška stĺpca';

//                            Module Logon

$lang['module_name_logon'] = 'Prihlasovacie meno';
$lang['module_desc_logon'] = 'Zobraziť prihlasovací blok';

$lang['logon_remove_menubar_block'] = 'Odstrániť blok "Rýchle pripojenie" z menu';

//                            Module Personal

$lang['module_name_personal'] = 'Osobný blok';
$lang['module_desc_personal'] = 'Zobraziť osobný blok (osožný na editáciu)';

$lang['personal_content'] = 'obsah';

//                            Module Tags

$lang['module_name_tags'] = 'Kľúčové slová';
$lang['module_desc_tags'] = 'Zobraziť kľúčové slová galérie';

$lang['stuffs_tags_default_display'] = 'Zobraziť kľúčové slová';
$lang['stuffs_tags_cloud'] = 'Mračno kľúčových slov';
$lang['stuffs_tags_letters'] = 'Zoskupiť podľa písmen';
$lang['stuffs_tags_cumulus'] = 'Použiť kumulus mód (plugin <a href= target="_blank">Cumulus Tags Cloud</a> musí byť nainštalovaný)';

//                            Module Piclenswall

$lang['module_name_piclenswall'] = 'Piclens 3DWall';
$lang['module_desc_piclenswall'] = 'Zobraziť piclens 3D wall (plugin <a href="" target="_blank">Cooliris/piclens</a> musí byť nainštalovaný)';

$lang['piclenswall_height'] = 'Výška steny';
$lang['piclenswall_background_color'] = 'Farba pozadia';
$lang['piclenswall_black'] = 'Čierna';
$lang['piclenswall_white'] = 'Biela';
$lang['piclenswall_info'] = 'A tak je stena poriadne pracujúca';
$lang['piclenswall_info_piclens'] = 'Musíte nainštalovať a aktivovať <a href="">Cooliris/piclens</a> plugin.';
$lang['piclenswall_info_crossdomain'] = 'Musíte skopírovať <a href="%s">crossdomain.xml</a> súbor do rootu Vašej stránky (alebo upraviť existujúci súbor).';
$lang['piclenswall_info_param'] = '3D Wall nastavenia musia byť upravené na konfiguračnej stránek pluginu <b>Cooliris-piclens/b>.';

//                            Module Most Visited

$lang['module_name_mostvisited'] = 'Najviac navštevované';
$lang['module_desc_mostvisited'] = 'Zobraziť x najviac navštívených fotiek v galérii alebo kategórii';

$lang['stuffs_mv_nb_images'] = 'Maximálny počet zobrazených fotiek';
$lang['stuffs_mv_category_display'] = 'Zobraziť na stránke kategórií';
$lang['stuffs_mv_all_cats'] = 'Všetky kategórie';
$lang['stuffs_mv_w_thumb'] = 'Len kategórie s náhľadmi';
$lang['stuffs_mv_wo_thumb'] = 'Len kategórie bez náhľadov';
$lang['stuffs_mv_selected_cats'] = 'Len vybrané kategórie';

$lang['stuffs_mv_cat_selection'] = 'Výber kategórií';
$lang['stuffs_mv_hold_ctrl'] = 'držte CTRL';

//                            Module Best Rated

$lang['module_name_bestrated'] = 'Najlepšie hodnotené';
$lang['module_desc_bestrated'] = 'Zobraziť x najlepšie hodnotených fotografií v galérii alebo kategórii';

//                            Module Recent

$lang['module_name_recent'] = 'Nedávno pridané fotografie';
$lang['module_desc_recent'] = 'Zobraziť x nedávno pridaných fotografií v galérii alebo kategórii (ak existujú)';

//                            Module Random

$lang['module_name_random'] = 'Náhodné fotografie';
$lang['module_desc_random'] = 'Zobraziť x náhodných fotografií v galérii alebo kategórii';

//                            Module Citation

$lang['module_name_citation'] = 'Náhodné citácie';
$lang['module_desc_citation'] = 'Zobraziť náhodné citácie';
$lang['module_Citation_lang'] = 'Jazyk';
$lang['module_Citation_code'] = 'Súvisiaci kód';

//                            Module Featured Photos

$lang['module_name_featuredphotos'] = 'Hlavné fotografie';
$lang['module_desc_featuredphotos'] = 'Zobraziť obľúbené fotografie webmastera';



#12 2010-09-29 23:13:29

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7042

For plugin AMenuManager can you translate


description -> Advanced Menu Manager allows you to easily change the look of the menu of your gallery.

