> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See main.inc.php for release information AMM_root : root class for plugin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/block.class.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/CommonPlugin.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCUsersGroups.class.inc.php'); class AMM_root extends CommonPlugin { protected $defaultMenus = array( /* about visibility & accessibility system : * - by default, everything is visible (users & groups) * - items not visibles are listed (in release < 3.3.4, this rule wa applied to groups only) * * on the user interface, checked items are visibles => not checked items are stored */ 'favorites' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 0, 'translation' => 'My favorites'), 'most_visited' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 1, 'translation' => 'Most visited'), 'best_rated' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 2, 'translation' => 'Best rated'), 'random' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 3, 'translation' => 'Random pictures'), 'recent_pics' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 4, 'translation' => 'Recent pictures'), 'recent_cats' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 5, 'translation' => 'Recent categories'), 'calendar' => array('container' => 'special', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 6, 'translation' => 'Calendar'), 'qsearch' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 0, 'translation' => 'Quick search'), 'tags' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 1, 'translation' => 'Tags'), 'search' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 2, 'translation' => 'Search'), 'comments' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 3, 'translation' => 'Comments'), 'about' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 4, 'translation' => 'About'), 'rss' => array('container' => 'menu', 'visibility' => '/', 'order' => 5, 'translation' => 'Notification') ); protected $urlsModes=array(0 => 'new_window', 1 => 'current_window'); public function __construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { $this->setPluginName("Advanced Menu Manager"); $this->setPluginNameFiles("amm"); parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $list=array('urls', 'personalised', 'personalised_langs', 'blocks'); $this->setTablesList($list); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->defaultMenus); parent::__destruct(); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * common AIP & PIP functions * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * this function initialize config var with default values */ public function initConfig() { $this->config=array( 'amm_links_show_icons' => 'y', 'amm_links_title' => array(), 'amm_randompicture_preload' => 25, //number preloaded random pictures 'amm_randompicture_showname' => 'n', //n:no, o:over, u:under 'amm_randompicture_showcomment' => 'n', //n:no, o:over, u:under 'amm_randompicture_periodicchange' => 0, //0: no periodic change ; periodic change in milliseconds 'amm_randompicture_height' => 0, //0: automatic, otherwise it's the fixed height in pixels 'amm_randompicture_title' => array(), 'amm_randompicture_selectMode' => 'a', // a:all, f:webmaster's favorites, c:categories 'amm_randompicture_selectCat' => array(), // categories id list 'amm_blocks_items' => $this->defaultMenus, 'amm_albums_to_menu' => array(), 'amm_old_blk_menubar' => '', // keep a copy of piwigo's menubar config 'newInstall' => 'n' ); $languages=get_languages(); foreach($languages as $key => $val) { if($key=='fr_FR') { $this->config['amm_links_title'][$key]=base64_encode('Liens'); $this->config['amm_randompicture_title'][$key]=base64_encode('Une image au hasard'); } else { $this->config['amm_links_title'][$key]=base64_encode('Links'); $this->config['amm_randompicture_title'][$key]=base64_encode('A random picture'); } } } public function registerBlocks( $menu_ref_arr ) { $menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0]; if ($menu->get_id() != 'menubar') return; $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbAMM_randompict', 'Random pictures', 'AMM')); $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbAMM_links', 'Links', 'AMM')); $blocks=$this->getPersonalisedBlocks(); if(count($blocks)) { $idDone=array(); foreach($blocks as $key => $val) { if(!isset($idDone[$val['id']])) { $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbAMM_personalised'.$val['id'], $val['title'], 'AMM')); $idDone[$val['id']]=""; } } } $this->loadConfig(); if(count($this->config['amm_albums_to_menu'])>0) { $sql="SELECT id, name FROM ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." WHERE id IN(".implode(',', $this->config['amm_albums_to_menu']).");"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['name']=trigger_change('render_category_name', $row['name'], 'amm_album_to_menu'); $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbAMM_album'.$row['id'], $row['name'].' ('.l10n('g002_album2menu').') ', 'AMM')); } } } } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Links functions * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * return an array of links (each url is an array) * * @param Bool onlyVisible : if true, only visible links are returned * @return Array */ protected function getLinks($onlyVisible=false) { $returned=array(); $sql="SELECT id, label, url, mode, icon, position, visible, accessUsers, accessGroups FROM ".