
#1 2015-07-17 15:52:56

Cold Springs (Reno), NV, USA

Repair errors identified by RV DB Integrity


Still mopping up after a rather rocky migration from G2. Some of the trouble was self-inflicted thru ill-informed Piwigo configration changes, and a weak understanding of how to use Piwigo.

I installed and ran RV DB Integrity and received the two kinds of error messages below, and would like advice on resolving them.

I believe the albums referred to in the second set of error messages have all been deleted, so I imagine that those entries in the "albums" table (I don't yet know the name of this table) can be deleted - but it would be nice to have confirmation. The other one I just don't know...

Piwigo version: 2.7.4
PHP version: 5.4
MySQL version:
Piwigo URL:

--->Error messages: (7 references)     1 FAILED
1 error references; #piwigo384_categories.id_uppercat referring to
Offending id_uppercat 0

Album status/visibility (1 references)     10 FAILED
Public album 1707 bombercommander parent 0 is
Visible album 1707 bombercommander parent 0 is
Public album 1858 cindybryan parent 0 is
Visible album 1858 cindybryan parent 0 is
Public album 2105 AZPhil parent 0 is
Visible album 2105 AZPhil parent 0 is
Public album 2106 capslock parent 0 is
Visible album 2106 capslock parent 0 is
Public album 2109 Historian parent 0 is
Visible album 2109 Historian parent 0 is



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