'categories', // 'category' => 12, // 'start' => 24 // 'action' => 'fill_caddie' // ); $page['section'] = 'categories'; // some ISPs set PATH_INFO to empty string or to SCRIPT_FILENAME while in the // default apache implementation it is not set if ( $conf['question_mark_in_urls']==false and isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) and !empty($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]) ) { $rewritten = $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"]; $rewritten = str_replace('//', '/', $rewritten); $path_count = count( explode('/', $rewritten) ); $page['root_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.str_repeat('../', $path_count-1); } else { $rewritten = ''; foreach (array_keys($_GET) as $keynum => $key) { $rewritten = $key; break; } $page['root_path'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH; } // deleting first "/" if displayed $tokens = explode( '/', preg_replace('#^/#', '', $rewritten) ); // $tokens = array( // 0 => category, // 1 => 12-foo, // 2 => start-24 // ); $next_token = 0; if (script_basename() == 'picture.php') { // the first token must be the identifier for the picture if ( isset($_GET['image_id']) and isset($_GET['cat']) and is_numeric($_GET['cat']) ) {// url compatibility with versions below 1.6 $url = make_picture_url( array( 'section' => 'categories', 'category' => $_GET['cat'], 'image_id' => $_GET['image_id'] ) ); redirect($url); } $token = $tokens[$next_token]; $next_token++; if ( is_numeric($token) ) { $page['image_id'] = $token; } else { preg_match('/^(\d+-)?(.*)?$/', $token, $matches); if (isset($matches[1]) and is_numeric($matches[1]=rtrim($matches[1],'-')) ) { $page['image_id'] = $matches[1]; if ( !empty($matches[2]) ) { $page['image_file'] = $matches[2]; } } else { if ( !empty($matches[2]) ) { $page['image_file'] = $matches[2]; } else { die('Fatal: picture identifier is missing'); } } } } if (0 === strpos($tokens[$next_token], 'categor')) { $page['section'] = 'categories'; $next_token++; if (isset($tokens[$next_token]) and preg_match('/^(\d+)/', $tokens[$next_token], $matches)) { $page['category'] = $matches[1]; $next_token++; } } else if (0 === strpos($tokens[$next_token], 'tag')) { $page['section'] = 'tags'; $page['tags'] = array(); $next_token++; $i = $next_token; $requested_tag_ids = array(); $requested_tag_url_names = array(); while (isset($tokens[$i])) { if ( preg_match('/^(created-|posted-|start-(\d)+)/', $tokens[$i]) ) break; if ( preg_match('/^(\d+)(?:-(.*))?/', $tokens[$i], $matches) ) { array_push($requested_tag_ids, $matches[1]); } else { array_push($requested_tag_url_names, "'".$tokens[$i]."'"); } $i++; } $next_token = $i; if ( empty($requested_tag_ids) && empty($requested_tag_url_names) ) { die('Fatal: at least one tag required'); } // tag infos $query = ' SELECT name, url_name, id FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE '; if ( !empty($requested_tag_ids) ) { $query.= 'id IN ('.implode(',', $requested_tag_ids ).')'; } if ( !empty($requested_tag_url_names) ) { if ( !empty($requested_tag_ids) ) { $query.= ' OR '; } $query.= 'url_name IN ('.implode(',', $requested_tag_url_names ).')'; } $result = pwg_query($query); $tag_infos = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $tag_infos[ $row['id'] ] = $row; array_push($page['tags'], $row );//we loose given tag order; is it important? } if ( empty($page['tags']) ) { page_not_found('Requested tag does not exist', get_root_url().'tags.php' ); } } else if (0 === strpos($tokens[$next_token], 'fav')) { $page['section'] = 'favorites'; $next_token++; } else if ('most_visited' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'most_visited'; $next_token++; } else if ('best_rated' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'best_rated'; $next_token++; } else if ('recent_pics' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'recent_pics'; $next_token++; } else if ('recent_cats' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'recent_cats'; $next_token++; } else if ('search' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'search'; $next_token++; preg_match('/(\d+)/', $tokens[$next_token], $matches); if (!isset($matches[1])) { die('Fatal: search identifier is missing'); } $page['search'] = $matches[1]; $next_token++; } else if ('list' == $tokens[$next_token]) { $page['section'] = 'list'; $next_token++; $page['list'] = array(); if (!preg_match('/^\d+(,\d+)*$/', $tokens[$next_token])) { die('wrong format on list GET parameter'); } foreach (explode(',', $tokens[$next_token]) as $image_id) { array_push($page['list'], $image_id); } $next_token++; } $i = $next_token; while (isset($tokens[$i])) { if (preg_match('/^start-(\d+)/', $tokens[$i], $matches)) { $page['start'] = $matches[1]; } if (preg_match('/^(posted|created)/', $tokens[$i] )) { $chronology_tokens = explode('-', $tokens[$i] ); $page['chronology_field'] = $chronology_tokens[0]; array_shift($chronology_tokens); $page['chronology_style'] = $chronology_tokens[0]; array_shift($chronology_tokens); if ( count($chronology_tokens)>0 ) { if ('list'==$chronology_tokens[0] or 'calendar'==$chronology_tokens[0]) { $page['chronology_view'] = $chronology_tokens[0]; array_shift($chronology_tokens); } $page['chronology_date'] = $chronology_tokens; } } $i++; } // $page['nb_image_page'] is the number of picture to display on this page // By default, it is the same as the $user['nb_image_page'] $page['nb_image_page'] = $user['nb_image_page']; if (isset($_COOKIE['pwg_image_order']) and is_numeric($_COOKIE['pwg_image_order']) and $_COOKIE['pwg_image_order'] > 0) { $orders = get_category_preferred_image_orders(); $conf['order_by'] = str_replace( 'ORDER BY ', 'ORDER BY '.$orders[ $_COOKIE['pwg_image_order'] ][1].',', $conf['order_by'] ); $page['super_order_by'] = true; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | category | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ('categories' == $page['section']) { if (isset($page['category'])) { $result = get_cat_info($page['category']); if (empty($result)) { page_not_found('Requested category does not exist' ); } $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'comment' => $result['comment'], 'cat_dir' => $result['dir'], 'cat_name' => $result['name'], 'cat_site_id' => $result['site_id'], 'cat_uploadable' => $result['uploadable'], 'cat_commentable' => $result['commentable'], 'cat_id_uppercat' => $result['id_uppercat'], 'uppercats' => $result['uppercats'], 'title' => get_cat_display_name($result['name'], '', false), ) ); if (!isset($page['chronology_field'])) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON id = image_id WHERE category_id = '.