> * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * See main.inc.php for release information * * AIP classe => manage integration in administration interface * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once('amd_root.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCTabSheet.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCAjax.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/genericjs.class.inc.php'); class AMD_AIP extends AMD_root { protected $tabsheet; /** * * constructor needs the prefix of piwigo's tables and the location of plugin * * @param String $prefixeTable * @param String $filelocation */ public function __construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $this->loadConfig(); $this->initEvents(); $this->tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $this->tabsheet->add('metadata', l10n('g003_metadata'), $this->getAdminLink().'&fAMD_tabsheet=metadata'); $this->tabsheet->add('help', l10n('g003_help'), $this->getAdminLink().'&fAMD_tabsheet=help'); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->tabsheet); unset($this->ajax); parent::__destruct(); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Public classe functions * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * manage the plugin integration into piwigo's admin interface */ public function manage() { global $template, $page; $template->set_filename('plugin_admin_content', dirname(__FILE__)."/admin/amd_admin.tpl"); $this->initRequest(); $this->returnAjaxContent(); $this->tabsheet->select($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']); $this->tabsheet->assign(); $selected_tab=$this->tabsheet->get_selected(); $template->assign($this->tabsheet->get_titlename(), "[".$selected_tab['caption']."]"); $template_plugin["AMD_VERSION"] = "".$this->getPluginName()." ".l10n('g003_version').AMD_VERSION; $template_plugin["AMD_PAGE"] = $_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']; $template_plugin["PATH"] = AMD_PATH; $template->assign('plugin', $template_plugin); if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=='help') { $this->displayHelp(); } elseif($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=='metadata') { $this->displayMetaData($_REQUEST['fAMD_page']); } $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); } /** * initialize events call for the plugin * * don't inherits from its parent => it's normal */ public function initEvents() { add_event_handler('loc_end_page_header', array(&$this->css, 'applyCSS')); GPCCss::applyGpcCss(); } /** * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Private & protected functions * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * manage the ajax requests * this function function determine if there is an ajax call, manage the * request and returns the content of the request * * no params are given, the function works with the "$_REQUEST" var * * @return String */ protected function returnAjaxContent() { global $ajax, $template; if(isset($_REQUEST['ajaxfct'])) { //$this->debug("AJAXFCT:".$_REQUEST['ajaxfct']); $result="


"; switch($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']) { case 'makeStatsGetList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_makeStatsGetList($_REQUEST['selectMode'], $_REQUEST['numOfItems']); break; case 'makeStatsDoAnalyze': $result=$this->ajax_amd_makeStatsDoAnalyze($_REQUEST['imagesList']); break; case 'makeStatsConsolidation': $result=$this->ajax_amd_makeStatsConsolidation(); break; case 'makeStatsGetStatus': $result=$this->ajax_amd_makeStatsGetStatus(); break; case 'showStatsGetListTags': $result=$this->ajax_amd_showStatsGetListTags($_REQUEST['orderType'], $_REQUEST['filterType'], $_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag'], $_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly']); break; case 'showStatsGetListImages': $result=$this->ajax_amd_showStatsGetListImages($_REQUEST['tagId'], $_REQUEST['orderType']); break; case 'updateTagSelect': $result=$this->ajax_amd_updateTagSelect($_REQUEST['numId'], $_REQUEST['tagSelected']); break; case 'groupGetList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupGetList(); break; case 'groupDelete': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupDelete($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'groupGetNames': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupGetNames($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'groupSetNames': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupSetNames($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['listNames']); break; case 'groupSetOrder': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupSetOrder($_REQUEST['listGroup']); break; case 'groupGetTagList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupGetTagList($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'groupSetTagList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupSetTagList($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['listTag']); break; case 