$this->tables['urls']; if($onlyVisible) { $sql.=" WHERE visible = 'y' "; } $sql.=" ORDER BY position ASC, id ASC"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned[]=$row; } } return($returned); } /** * return values for a given link * * @param String $id : link id * @return Array */ protected function getLink($id) { $returned=array(); $sql="SELECT id, label, url, mode, icon, position, visible, accessUsers, accessGroups FROM ".$this->tables['urls']." WHERE id = '$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned=$row; } } return($returned); } /** * set values for a link * if link id is empty : create a new link * if not, update link * * @param String $id : link id * @return Integer : -1 if fails * otherwise link id */ protected function setLink($id, $label, $url, $mode, $icon, $visible, $accessUsers, $accessGroups) { if($id=='') { $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['urls']." VALUES ('', '".$label."', '".$url."', '$mode', '$icon', 0, '$visible', '$accessUsers', '$accessGroups' );"; } else { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['urls']." SET label='".$label."', url='".$url."', mode='$mode', icon='$icon', visible='$visible', accessUsers='".$accessUsers."', accessGroups='".$accessGroups."' WHERE id='$id';"; } $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { if($id=='') { return(pwg_db_insert_id()); } else { return($id); } } return(-1); } /** * delete a given link * * @param String $id : link id * @return Bool : true if deleted, otherwise false */ protected function deleteLink($id) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['urls']." WHERE id = '$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) return(true); return(false); } /** * return number of links * * @param Bool onlyVisible : if true, only visible links are counted * @return Array */ protected function getLinksCount($onlyVisible=false) { $returned=0; $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM ".$this->tables['urls']; if($onlyVisible) { $sql.=" WHERE visible = 'y' "; } $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $tmp=pwg_db_fetch_row($result); $returned=$tmp[0]; } return($returned); } /** * set order from given links * * @param Array $links : array * each item is an array ('id' => '', 'order' =>'') * @return Bool : */ protected function setLinksOrder($links) { $returned=true; foreach($links as $link) { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['urls']." SET position='".$link['order']."' WHERE id='".$link['id']."';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if(!$result) $returned=false; } return($returned); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Personalised Blocks functions * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * return an array of personalised blocks (each block is an array) * * @param Bool onlyVisible : if true, only visibles blocks are returned * @return Array */ protected function getPersonalisedBlocks($onlyVisible=false, $lang='', $emptyContent=false) { global $user; if($lang=="") $lang=$user['language']; $returned=array(); $sql="SELECT pt.id, pt.visible, pt.nfo, ptl.lang, ptl.title, ptl.content FROM ".$this->tables['personalised']." pt LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['personalised_langs']." ptl ON pt.id=ptl.id WHERE (ptl.lang = '*' OR ptl.lang = '".pwg_db_real_escape_string($lang)."') "; if($onlyVisible) $sql.=" AND pt.visible = 'y' "; if($emptyContent==false) $sql.=" AND ptl.content != '' "; $sql.=" ORDER BY pt.id, ptl.lang ASC "; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['content'] = trigger_change('get_extended_desc', $row['content']); $returned[]=$row; } } return($returned); } /** * return values for a given personalised block * * @param String $id : link id * @return Array */ protected function getPersonalisedBlock($id) { $returned=array( 'visible' => false, 'nfo' => '', 'langs' => array() ); $sql="SELECT visible, nfo FROM ".$this->tables['personalised']." WHERE id='$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned['visible']=$row['visible']; $returned['nfo']=$row['nfo']; } $sql="SELECT lang, title, content FROM ".$this->tables['personalised_langs']." WHERE id='$id' ORDER BY lang ASC;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned['langs'][$row['lang']]=$row; } } } return($returned); } /** * set values for a personalised block * if block id is empty : create a new block * if not, update block * * @param String $id : block id * @return Integer : -1 if fails * otherwise block id */ protected function setPersonalisedBlock($id, $visible, $nfo, $langs) { $ok=false; if($id=='') { $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['personalised']." VALUES ('', '$visible', '".$nfo."' );"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) $ok=true; $id=pwg_db_insert_id(); } else { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['personalised']." SET visible='$visible', nfo='".pwg_db_real_escape_string(stripslashes($nfo))."' WHERE id='$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['personalised_langs']." WHERE id='$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) $ok=true; } } if($ok) { $values=array(); foreach($langs as $key => $lang) { $values[]="('$id', '".