$lang['Grum Plugin Classes is not installed'] = 'Plugin <b>Grum Plugin Classes</b> in not installed';

$lang['g002_title_page'] = 'Advanced Menu Management';
$lang['g002_version'] = 'r';

$lang['g002_error_invalid_ajax_call'] = "Invalid function call !";

$lang['g002_setmenu'] = 'Menu management';
$lang['g002_addlinks'] = 'Links';
$lang['g002_randompict'] = 'Random picture';
$lang['g002_personnalblock'] = 'Personalised menu';

$lang['g002_setmenu_nfo'] = 'Management of displayed menu\'s blocks';
$lang['g002_addlinks_nfo'] = 'Menu\'s block allowing to display a list of hyperlink';
$lang['g002_randompict_nfo'] = 'Menu\'s block allowing to display a random picture from the gallery';
$lang['g002_personnalblock_nfo'] = 'Display personalised blocks into menu';

$lang['g002_mode_new_window'] = 'New window';
$lang['g002_mode_current_window'] = 'Current window';
$lang['g002_addlink'] = 'Add a link';
$lang['g002_label'] = 'Label';
$lang['g002_url'] = 'URL';
$lang['g002_mode'] = 'Mode';
$lang['g002_icon'] = 'Representative picture';
$lang['g002_visible'] = 'Visible';
$lang['g002_linkslist'] = "Links list";
$lang['g002_confirm_delete_link'] = "Delete link ?";
$lang['g002_nolinks'] = 'No links';
$lang['g002_link'] = 'link';
$lang['g002_links'] = 'links';

$lang['g002_createoflink'] = 'Add link';
$lang['g002_editoflink'] = 'Edit link';
$lang['g002_createthelink'] = 'Add link';
$lang['g002_editthelink'] = 'Edit link';

$lang['g002_configlinks'] = 'Links settings';
$lang['g002_setting_link_show_icon'] = 'Display links representative picture';

$lang['g002_setting_block_menu'] = 'Menu integration';
$lang['g002_setting_block_active'] = 'Display block in menu';
$lang['g002_setting_block_title'] = 'Block title';
$lang['g002_apply'] = 'Apply';

$lang['g002_sectionslist'] = 'Menu blocks';

$lang['g002_yesno_y'] = 'Yes';
$lang['g002_yesno_n'] = 'No';

$lang['g002_owner'] = 'Owner';
$lang['g002_sectionid'] = 'Identifier';
$lang['g002_name'] = 'Label';

$lang['g002_translate'] = 'Translate with Google Translate';

$lang['g002_configrandompic'] = 'Random picture settings';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_aboutpicture'] = 'Displayed datas';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_showname'] = 'Show picture name';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_showcomment'] = 'Show picture comment';
$lang['g002_show_n'] = 'No';
$lang['g002_show_o'] = 'Display above the picture';
$lang['g002_show_u'] = 'Display under the picture';

$lang['g002_personalisedlist'] = "List of personalized blocks";
$lang['g002_notitle'] = '[No title]';
$lang['g002_title'] = 'Title';
$lang['g002_sections'] = 'blocks';
$lang['g002_section'] = 'block';
$lang['g002_nosections'] = 'No blocks';
$lang['g002_addsection'] = 'Add a new block';
$lang['g002_createofpersonalised'] = 'Create a new personalized block';
$lang['g002_editofpersonalised'] = 'Modify a personalized block';
$lang['g002_setting_block_langchoice'] = 'Language choice';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_content'] = 'Block content';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_properties'] = 'Properties';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_nfo'] = 'Description';

$lang['g002_all_languages'] = "All languages";

