Grum Plugin Classes in not installed'; $lang['g002_title_page'] = 'Advanced Menu Management'; $lang['g002_version'] = 'r'; $lang['g002_error_invalid_ajax_call'] = "Invalid function call !"; $lang['g002_setmenu'] = 'Menu management'; $lang['g002_addlinks'] = 'Links'; $lang['g002_randompict'] = 'Random picture'; $lang['g002_personnalblock'] = 'Personalised menu'; $lang['g002_setmenu_nfo'] = 'Management of displayed menu\'s blocks'; $lang['g002_addlinks_nfo'] = 'Menu\'s block allowing to display a list of hyperlink'; $lang['g002_randompict_nfo'] = 'Menu\'s block allowing to display a random picture from the gallery'; $lang['g002_personnalblock_nfo'] = 'Display personalised blocks into menu'; $lang['g002_mode_new_window'] = 'New window'; $lang['g002_mode_current_window'] = 'Current window'; $lang['g002_addlink'] = 'Add a link'; $lang['g002_label'] = 'Label'; $lang['g002_url'] = 'URL'; $lang['g002_mode'] = 'Mode'; $lang['g002_icon'] = 'Representative picture'; $lang['g002_visible'] = 'Visible'; $lang['g002_linkslist'] = "Links list"; $lang['g002_confirm_delete_link'] = "Delete link ?"; $lang['g002_nolinks'] = 'No links'; $lang['g002_link'] = 'link'; $lang['g002_links'] = 'links'; $lang['g002_createoflink'] = 'Add link'; $lang['g002_editoflink'] = 'Edit link'; $lang['g002_createthelink'] = 'Add link'; $lang['g002_editthelink'] = 'Edit link'; $lang['g002_configlinks'] = 'Links settings'; $lang['g002_setting_link_links']='Links'; $lang['g002_setting_link_show_icon'] = 'Display links representative picture'; $lang['g002_setting_block_menu'] = 'Menu integration'; $lang['g002_setting_block_active'] = 'Display block in menu'; $lang['g002_setting_block_title'] = 'Block title'; $lang['g002_apply'] = 'Apply'; $lang['g002_sectionslist'] = 'Menu\'s blocks'; $lang['g002_yesno_y'] = 'Yes'; $lang['g002_yesno_n'] = 'No'; $lang['g002_owner'] = 'Owner'; $lang['g002_sectionid'] = 'Identifier'; $lang['g002_name'] = 'Label'; $lang['g002_translate'] = 'Translate with Google Translate'; $lang['g002_configrandompic'] = 'Random picture settings'; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_aboutpicture'] = 'Displayed datas'; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_showname'] = 'Show picture\'s name'; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_showcomment'] = 'Show picure\'s comment'; $lang['g002_show_n'] = 'No'; $lang['g002_show_o'] = 'Display over the picture'; $lang['g002_show_u'] = 'Display under thpicture'; $lang['g002_personalisedlist'] = "Liste of personalised blocks"; $lang['g002_notitle'] = '[No title]'; $lang['g002_title'] = 'Title'; $lang['g002_sections'] = 'blocks'; $lang['g002_section'] = 'block'; $lang['g002_nosections'] = 'No blocks'; $lang['g002_addsection'] = 'Add a new block'; $lang['g002_createofpersonalised'] = 'Create a new personalized block'; $lang['g002_editofpersonalised'] = 'Modify a personalized block'; $lang['g002_setting_block_langchoice'] = 'Lang choice'; $lang['g002_setting_personalised_content'] = 'Block\'s content'; $lang['g002_setting_personalised_properties'] = 'Properties'; $lang['g002_setting_personalised_nfo'] = 'Description'; $lang['g002_all_languages'] = "All languages"; $lang['g002_modmenu'] = '\'menu\' block'; $lang['g002_modspecial'] = '\'special\' block'; $lang['g002_labelmenu'] = 'Menu\'s label'; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange'] = "Periodic change of the image"; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_delay'] = "Delay"; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_periodicchange_deactivated'] = "Disabled"; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_height'] = "Height of menu block"; $lang['g002_setting_randompic_height_auto'] = "Automatic"; // v2.1.3 $lang['g002_cancel'] = "Cancel"; $lang['g002_piwigo_default'] = "Piwigo default sort"; $lang['g002_apply_changes'] = "Apply changes"; $lang['g002_config_saved'] = "The configuration is saved"; $lang['g002_adviser_not_allowed'] = "Adviser is not allowed to make changes"; $lang['g002_click_to_manage_rights'] = "Rights management"; // v3.0.0 $lang['g002_ok'] = "OK"; $lang['g002_config_saved'] = "Config saved"; $lang['g002_config_not_saved'] = "Config was not saved"; $lang['g002_selected_all_gallery'] = "All albums"; $lang['g002_selected_favorites_wm'] = "Webmaster's favorites pictures"; $lang['g002_selected_categories'] = "All selected albums"; $lang['g002_loading'] = "Loading..."; $lang['g002_valid_order'] = "Apply order"; $lang['g002_reset_order'] = "Reset order"; $lang['g002_accessibility'] = "Accessibility"; $lang['g002_setting_core_blocks_content'] = "Content for 'Menu' & 'Specials' menus"; $lang['g002_setting_blocks_position'] = "Visibility & ordering for menus "; $lang['g002_plugin'] = "Plugin"; $lang['g002_selectedpict'] = "Selected pictures"; $lang['g002_album_nfo'] = 'Allow to convert one or more album into a menu'; $lang['g002_album2menu'] = "Converted album to menu"; $lang['g002_album'] = "Album ⇒ menu"; $lang['g002_setting_albums_menus'] = "Albums to convert to menu"; $lang['gmaps_gpc_not_up_to_date']="It is necessary for the plugin that the Grum Plugin Classes version %s is installed. Currently, version %s is installed: please proceed with the update version of the plugin Grum Plugin Classes."; ?>