'groupGetOrderedTagList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupGetOrderedTagList($_REQUEST['id']); break; case 'groupSetOrderedTagList': $result=$this->ajax_amd_groupSetOrderedTagList($_REQUEST['id'], $_REQUEST['listTag']); break; } GPCAjax::returnResult($result); } } /** * if empty, initialize the $_REQUEST var * * if not empty, check validity for the request values * */ private function initRequest() { //initialise $REQUEST values if not defined if($this->getNumOfPictures()==0) { $defautTabsheet="database"; } else { $defautTabsheet="select"; } if(!isset($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet'])) { $_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=$defautTabsheet; } if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']!="metadata" and $_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']!="help") { $_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']="metadata"; } if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=="metadata" and !isset($_REQUEST['fAMD_page'])) { $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=$defautTabsheet; } if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=="metadata" and !($_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="select" or $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="database" or $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="display")) { $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=$defautTabsheet; } if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=="help" and !isset($_REQUEST['fAMD_page'])) { $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']="exif"; } if($_REQUEST['fAMD_tabsheet']=="help" and !($_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="exif" or $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="iptc" or $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="xmp" or $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']=="magic")) { $_REQUEST['fAMD_page']="exif"; } /* * check ajax */ if(isset($_REQUEST['ajaxfct'])) { /* * check makeStatsGetList values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="makeStatsGetList" and !isset($_REQUEST['selectMode'])) { $_REQUEST['selectMode']="caddieAdd"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="makeStatsGetList" and !($_REQUEST['selectMode']=="notAnalyzed" or $_REQUEST['selectMode']=="caddieAdd" or $_REQUEST['selectMode']=="caddieReplace" or $_REQUEST['selectMode']=="all")) { $_REQUEST['selectMode']="caddieAdd"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="makeStatsGetList" and !isset($_REQUEST['numOfItems'])) { $_REQUEST['numOfItems']=25; } /* * check makeStatsDoAnalyze values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="makeStatsDoAnalyze" and !isset($_REQUEST['imagesList'])) { $_REQUEST['imagesList']=""; } /* * check makeStatsConsolidate values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="makeStatsConsolidate" and !isset($_REQUEST['step'])) { $_REQUEST['step']="*"; } /* * check showStatsGetListTags values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !isset($_REQUEST['orderType'])) { $_REQUEST['orderType']="tag"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !($_REQUEST['orderType']=="tag" or $_REQUEST['orderType']=="label" or $_REQUEST['orderType']=="num")) { $_REQUEST['orderType']="tag"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !isset($_REQUEST['filterType'])) { $_REQUEST['filterType']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !($_REQUEST['filterType']=="" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="magic" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="exif" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="exif.Canon" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="exif.Nikon" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="exif.Pentax" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="xmp" or $_REQUEST['filterType']=="iptc")) { $_REQUEST['filterType']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !isset($_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag'])) { $_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag']="n"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !($_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag']=="y" or $_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag']=="n" )) { $_REQUEST['excludeUnusedTag']="n"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !isset($_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly'])) { $_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly']="n"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListTags" and !($_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly']=="y" or $_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly']=="n" )) { $_REQUEST['selectedTagOnly']="n"; } /* * check showStatsGetListImagess values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListImages" and !isset($_REQUEST['orderType'])) { $_REQUEST['orderType']="num"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListImages" and !