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Piwigo 14 in beta-test
Piwigo version 14 is under preparation and is currently waiting for your tests and feedbacks. We have already released 3 beta-test versions.
Here is the big change in Piwigo 14 : new search in the gallery. Instead of a form page and then a result page, the new "multi-criteria" search displays search criteria and results at the same time. For now, you can filter on albums, tags, search by word, added by, author, file type and posted date. This new search provides a completely new experience that you will appreciate if you use Piwigo as a photo/media manager.
New album editor: better use of space, more consistent display on small and big screens, validate button fixed position (bottom right).
Other changes include:
- support for PHP 8.2
- support for new file types : HEIC, WebP, PSD, EPS
- new mimetype icons, which are displayed by Piwigo when no poster is available
- new advanced configuration setting to set url_port, very useful with exotic reverse-proxy environments
- on user registration, ability to only notify a group of administrators
Piwigo 14 beta 1
Piwigo 14 beta 2
Piwigo 14 beta 3
Now it's your time to look at these announcements to read details on the way to test this new version 14 and give us feedback.