$lang['g002_modmenu'] = '\'menu\' block';
$lang['g002_modspecial'] = '\'special\' block';
$lang['g002_labelmenu'] = 'Menu label';

$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange'] = "Periodic change of the image";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_delay'] = "Delay";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_deactivated'] = "Disabled";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_height'] = "Height of menu block";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_height_auto'] = "Automatic";

// v2.1.3
$lang['g002_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['g002_piwigo_default'] = "Piwigo default sort";
$lang['g002_apply_changes'] = "Apply changes";
$lang['g002_config_saved'] = "The configuration is saved";
$lang['g002_adviser_not_allowed'] = "Adviser is not allowed to make changes";
$lang['g002_click_to_manage_rights'] = "Rights management";

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#13 2010-09-30 08:05:51

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language

For plugin AMenuManager can you translate


popis -> Rozšírený menu  manažér Vám umožní jednoducho meniť vzhľad menu Vašej galérie.

$lang['Grum Plugin Classes is not installed'] = 'Plugin <b>Grum Plugin Classes</b> nie je nainštalovaný';

$lang['g002_title_page'] = 'Rozšírená správa menu';
$lang['g002_version'] = 'r';

$lang['g002_error_invalid_ajax_call'] = "Volaná neplatná funkcia!";

$lang['g002_setmenu'] = 'Správa menu';
$lang['g002_addlinks'] = 'Linky';
$lang['g002_randompict'] = 'Náhodné fotografie';
$lang['g002_personnalblock'] = 'Individuálne menu';

$lang['g002_setmenu_nfo'] = 'Správa zobraných blokov menu';
$lang['g002_addlinks_nfo'] = 'Blok menu povoľujúci zobraziť zoznam hyperliniek';
$lang['g002_randompict_nfo'] = 'Blok menu povoľujúci zobraziť náhodný obrázok z galérie';
$lang['g002_personnalblock_nfo'] = 'Zobrazenie individuálnych blokov v menu';

$lang['g002_mode_new_window'] = 'Nové okno';
$lang['g002_mode_current_window'] = 'Aktuálne okno';
$lang['g002_addlink'] = 'Pridať link';
$lang['g002_label'] = 'Označenie';
$lang['g002_url'] = 'URL';
$lang['g002_mode'] = 'Mód';
$lang['g002_icon'] = 'Reprezentatívna fotka';
$lang['g002_visible'] = 'Viditeľné';
$lang['g002_linkslist'] = "Zoznam liniek";
$lang['g002_confirm_delete_link'] = "Vymazať link ?";
$lang['g002_nolinks'] = 'Žiadne linky';
$lang['g002_link'] = 'link';
$lang['g002_links'] = 'linky';

$lang['g002_createoflink'] = 'Pridať link';
$lang['g002_editoflink'] = 'Upraviť link';
$lang['g002_createthelink'] = 'Pridať link';
$lang['g002_editthelink'] = 'Upraviť link';

$lang['g002_configlinks'] = 'Nastavenie liniek';
$lang['g002_setting_link_show_icon'] = 'Zobraziť linky reprezentatívnej fotografie';

$lang['g002_setting_block_menu'] = 'Spojenie menu';
$lang['g002_setting_block_active'] = 'Zobraziť blok v menu';
$lang['g002_setting_block_title'] = 'Názov bloku';
$lang['g002_apply'] = 'Použiť';

$lang['g002_sectionslist'] = 'Bloky menu';

$lang['g002_yesno_y'] = 'Áno';
$lang['g002_yesno_n'] = 'Nie';

$lang['g002_owner'] = 'Majiteľ';
$lang['g002_sectionid'] = 'Identifikátor';
$lang['g002_name'] = 'Označenie';

$lang['g002_translate'] = 'Preložiť s prekladačom Google';

$lang['g002_configrandompic'] = 'Nastavenie náhodných fotografií';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_aboutpicture'] = 'Zobrazené údaje';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_showname'] = 'Ukázať názov fotografie';
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_showcomment'] = 'Ukázať komentár fotografie';
$lang['g002_show_n'] = 'Nie';
$lang['g002_show_o'] = 'Zobraziť nad fotkou';
$lang['g002_show_u'] = 'Zobraziť pod fotkou';

