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- bug fix: comments_forall and category commentable were not checked …
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POST and a comment could be inserted
- feature 524: anti-spam: 
  - check number of links
  - check ip address against block list
  - action when comment is qualified spam (needs validation or reject)
  - so far everything is in the config file

git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
  • Loading branch information
rvelices committed Nov 16, 2006
1 parent 221d839 commit 31e3120
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Showing 5 changed files with 168 additions and 76 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions include/
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// anti-flood_time : number of seconds between 2 comments : 0 to disable
$conf['anti-flood_time'] = 60;

// qualified spam comments are not registered (false will register them
// but they will require admin validation)
$conf['comment_spam_reject'] = true;

// maximum number of links in a comment before it is qualified spam
$conf['comment_spam_max_links'] = 3;

// if the ip address of a comenteer is in block list, the
// comment is qualified spam
$conf['comment_spam_check_ip'] = false;

// calendar_datefield : date field of table "images" used for calendar
// catgory
$conf['calendar_datefield'] = 'date_creation';
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228 changes: 155 additions & 73 deletions include/
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* This file is included by the picture page to manage user comments
//returns string action to perform on a new comment: validate, moderate, reject
function user_comment_check($action, $comment, $picture)
global $conf,$user;

if ($action=='reject')
return $action;

$my_action = $conf['comment_spam_reject'] ? 'reject':'moderate';
if ($action==$my_action)
return $action;

// we do here only BASIC spam check (plugins can do more)
if ( !$user['is_the_guest'] )
return $action;

$link_count = preg_match_all( '/https?:\/\//',
$comment['content'], $matches);

if ( $link_count>$conf['comment_spam_max_links'] )
return $my_action;

if ( isset($comment['ip']) and $conf['comment_spam_check_ip'] )
$rev_ip = implode( '.', array_reverse( explode('.',$comment['ip']) ) );
$lookup = $rev_ip . '';
$res = gethostbyname( $lookup );
if ( $lookup != $res )
return $my_action;

return $action;

if ( isset( $_POST['content'] ) and !empty($_POST['content']) )

add_event_handler('user_comment_check', 'user_comment_check',

// the picture is commentable if it belongs at least to one category which
// is commentable
$page['show_comments'] = false;
foreach ($related_categories as $category)
$register_comment = true;
$author = !empty($_POST['author'])?$_POST['author']:$lang['guest'];
// if a guest try to use the name of an already existing user, he must be
// rejected
if ( $author != $user['username'] )
if ($category['commentable'] == 'true')
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_exists';
$query.= ' FROM '.USERS_TABLE;
$query.= ' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username']." = '".$author."'";
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( pwg_query( $query ) );
if ( $row['user_exists'] == 1 )
$page['show_comments'] = true;

if ( $page['show_comments'] and isset( $_POST['content'] ) )
if ( $user['is_the_guest'] and !$conf['comments_forall'] )
die ('Session expired');
if (!$conf['comments_validation'] or is_admin())
$comment_action='validate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject
$comment_action='moderate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject

$_POST['content'] = trim( stripslashes($_POST['content']) );

if ( $user['is_the_guest'] )
$author = empty($_POST['author'])?'guest':$_POST['author'];
// if a guest try to use the name of an already existing user, he must be
// rejected
if ( $author != 'guest' )
$register_comment = false;
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_exists';
$query.= ' FROM '.USERS_TABLE;
$query.= ' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username']." = '".$author."'";
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc( pwg_query( $query ) );
if ( $row['user_exists'] == 1 )

if ( $register_comment )
// anti-flood system
$author = $user['username'];

$comm = array(
'author' => $author,
'content' => $_POST['content'],
'image_id' => $page['image_id'],
'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']

if ($comment_action!='reject' and empty($comm['content']) )
{ // empty comment content

if ($comment_action!='reject' and $conf['anti-flood_time']>0 )
{ // anti-flood system
$reference_date = time() - $conf['anti-flood_time'];
$query.= ' WHERE date > FROM_UNIXTIME('.$reference_date.')';
$query.= " AND author = '".$author."'";
$query.= " AND author = '".$comm['author']."'";
$query.= ';';
if ( mysql_num_rows( pwg_query( $query ) ) == 0
or $conf['anti-flood_time'] == 0 )
if ( mysql_num_rows( pwg_query( $query ) ) > 0 )
list($dbnow) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();'));