$page['category'].' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page['items'] = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); $page['thumbnails_include'] = $result['nb_images'] > 0 ? 'include/category_default.inc.php' : 'include/category_subcats.inc.php'; } //otherwise the calendar will requery all subitems } else { $page['title'] = $lang['no_category']; $page['thumbnails_include'] = 'include/category_subcats.inc.php'; } } // special sections else { if (!empty($user['forbidden_categories'])) { $forbidden = ' category_id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')'; } else { $forbidden = ' 1 = 1'; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | tags section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ($page['section'] == 'tags') { $page['tag_ids'] = array(); foreach ($page['tags'] as $tag) { array_push($page['tag_ids'], $tag['id']); } $items = get_image_ids_for_tags($page['tag_ids']); // permissions depends on category, so to only keep images that are // reachable to the connected user, we need to check category // associations if (!empty($items) ) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id=id WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $items).') AND '.$forbidden. $conf['order_by'].' ;'; $items = array_unique( array_from_query($query, 'image_id') ); } $title = count($page['tags']) > 1 ? l10n('Tags') : l10n('Tag'); $title.= ' '; $tag_num = 1; foreach ($page['tag_ids'] as $tag_id) { $title.= ($tag_num++ > 1 ? ' + ' : '') .'' .$tag_infos[$tag_id]['name'] .''; } $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $title, 'items' => array_values($items), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | search section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ($page['section'] == 'search') { include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/functions_search.inc.php' ); $search_items = get_search_items($page['search']); if ( !empty($search_items) ) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $search_items).') AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page['items'] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } else { $page['items'] = array(); } $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['search_result'], 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | favorite section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'favorites') { check_user_favorites(); $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id = id WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['favorites'], 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'image_id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | recent pictures section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'recent_pics') { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE date_available > \''. date('Y-m-d', time() - 60*60*24*$user['recent_period']).'\' AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => '' .$lang['recent_pics_cat'].'', 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | recently updated categories section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'recent_cats') { $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => $lang['recent_cats_cat'], 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_recent_cats.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | most visited section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'most_visited') { $page['super_order_by'] = true; $conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY hit DESC, file ASC'; $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE hit > 0 AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' LIMIT 0, '.$conf['top_number'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => '' .$conf['top_number'].' '.$lang['most_visited_cat'].'', 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | best rated section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'best_rated') { $page['super_order_by'] = true; $conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY average_rate DESC, id ASC'; $query =' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE average_rate IS NOT NULL AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' LIMIT 0, '.$conf['top_number'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => '' .$conf['top_number'].' '.$lang['best_rated_cat'].'', 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | list section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ else if ($page['section'] == 'list') { $query =' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $page['list']).') AND '.$forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by'].' ;'; $page = array_merge( $page, array( 'title' => '' .$lang['random_cat'].'', 'items' => array_from_query($query, 'id'), 'thumbnails_include' => 'include/category_default.inc.php', ) ); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | chronology | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($page['chronology_field'])) { include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_calendar.inc.php' ); initialize_calendar(); } $page['cat_nb_images'] = isset($page['items']) ? count($page['items']) : 0; if (script_basename() == 'picture.php' and !isset($page['image_id']) ) { if ( !empty($page['items']) ) { $query = ' SELECT id,file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE .' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',',$page['items']).') AND file LIKE "' . $page['image_file'] . '.%" ESCAPE "|"' ; $result = pwg_query($query); if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0) { list($page['image_id'], $page['image_file']) = mysql_fetch_row($result); } } if ( !isset($page['image_id']) ) { $page['image_id'] = -1; // will fail in picture.php } } ?>