$lang['g002_personalisedlist'] = "Zoznam individuálnych blokov';
$lang['g002_notitle'] = '[Bez nadpisu]';
$lang['g002_title'] = 'Názov';
$lang['g002_sections'] = 'bloky';
$lang['g002_section'] = 'blok';
$lang['g002_nosections'] = 'Žiadne bloky';
$lang['g002_addsection'] = 'Pridať nový blok';
$lang['g002_createofpersonalised'] = 'Vytvoriť nový individuálny blok';
$lang['g002_editofpersonalised'] = 'Upraviť individuálny blok';
$lang['g002_setting_block_langchoice'] = 'Výber jazyka';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_content'] = 'Obsah bloku';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_properties'] = 'Vlastnosti';
$lang['g002_setting_personalised_nfo'] = 'Popis';

$lang['g002_all_languages'] = "Všetky jazyky";

$lang['g002_modmenu'] = '\'menu\' blok';
$lang['g002_modspecial'] = '\'špeciálny\' block';
$lang['g002_labelmenu'] = 'Názov menu';

$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange'] = "Pravidelná zmena obrázku";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_delay'] = "Oneskorenie";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_deactivated'] = "Zakázané";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_height'] = "Výška bloku menu";
$lang['g002_setting_randompic_height_auto'] = "Automaticky";

// v2.1.3
$lang['g002_cancel'] = "Zrušiť";
$lang['g002_piwigo_default'] = "Piwigo predvolené zoraďovanie";
$lang['g002_apply_changes'] = "Použiť zmeny";
$lang['g002_config_saved'] = "Konfigurácia je uložená";
$lang['g002_adviser_not_allowed'] = "Poradca nie je povolený na vytvorenie zmien";
$lang['g002_click_to_manage_rights'] = "Práva manažmentu";



#14 2010-09-30 12:22:21

Piwigo Team
Quetigny - France

Re: slovak language

Thanks :-)

[Subversion] r7049

For plugin albums can you translate


description -> Rename "category" into "album"

$lang['%d category including'] = '%d album including';
$lang['%d categories including'] = '%d albums including';
$lang['%d category moved'] = '%d album moved';
$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d albums moved';
$lang['Apply to subcategories'] = 'Apply to subalbums';
$lang['Association to categories'] = 'Association to albums';
$lang['Categories authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums authorized thanks to group associations';
$lang['Categories manual order was saved'] = 'Albums manual order has been saved';
$lang['Category elements associated to the following categories: %s'] = 'Album photos associated to the following albums: %s';
$lang['Link all category elements to a new category'] = 'Link all album photos to a new album';
$lang['Link all category elements to some existing categories'] = 'Link all album photos to existing albums';
$lang['Linked categories'] = 'Linked albums';
$lang['Manage permissions for a category'] = 'Manage permissions for an album';
$lang['Move categories'] = 'Move albums';
$lang['New parent category'] = 'New parent album';
$lang['Only private categories are listed'] = 'Only private albums are listed';
$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Other private albums';
$lang['Parent category'] = 'Parent album';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by category %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink %s has previously been used by album %s. Delete it from the permalinks history first';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by category %s'] = 'Permalink %s is already used by album %s';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Albums representation';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Select at least one album';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Storage album';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Virtual albums movement';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtual albums to move';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Virtual album name';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'You cannot move an album into its own sub album';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'associate to album';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Add a virtual album';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Authorize users to add comments on selected albums';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'The name of an album cannot not be empty';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Lock albums';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Private album';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Public album';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Manage authorizations for selected albums';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Select uploadable albums';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtual album added';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtual album deleted';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['delete category'] = 'delete album';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'dissociate from album';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'edit album permissions';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Album informations updated successfully.';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'jump to album';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Manage album photos';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Manage sub-albums';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'sub-albums';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Albums management';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Edit an album';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Update albums information';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'reduce to single existing albums';
$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'display maximum information (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'albums deleted in the database';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'albums added in the database';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtual album';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Identical files names in more than one physical album';
$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Visit the album %s';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Discover the album:';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'edit this album information';
$lang['No element in this category'] = 'No element in this album';
$lang['Drop into category'] = 'Drop into album';
$lang['existing category'] = 'existing album';
$lang['create a new category'] = 'create a new album';
$lang['Category name'] = 'Album name';
$lang['Category \'%s\' has been added'] = 'Album \'%s\' has been added';
$lang['Category \'%s\' now contains %d photos'] = 'Album \'%s\' now contains %d photos';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Albums sorted by alphanumerical order';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Albums sorted by reverse alphanumeric order';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d album updated';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d albums updated';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new pictures, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Expand all categories'] = 'Expand all albums';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'shows images at the root of this album';
$lang['in this category'] = 'in this album';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'in %d sub-album';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'in %d sub-albums';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'display all elements in all albums and sub-albums';
$lang['Recent categories'] = 'Recent albums';
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = 'display recently updated albums';
$lang['Search in Categories'] = 'Search in albums';
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = 'Search in subalbums';
$lang['set as category representative'] = 'set as album representative';
$lang['Category: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Category results for'] = 'Album results for';
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'All sub-albums of private albums become private';

