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Open your photo library to an unlimited number of users
Carefully manage everyone's permissions and access
Share, exchange and collaborate more efficiently!
Forget external hard drives, file transfers, and shared servers. Sharing and publishing your content has never been easier.
Manage access to your image library for employees, external service providers, and the general public in a flexible, specific way.
Whether you want to create a personalized public image library or a workspace protected by user permissions, with Piwigo you will find the solution you need.
A collaborative image library for your team and your partners
Permissions, collaboration and sharing
You don't want your data to be available to anyone on the Internet, and that's okay. We implement numerous procedures to protect our platform against any hacking attempt. In addition, we are very attached to confidentiality: we do not use any third-party cookies and are 100% GDPR compliant. Photos, email addresses and IP addresses will never be shared outside of Piwigo.
We chose OVH, a french company, to rent our servers. In the hosting market, OVH is number 1 in Europe and number 3 in the world. Each Piwigo.com account is hosted on one of our dedicated servers: we fully control this server and it is not shared with other OVH customers.
Your data is backed up and copied to a standby server, located on a physical location other than the main server. When a fire destroyed several OVH data centers in 2021, no data was lost.
At Piwigo, we are against "locking in" our customers. Therefore, you can at any time recover your data to host it elsewhere. If you want to stop your subscription, and host Piwigo on your own server, we even help you "move" your data.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Hosted in France
Backups and standby servers
Your data belongs to you
Don't risk losing your files by mistake
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