($_REQUEST['orderType']=="value" or $_REQUEST['orderType']=="num")) { $_REQUEST['orderType']="num"; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="showStatsGetListImages" and !isset($_REQUEST['tagId'])) { $_REQUEST['tagId']="*"; } /* * check showStatsGetListImagess values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="updateTagSelect" and !isset($_REQUEST['numId'])) { $_REQUEST['numId']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="updateTagSelect" and !isset($_REQUEST['tagSelected'])) { $_REQUEST['tagSelected']=""; } /* * check groupDelete values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupDelete" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } /* * check groupSetOrder values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetOrder" and !isset($_REQUEST['listGroup'])) { $_REQUEST['listGroup']=""; } /* * check groupGetNames values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupGetNames" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } /* * check groupSetNames values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetNames" and !isset($_REQUEST['listNames'])) { $_REQUEST['listNames']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetNames" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } /* * check groupGetTagList values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupGetTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } /* * check groupSetTagList values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['listTag'])) { $_REQUEST['listTag']=""; } /* * check groupGetOrderedTagList values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupGetOrderedTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } /* * check groupSetOrderedTagList values */ if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetOrderedTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id']=""; } if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=="groupSetOrderedTagList" and !isset($_REQUEST['listTag'])) { $_REQUEST['listTag']=""; } } } //init_request /** * manage adviser profile * * @return Boolean : true if user is adviser, otherwise false (and push a * message in the error list) */ protected function adviser_abort() { if(is_adviser()) { $this->display_result(l10n("g003_adviser_not_allowed"), false); return(true); } return(false); } /** * display and manage the metadata page * the page have three tabsheet : * - select tag management, to manage tags to be selected on the galerie * - display tag management, to choose how the tags are displayed * - manage database * * @param String $tab : the selected tab on the stat page */ protected function displayMetaData($tab) { global $template, $user; $template->set_filename('body_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/amd_metadata.tpl'); $statTabsheet = new GPCTabSheet('statTabsheet', $this->tabsheet->get_titlename(), 'tabsheet2 gcBorder', 'itab2'); $statTabsheet->select($tab); $statTabsheet->add('database', l10n('g003_database'), $this->getAdminLink().'&fAMD_tabsheet=metadata&fAMD_page=database'); $statTabsheet->add('select', l10n('g003_select'), $this->getAdminLink().'&fAMD_tabsheet=metadata&fAMD_page=select'); $statTabsheet->add('display', l10n('g003_display'), $this->getAdminLink().'&fAMD_tabsheet=metadata&fAMD_page=display'); $statTabsheet->assign(); if($tab=="select") { $template->assign('sheetContent', $this->displayMetaDataSelect()); } elseif($tab=="display") { $template->assign('sheetContent', $this->displayMetaDataDisplay()); } else { $template->assign('sheetContent', $this->displayMetaDataDatabase()); } $template->assign_var_from_handle('AMD_BODY_PAGE', 'body_page'); } /** * display and manage the metadata page allowing to make tags selection * * @return String : the content of the page */ protected function displayMetaDataSelect() { global $template, $theme, $themes, $themeconf; /*echo "A".print_r($theme, true)."
"; echo "B".print_r($themes, true)."
"; echo "C".print_r($themeconf, true)."
"; echo "D".print_r($template->smarty->[], true)."
";*/ $template->set_filename('sheet_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_select.tpl'); $datas=array( 'urlRequest' => $this->getAdminLink(), 'config_GetListTags_OrderType' => $this->config['amd_GetListTags_OrderType'], 'config_GetListTags_FilterType' => $this->config['amd_GetListTags_FilterType'], 'config_GetListTags_ExcludeUnusedTag' => $this->config['amd_GetListTags_ExcludeUnusedTag'], 'config_GetListTags_SelectedTagOnly' => $this->config['amd_GetListTags_SelectedTagOnly'], 'config_GetListImages_OrderType' => $this->config['amd_GetListImages_OrderType'] ); $template->assign('datas', $datas); return($template->parse('sheet_page', true)); } /** * display and manage the metadata page allowing to choose tags order * * @return String : the content of the page */ protected function displayMetaDataDisplay() { global $user, $template; //$local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $template->set_filename('sheet_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_display.tpl'); $datas=array( 'urlRequest' => $this->getAdminLink(), 'selectedTags' => Array(), 'groups' => Array(), 'tagByGroup' => Array(), ); $sql="SELECT st.tagId, st.order, st.groupId, ut.numId FROM ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut ON ut.tagId = st.tagId ORDER BY st.groupId ASC, st.order ASC, st.tagId ASC"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($row['groupId']==-1) { $datas['selectedTags'][]=Array( 'numId' => $row['numId'], 'tagId' => $row['tagId'] ); } else { $datas['tagByGroup'][]=Array( 'numId' => $row['numId'], 'tagId' => $row['tagId'], 'group' => $row['groupId'], 'order' => $row['order'] ); } } } $sql="SELECT g.groupId, gn.name FROM ".$this->tables['groups']." g LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['groups_names']." gn ON g.groupId = gn.groupId WHERE gn.lang = '".$user['language']."' ORDER BY g.order;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas['groups'][]=Array( 'id' => $row['groupId'], 'name' => $row['name'] ); } } $template->assign('datas', $datas); return($template->parse('sheet_page', true)); } /** * display and manage the database page * * the function automatically update the AMD tables : * - add new pictures in the AMD image table (assuming image is not analyzed * yet) * - remove deleted pictures in the AMD image & image_tags table * * @return String : the content of the page */ private function displayMetaDataDatabase() { global $template, $page; /* * insert new image (from piwigo images table) in the AMD images table, with * statut 'not analyzed' */ $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['images']." SELECT id, 'n', 0 FROM ".IMAGES_TABLE." WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT imageId FROM ".$this->tables['images'].")"; pwg_query($sql); /* * delete image who are in the AMD images table and not in the piwigo image * table */ $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE imageId NOT IN (SELECT id FROM ".IMAGES_TABLE.")"; pwg_query($sql); /* * delete metdata for images that are not in the AMD image table */ $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['images_tags']." WHERE imageId NOT IN (SELECT imageId FROM ".$this->tables['images'].")"; pwg_query($sql); $template->set_filename('sheet_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/amd_metadata_database.tpl'); $datas=array( 'urlRequest' => $this->getAdminLink(), 'NumberOfItemsPerRequest' => $this->config['amd_NumberOfItemsPerRequest'], ); $template->assign("datas", $datas); return($template->parse('sheet_page', true)); } // displayDatabase /** * display and manage the help page * * @param String $tab : the selected tab on the help page */ protected function displayHelp() { global $template, $user, $lang; $template->set_filename('body_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/admin/amd_help.tpl'); $statTabsheet = new GPCTabSheet('statTabsheet', $this->tabsheet->get_titlename(), 'tabsheet2 gcBorder', 'itab2'); $statTabsheet->add('exif', l10n('g003_help_tab_exif'), '', true, "displayHelp('exif');"); $statTabsheet->add('iptc', l10n('g003_help_tab_iptc'), '', false, "displayHelp('iptc');"); $statTabsheet->add('xmp', l10n('g003_help_tab_xmp'), '', false, "displayHelp('xmp');"); $statTabsheet->add('magic', l10n('g003_help_tab_magic'), '', false, "displayHelp('magic');"); $statTabsheet->assign(); $data=Array( 'sheetContent_exif' => GPCCore::BBtoHTML($lang['g003_help_exif']), 'sheetContent_xmp' => GPCCore::BBtoHTML($lang['g003_help_xmp']), 'sheetContent_iptc' => GPCCore::BBtoHTML($lang['g003_help_iptc']), 'sheetContent_magic' => GPCCore::BBtoHTML($lang['g003_help_magic']), 'title_exif' => l10n('g003_help_tab_exif'), 'title_xmp' => l10n('g003_help_tab_xmp'), 'title_iptc' => l10n('g003_help_tab_iptc'), 'title_magic' => l10n('g003_help_tab_magic') ); $template->assign('data', $data); $template->assign_var_from_handle('AMD_BODY_PAGE', 'body_page'); } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ajax functions * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * return a list of picture Id * * picture id are separated with a space " " * picture id are grouped in blocks of 'amd_NumberOfItemsPerRequest' items and * are separated with a semi-colon ";" * * client side just have to split blocks, and transmit it to the server * * There is two mode to determine the pictures being analyzed : * - "all" : analyze all the images * - "notAnalyzed" : analyze only the images not yet analyzed * * @param String $mode * @param Integer $nbOfItems : number of items per request * @return String : list of image id to be analyzed, separated with a space * "23 78 4523 5670" */ private function ajax_amd_makeStatsGetList($mode, $nbOfItems) { global $user; $returned=""; $this->config['amd_NumberOfItemsPerRequest']=$nbOfItems; $this->saveConfig(); $sql="SELECT ait.imageId FROM ".