$data = array();
$data{'author'} = $author;
$data{'date'} = $dbnow;
$data{'image_id'} = $page['image_id'];
$data{'content'} = htmlspecialchars( $_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES);

if (!$conf['comments_validation'] or is_admin())
$data{'validated'} = 'true';
$data{'validation_date'} = $dbnow;
$data{'validated'} = 'false';

$fields = array('author', 'date', 'image_id', 'content', 'validated',
mass_inserts(COMMENTS_TABLE, $fields, array($data));
// perform more spam check
$comment_action = trigger_event('user_comment_check',
$comment_action, $comm, $picture['current']

// information message
$message = $lang['comment_added'];
if ( $comment_action!='reject' )
list($dbnow) = mysql_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();'));

if (!$conf['comments_validation'] or is_admin())
$data = $comm;
$data['date'] = $dbnow;
$data['content'] = addslashes(
// this htmlpsecialchars is not good here

if ( $conf['comments_validation'] and !is_admin() )
$message.= '<br />'.$lang['comment_to_validate'];
if ($comment_action=='validate')
$data['validated'] = 'true';
$data['validation_date'] = $dbnow;
// information message
$data['validated'] = 'false';

// the picture is commentable if it belongs at least to one category which
// is commentable
$page['show_comments'] = false;
foreach ($related_categories as $category)
if ($category['commentable'] == 'true')
$fields = array('author', 'date', 'image_id', 'content', 'validated',
mass_inserts(COMMENTS_TABLE, $fields, array($data));
$comm['id'] = mysql_insert_id();

// information message
$message = $lang['comment_added'];
if ($comment_action!='validate')
$message.= '<br />'.$lang['comment_to_validate'];
$page['show_comments'] = true;
array('INFORMATION'=>l10n('comment_not_added') )

// allow plugins to notify what's going on
trigger_action( 'user_comment_insertion',
array_merge($comm, array('action'=>$comment_action) )

if ($page['show_comments'])
// number of comment for this picture
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$template->assign_block_vars('comments.add_comment', array());
// display author field if the user is not logged in
if (!$user['is_the_guest'])
if ($user['is_the_guest'])
'comments.add_comment.author_field', array()
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php
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$lang['comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['comment_added'] = 'Your comment has been registered';
$lang['comment_anti-flood'] = 'Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment';
$lang['comment_not_added'] = 'Your comment has NOT been registered because it did not pass the validation rules';
$lang['comment_to_validate'] = 'An administrator must authorize your comment before it is visible.';
$lang['comment_user_exists'] = 'This login is already used by another user';
$lang['comments'] = 'Comments';
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions language/fr_FR.iso-8859-1/common.lang.php
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$lang['comment'] = 'Commentaire';
$lang['comment_added'] = 'Votre commentaire a été enregistré';
$lang['comment_anti-flood'] = 'Système anti-abus : merci de patienter avant d\'ajouter un nouveau commentaire';
$lang['comment_not_added'] = 'Votre commentaire n\'a pas été enregistré parce qu\'il ne vérifie pas les règles de validation';
$lang['comment_to_validate'] = 'Un administrateur doit valider votre commentaire afin qu\'il soit visible.';
$lang['comment_user_exists'] = 'Ce nom d\'utilisateur est déjà pris';
$lang['comments'] = 'Commentaires';
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions template/yoga/picture.tpl
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<!-- BEGIN author_field -->
<label>{lang:upload_author}<input type="text" name="author"></label>
<!-- END author_field -->
<!-- BEGIN author_known -->
<input type="hidden" name="author" value="{comments.add_comment.author_known.KNOWN_AUTHOR}">
<!-- END author_known -->
<label>{lang:comment}<textarea name="content" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea></label>
<input type="submit" value="{lang:submit}">
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