You love Piwigo so don't hesitate to participate, learn more on the "Contribute to Piwigo" page. If you don't have much time for contribution, you can also help the project with a donation.



#15 2010-09-30 17:29:34

Translation Team
Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Re: slovak language

[Subversion] r7049

For plugin albums can you translate


description -> Premenovanie "kategória" na "album"

$lang['%d category including'] = '%d album obsahujúci';
$lang['%d categories including'] = '%d albumy obsahujúce';
$lang['%d category moved'] = '%d album presunutý';
$lang['%d categories moved'] = '%d albumov presunutých';
$lang['Apply to subcategories'] = 'Použiť na podalbumy';
$lang['Association to categories'] = 'Spojiť s albumom';
$lang['Categories authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albumy schválené vďaka skupinovým spojeniam';
$lang['Categories manual order was saved'] = 'Manuálne radenie albumov bolo schválené';
$lang['Category elements associated to the following categories: %s'] = 'Položky albumov naviazané do nasledujúcich albumov: %s';
$lang['Link all category elements to a new category'] = 'Napojiť všetky položky na nový album';
$lang['Link all category elements to some existing categories'] = 'Napojiť všetky položky na niektoré existujúce albumy';
$lang['Linked categories'] = 'Napojené albumy';
$lang['Manage permissions for a category'] = 'Nastaviť práva pre album';
$lang['Move categories'] = 'Presunúť albumy';
$lang['New parent category'] = 'Nový rodičovský album';
$lang['Only private categories are listed'] = 'Sú zobrazené len súkromné albumy';
$lang['Other private categories'] = 'Ďalšie súkromné albumy';
$lang['Parent category'] = 'Rodičovský album';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by category %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Pernamentné spojenie %s bolo predtým použité albumom %s. Najprv zmažte z histórie spojení.';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by category %s'] = 'Pernamentné spojenie je už využívané albumom %s';
$lang['Representation of categories'] = 'Reprezentatívna fotografia pre albumy';
$lang['Select at least one category'] = 'Je nutné zvoliť aspoň jeden album';
$lang['Storage category'] = 'Album umiestnení';
$lang['Virtual categories movement'] = 'Presun virtuálnych albumov';
$lang['Virtual categories to move'] = 'Virtuálne albumy k presunutiu';
$lang['Virtual category name'] = 'Názov virtuálneho albumu';
$lang['You cannot move a category in its own sub category'] = 'Nie je možné presunúť album do jeho vlastného podalbumu';
$lang['associate to category'] = 'priradiť k albumu';
$lang['Add a virtual category'] = 'Pridať virtuálny album';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected categories'] = 'Povoliť používateľom komentovať vybrané albumy';
$lang['The name of a category should not be empty'] = 'Meno albumu nesmie byť prázdne';
$lang['Lock categories'] = 'Zamknúť albumy';
$lang['Private category'] = 'Súkromný album';
$lang['Public category'] = 'Verejný album';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected categories'] = 'Nastaviť oprávnenie pre vybrané albumy';
$lang['Select uploadable categories'] = 'Zvoliť albumy s možnosťou nahrávania obsahu';
$lang['Virtual category added'] = 'Virtuálny album pridaný';
$lang['Virtual category deleted'] = 'Virtuálny album zmazaný';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['delete category'] = 'vymazať album';
$lang['dissociate from category'] = 'oddeliť z albumu';
$lang['edit category permissions'] = 'upraviť oprávnenie k albumu';
$lang['Category informations updated successfully.'] = 'Informácie o albume boli úspěšne aktualizované.';
