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  •  » LDAP Log In Extenion Issue with Active Directory As LDAP

#1 2013-06-14 00:38:50


LDAP Log In Extenion Issue with Active Directory As LDAP

Our AD doesn't allow anonymous connections.  In order to connect, I must supply the user name as
DOMAIN\user so that it will authenticate properly.  However, the file where it stores the credentials keeps writing an extra \.  The plug in is turning DOMAIN\user into DOMAIN\\user when it writes it.  When it reads it, it becomes DOMAIN\\\\user.  This is causing the authentication to fail.

In looking at the plug-in, the author is using serialize to store the data and unserialize to retrieve the data.  Neither of these functions is \ friendly.  I'm not sure what your requirements are in order to store this information.  If someone can advise on your security policy, I'm happy to offer a patch for the plug in that will allow it to be used with Active Directory as an LDAP.


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  •  » LDAP Log In Extenion Issue with Active Directory As LDAP

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