$lang['lang']."', '".pwg_db_real_escape_string(stripslashes($lang['title']))."', '".pwg_db_real_escape_string(stripslashes($lang['content']))."')"; } $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['personalised_langs']." VALUES ".implode(',', $values); $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) $ok=true; } if($ok) return($id); return(-1); } /** * delete a given personalised block * * @param String $id : block id * @return Bool : true if deleted, otherwise false */ protected function deletePersonalisedBlock($id) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['personalised']." WHERE id = '$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['personalised_langs']." WHERE id = '$id';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) return(true); } return(false); } /** * return an array of all registered blocks * each array item is an array : * String 'id' => '' * Integer 'order' => 0 * Array 'users' => array() * Array 'groups' => array() * String 'name' => '' * String 'owner' => '' * * @param Bool $userFiltered : true if returned blocks are filtered to current * user * @return Array */ protected function getRegisteredBlocks($userFiltered=false) { global $conf, $user; $returned=array(); $order=0; $users=new GPCUsers(); $groups=new GPCGroups(); $menu = new BlockManager('menubar'); $menu->load_registered_blocks(); $registeredBlocks = $menu->get_registered_blocks(); $nbExistingGroups=0; $sql="SELECT COUNT(id) AS nbGroup FROM ".GROUPS_TABLE.";"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $nbExistingGroups=$row['nbGroup']; } } $userGroups=array(); $sql="SELECT group_id FROM ".USER_GROUP_TABLE." WHERE user_id = '".$user['id']."';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $userGroups[$row['group_id']]=''; } } $sql="SELECT id, `order`, users, groups FROM ".$this->tables['blocks']." ORDER BY `order`;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $row['users']=(trim($row['users'])=='')?array():explode(',', $row['users']); $row['groups']=(trim($row['groups'])=='')?array():explode(',', $row['groups']); if(isset($registeredBlocks[$row['id']])) { $ok=true; if($userFiltered) { // filter access enabled $users->setAlloweds($row['users'], false); if($users->isAllowed($user['status'])) { // user is authorized, check group if(count($userGroups)) { // users is attached to one group or more, check access for each group // at least, one group must have right access $nbOk=count($userGroups); $groups->setAlloweds($row['groups'], false); foreach($row['groups'] as $val) { if(isset($userGroups[$val]) and !$groups->isAllowed($val)) $nbOk--; } // no group is authorized to access the menu if($nbOk==0) $ok=false; } elseif($nbExistingGroups>0 and count($row['groups'])>0) { // if user is not attached to any group and if at least there 1 // existing group, no authorization to access to the menu $ok=false; } } else { // user not authorized $ok=false; } } if($ok) { $returned[$row['id']]=array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'order' => $row['order'], 'users' => $row['users'], 'groups'=> $row['groups'], 'name' => $registeredBlocks[$row['id']]->get_name(), 'owner' => $registeredBlocks[$row['id']]->get_owner() ); $order=$row['order']; } unset($registeredBlocks[$row['id']]); } } } /* * add new blocks, unknown from plugin * by default, users & groups are visibles */ foreach($registeredBlocks as $key=>$val) { $order+=10; $returned[$key]=array( 'id' => $key, 'order' => $order, 'users' => array(), 'groups'=> array(), 'name' => $val->get_name(), 'owner' => $val->get_owner() ); } return($returned); } /** * set order for registered blocks * * note : Piwigo's order is maintened * * @param Array $block : array of block ; each items is an array * String 'id' => '' * Integer 'order' => '' * Array 'users' => array() * Array 'groups' => array() * @return Bool : true, false is something is wrong */ protected function setRegisteredBlocks($blocks) { $returned=true; $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['blocks']; pwg_query($sql); foreach($blocks as $block) { $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['blocks']." VALUES ( '".$block['id']."', '".$block['order']."', '".implode(',', $block['users'])."', '".implode(',', $block['groups'])."' );"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if(!$result) $returned=false; } return($returned); } static public function checkPluginRelease() { global $template, $prefixeTable, $conf; $config=array(); GPCCore::loadConfig('amm', $config); if($config['installed']!=AMM_VERSION2) { /* the plugin was updated without being deactivated * deactivate + activate the plugin to process the database upgrade */ include(AMM_PATH."amm_install.class.inc.php"); $amm=new AMM_Install($prefixeTable, dirname(__FILE__)); $amm->deactivate(); $amm->activate(); if(is_object($template)) $template->delete_compiled_templates(); } } protected function sortCoreBlocksItemsCompare($a, $b) { if($a['container']==$b['container']) { if($a['order']==$b['order']) return(0); return(($a['order']<$b['order'])?-1:1); } else return(($a['container']<$b['container'])?-1:1); } protected function sortCoreBlocksItems() { uasort($this->config['amm_blocks_items'], array($this, "sortCoreBlocksItemsCompare")); } } // amm_root class ?>