$lang['jump to category'] = 'Prejsť do albumu';
$lang['manage category elements'] = 'Spravovať položky albumu';
$lang['manage sub-categories'] = 'Spravovať položky podalbumov';
$lang['sub-categories'] = 'podalbumy';
$lang['Categories management'] = 'Správa albumov';
$lang['Edit a category'] = 'Editovať album';
$lang['Update categories informations'] = 'Aktualizovať informácie o albumoch';
$lang['reduce to single existing categories'] = 'Previesť do jediného existujúceho albumu';
$lang['display maximum informations (added categories and elements, deleted categories and elements)'] = 'Zobraziť všetky informácie (pridané a odstránené albumy a položky)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory \'thumbnail\' of the category directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'typ súboru vyžaduje náhľad. Náhľad musí byť umiestnený v podadresári "thumbnail" v adresári s albumom. Názov súboru náhľadu musí začínať nastavenou predponou a prípona musí korepondovať s nasledujúcim zoznamom:';
$lang['categories deleted in the database'] = 'albumy odstránené z databázy';
$lang['categories added in the database'] = 'albumy pridané do databázy';
$lang['Virtual category'] = 'Virtuálny album';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical category'] = 'Súbory s rovnakým názvom vo viac ako jednom fyzickom albume';
$lang['[%s] Come to visit the category %s'] = '[%s] Navštívilo album %s';
$lang['Come to discover the category:'] = 'Navštívte album:';
$lang['edit category informations'] = 'upraviť informácie o albume';
$lang['No element in this category'] = 'Album neobsahuje žiadne položky';
$lang['Drop into category'] = 'Späť do albumu';
$lang['existing category'] = 'súčasný album';
$lang['create a new category'] = 'Založiť nový album';
$lang['Category name'] = 'Názov albumu';
$lang['Category \'%s\' has been added'] = 'Album \'%s\ pridaný';
$lang['Category \'%s\' now contains %d photos'] = 'Album \'%s\' teraz obsahuje %d fotografií';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Albumy zoradené podľa abecedy';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Albumy zoradené zostupne podľa abecedy';
$lang['%d category updated'] = '%d album aktualizovaný';
$lang['%d categories updated'] = '%d albumov aktualizovaných';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Albumy';
$lang['Category'] = 'Album';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated categories, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS vlákno informuje o novinkách na týchto stránkach: nové fotografie, aktualizované albumy, komentáre. Použite RSS čítačku.';
$lang['Expand all categories'] = 'Rozbaliť všetky albumy';
$lang['shows images at the root of this category'] = 'shows images at the root of this album';
$lang['in this category'] = 'v tomto albume';
$lang['in %d sub-category'] = 'v %d podalbume';
$lang['in %d sub-categories'] = 'v %d podalbumoch';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-categories'] = 'zobraziť všetky objekty v podalbumoch';
$lang['Recent categories'] = 'Nové albumy';
$lang['display recently updated categories'] = 'zobraziť novo pridané albumy';
$lang['Search in Categories'] = 'Hľadanie v albumoch';
$lang['Search in subcategories'] = 'Hľadanie v subalbumoch';
$lang['set as category representative'] = 'nastaviť album ako reprezentatívny';
$lang['Category: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Category results for'] = 'Výsledky pre album';
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private'] = 'Všetky subalbumy súkromných albumov budú súkromné';



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