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[trunk] - language - update zh_TW - 中文 (繁體) - Chinese traditional Tha…
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git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
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ddtddt committed Mar 23, 2012
1 parent e4e3a8a commit 7f7c52e
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 1 deletion.
33 changes: 32 additions & 1 deletion language/zh_TW/admin.lang.php
Expand Up @@ -803,5 +803,36 @@
$lang['Width'] = '寬度';
$lang['With no album'] = '沒有相冊';
$lang['With no tag'] = '沒有標籤';
$lang['With no virtual album'] = '沒有虛擬相冊';
$lang['With no virtual album'] = '沒有虛擬相冊';
$lang['You are using the Browser uploader. Try the <a href="%s">Flash uploader</a> instead.'] = '您正在使用瀏覽器上傳,您也可改用<a href="%s">Flash上傳器上傳。';
$lang['You are using the Flash uploader. Problems? Try the <a href="%s">Browser uploader</a> instead.'] = '您正在使用Flash上傳器上傳;若有問題,您也可改用<a href="%s">瀏覽器上傳。';
$lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).'] = '您可直接升級到Piwigo的%s,而不需升級到Piwigo的%(建議版本)';
$lang['Zoom'] = '放大';
$lang['Resize after upload'] = '上傳後調整大小';
$lang['Original Size'] = '原始大小';
$lang['A locked gallery is only visible to administrators'] = '鎖定的畫廊,只有管理員可以看見';
$lang['Unlock gallery'] = '將畫廊解鎖';
$lang['Gallery unlocked'] = '畫廊已解鎖';
$lang['Notify administrators when a comment is'] = '當有評論時通知管理員';
$lang['modified'] = '已修改';
$lang['pending validation'] = '等候驗證';
$lang['Save visits in history for'] = '保存訪問的歷史';
$lang['simple visitors'] = '普通訪客';
$lang['registered users'] = '註冊用戶';
$lang['administrators'] = '管理員';
$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '這本相冊包含%d張照片,在%s上添加';
$lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = '這本相冊包含%d張照片,在%s和%s之間添加。';
$lang['This album contains no photo.'] = '這本相冊沒有照片';
$lang['Not cropped correctly?'] = '不正確的裁剪?';
$lang['Center of interest'] = '我的收藏';
$lang['Move to album'] = '移動到相冊';
$lang['You can activate only one mobile theme.'] = '您最多只能啟用一個移動的主題。';
$lang['Automatic sort order'] = '自動排序';
$lang['apply automatic sort order'] = '使用自動排序';
$lang['Save manual order'] = '保存手動排序';
$lang['cancel manual order'] = '取消手動排序';
$lang['Cancel'] = '取消';
$lang['List'] = '清單';
$lang['Web Form'] = '網頁表格';


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