Release note / Piwigo 2.10.2

minor new features, bug fixes

Download Piwigo 2.10.2

Released on March 27th, 2020


The list of major changes is described on Piwigo 2.10.0 release note

Bugs fixed



Bugs fixed

1168 / Security

[API] stored XSS with pwg.images.setInfo

1150 / Security

[group manager] Stored XSS vulnerability

1133 / Display

[admin menubar] unreachable items when height is too small

1119 / Users & Groups

Password reset page not reachable when no photo added yet

1114 / UX

Admin, upload photos applications tab

1112 / Display

Admin Header, two lines on smaller screens

1102 / Display

limit number of tags in menu

1095 / Technical

mysql 8 groups is a reserved keyword

1155 / Technical

[PHP 7.4] Deprecated usage of implode

1151 / Technical

[PHP 7.4] fixes for compatibility

1139 / Technical

[PHP 7.4] Fix count() warning

1134 / Technical

[PHP 7.4] array/string offset access deprecation warning

1130 / Technical

[PHP-7.4] "Trying to access array offset on value of type null"


Updated languages

Breton (Brezhoneg)

Catalan (Català)

German (Deutsch)

Greek (Ελληνικά)


Spanish (Español)

Basque (Euskara)

French (Français)

Hungarian (Magyar)

Italian (Italiano)

Japanese (日本語)

Korean (한국어)

Latvian (Latviešu)

Dutch (Nederlands)

Polish (Polski)

Romanian (Română)

Russian (Русский)

Slovak (Slovensky)

Slovenian (Slovenščina)

Serbian (Српски)

Turkish (Türkçe)

Chinese (简体中文)

Features added

1162 / Users & Groups

[users] filter by group


We recommend the automatic upgrade. If you're running version 2.2+, Piwigo will tell you which plugins may be not compatible with Piwigo 2.10 before upgrade.

If you're running Piwigo 2.10.x you can also download the archive that contains all new and modified files. Once you have extracted the files, transfer them onto your web server with a FTP client over your Piwigo 2.10.x installation. No database upgrade is required.

If you are running a version older than 2.10 and do not want to use the automatic upgrade, then follow the manual upgrade.