
  •  » Requests
  •  » permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

#16 2008-06-22 09:41:15

Former Piwigo Team

Re: permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

z0rglub wrote:

VDigital wrote:

Will you provide the migration tool/phase/task/code? Without it could be a key blocker!

I will provide something, but as the system will change, it won't be possible to make something equally functionnal. The only solution to avoid any problem (ie a private photo publicly displayed) a solution could be to add a "privacy rule" where by default all photos have the highest privacy level.

Backup of old permissions will be necessary in order to provide plugins witch can do complicated migration.



#17 2008-07-23 23:34:59

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

I've performed a benchmark to know if "where level <= 4" was faster or slower than "where level in (0,1,2,4)". I have filled the images table with 100k records (using Talend Open Studio, a tRowGenerator and tMysqlOutput), as the data are random, I have 20k lines for each privacy level.



use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use List::Util qw(sum);

my $sth;
my $query;

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
    or die "can't connect to database";

my @queries = (
    'select %rand%, 1',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0)',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 0',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1)',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 1',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2)',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 2',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4)',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 4',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4,8)',
    'select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 8',

foreach my $query (@queries) {
    my @times = ();
    for (1..10) {
        my $rand = int rand 10_000;
        my $query_local = $query;
        $query_local =~ s{%rand%}{$rand};

        my $start = [gettimeofday];
        my $stop = [gettimeofday];

        push @times, tv_interval($start, $stop);

        "time: %.3f seconds => %s\n",
        sum(@times) / scalar(@times),

I use the %rand% trick to avoid MySQL query cache. The result is:


$ perl /home/pierrick/dev/piwigo/bench/
time: 0.000 seconds => select %rand%, 1

time: 0.130 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0)
time: 0.125 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 0

time: 0.141 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1)
time: 0.133 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 1

time: 0.143 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2)
time: 0.123 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 2

time: 0.129 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4)
time: 0.122 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 4

time: 0.125 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4,8)
time: 0.121 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 8

(lines breaks added manually) conclusion: same speed for both methods.

Now I had the obvious index:


mysql> create index images_level on images(level);
Query OK, 100000 rows affected (3.15 sec)


$ perl /home/pierrick/dev/piwigo/bench/
time: 0.000 seconds => select %rand%, 1

time: 0.009 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0)
time: 0.011 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 0

time: 0.020 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1)
time: 0.018 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 1

time: 0.030 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2)
time: 0.028 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 2

time: 0.040 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4)
time: 0.037 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 4

time: 0.050 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level in (0,1,2,4,8)
time: 0.047 seconds => select %rand%, count(*) from images where level <= 8

Same speed for both. Index makes the query 3 to 10 times faster.

Conclusion : index for speed, "where level <= 4" for simplicity of coding.



#18 2008-11-23 07:38:50

Former Piwigo Team
Paris (FR)

Re: permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

For me, offering only "image privacy level" is a real major regression.

- A website with 10% or 90% of private categories could be after migration with 100% of public images.
Migration is really complex with 5000 categories.

- If I have several group of friends "Image privacy level" does not provide a solution to authorize only some different pictures for each groups.

For me, "Image privacy level" is definitively not THE solution to manage authorizations. Start and run your own photo gallery. Signup and get 30 days to try for free, no commitment.



#19 2008-11-23 09:20:26

Former Piwigo Team

Re: permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"




#20 2008-11-23 10:23:45

Piwigo Team
Nantes, France, Europe

Re: permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

As you have seen, I have not implemented the removal of "private categories", because it would have taken too much time, and I thought we could work with both systems in the same time. But I still think that using categories to set privacy on photos is a bad thing, it's just a workaround because it was complicated to set permissions at image level.

Anyway, I'll come back to this topic once 2.0 is available, in 2.0 the 2 systems are working together.


  •  » Requests
  •  » permissions : "image privacy level" Versus "private category"

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