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Generate a permalink per album automatically : allows to decorrelate the name of an album and its url
Be able to update the photo file from the administration without changing the properties
Display photos on an OpenStreetMap
Generate an iframe code to integrate photos on a blog, a website...
Change the date of addition of files to a selection
Generate a link to share a private file and send it by email to a person who does not have an account on your Piwigo.
Update the properties of a selection of files in bulk from a csv file import
Do not display the webmaster's email address in the notification emails
Add a photo to your favorites in one click (only for Bootstrap Darkroom theme)
Shows what Piwigo can read as metadata for any photo. Helps to configure your Piwigo.
Adds an option in the sorting order of the photos within an album.
Disable right-click on photos over a certain size
Rotate a photo or a selection of photos
Control spam in comments via the Askimet service
Enable autocompletion in the search engine
Manage the album tree in the Albums menu
Load thumbnails asynchronously as you scroll on a page
Add a "My Photos" menu
Add a menu to view photos by user
Add the photo ID on the photo page
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