$this->tables['images']." ait"; if($mode=="notAnalyzed") { $sql.=" WHERE ait.analyzed='n'"; } elseif($mode=="caddieAdd" or $mode=="caddieReplace") { $sql.=" LEFT JOIN ".CADDIE_TABLE." ct ON ait.imageId = ct.element_id WHERE ct.user_id = ".$user['id']." "; if($mode=="caddieAdd") $sql.=" AND ait.analyzed='n'"; } if($mode=="all" or $mode=="caddieReplace") { pwg_query("UPDATE ".$this->tables['images']." SET analyzed='n', nbTags=0"); pwg_query("UPDATE ".$this->tables['used_tags']." SET numOfImg=0"); pwg_query("DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['images_tags']); } $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $i=0; while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $returned.=$row[0]; $i++; if($i>=$nbOfItems) { $returned.=";"; $i=0; } else { $returned.=" "; } } } return(trim($returned).";"); } /** * extract metadata from images * * @param String $imageList : list of image id to be analyzed, separated with * a space * "23 78 4523 5670" * @return String : list of the analyzed pictures, with number of tags found * for each picture * "23=0;78=66;4523=33;5670=91;" */ private function ajax_amd_makeStatsDoAnalyze($imagesList) { $list=explode(" ", trim($imagesList)); $returned=""; if(count($list)>0 and trim($imagesList)!='') { // $path = path of piwigo's on the server filesystem $path=dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); $sql="SELECT id, path FROM ".IMAGES_TABLE." WHERE id IN (".implode(", ", $list).")"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { /* * in some case (in a combination of some pictures), when there is too * much pictures to analyze in the same request, a fatal error occurs * with the message : "Allowed memory size of XXXXX bytes exhausted" * * * tracking memory leak is not easy... :-( * */ //echo "analyzing:".$row['id']."\n"; //$mem1=memory_get_usage(); //echo "memory before analyze:".$mem1."\n"; $returned.=$this->analyzeImageFile($path."/".$row['path'], $row['id']); //echo $returned."\n"; //$mem2=memory_get_usage(); //echo "memory after analyze:".$mem2." (".($mem2-$mem1).")\n"; } } } return($returned); } /** * do some consolidation on database to optimize other requests * */ private function ajax_amd_makeStatsConsolidation() { $this->makeStatsConsolidation(); } /** * returns a list of formated string, separated with a semi-colon : * - number of current analyzed pictures + number of current analyzed tags * for the analyzed pictures * - number of pictures not analyzed * - number of pictures without tag * * @return String */ private function ajax_amd_makeStatsGetStatus() { $numOfMetaData=0; $numOfPictures=0; $numOfPicturesNotAnalyzed=0; $sql="SELECT COUNT(imageId), SUM(nbTags) FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE analyzed='y';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $numOfPictures=$row[0]; $numOfMetaData=$row[1]; } } $sql="SELECT COUNT(imageId) FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE analyzed='n';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $numOfPicturesNotAnalyzed=$row[0]; } } $sql="SELECT COUNT(imageId) FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE nbTags=0;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $numOfPicturesWithoutTags=$row[0]; } } return(sprintf(l10n("g003_numberOfAnalyzedPictures"), $numOfPictures, $numOfMetaData).";". sprintf(l10n("g003_numberOfNotAnalyzedPictures"), $numOfPicturesNotAnalyzed).";". sprintf(l10n("g003_numberOfPicturesWithoutTags"), $numOfPicturesWithoutTags)); } /** * return a formatted (using the template "amd_stat_show_iListTags") * of used tag with, for each tag, the number and the percentage of pictures * where the tag was found * * @param String $orderType : order for the list (by tag 'tag' or by number of * pictures 'num') * @param String $filterType : filter for the list ('exif', 'xmp', 'iptc' or '') * @return String */ private function ajax_amd_showStatsGetListTags($orderType, $filterType, $excludeUnusedTag, $selectedTagOnly) { global $template; $this->config['amd_GetListTags_OrderType'] = $orderType; $this->config['amd_GetListTags_FilterType'] = $filterType; $this->config['amd_GetListTags_ExcludeUnusedTag'] = $excludeUnusedTag; $this->config['amd_GetListTags_SelectedTagOnly'] = $selectedTagOnly; $this->saveConfig(); $local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $local_tpl->set_filename('body_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_select_iListTags.tpl'); $numOfPictures=$this->getNumOfPictures(); $datas=array(); $sql="SELECT ut.numId, ut.tagId, ut.translatable, ut.name, ut.numOfImg, if(st.tagId IS NULL, 'n', 'y') as checked, ut.translatedName FROM ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st ON st.tagId = ut.tagId "; $where=""; if($filterType!='') { if($filterType=='exif') { $where.=" WHERE ut.tagId LIKE 'exif.tiff.%' OR ut.tagId LIKE 'exif.exif.%' OR ut.tagId LIKE 'exif.gps.%' "; } else { $where.=" WHERE ut.tagId LIKE '".$filterType.".%' "; } } if($excludeUnusedTag=='y') { ($where=="")?$where=" WHERE ":$where.=" AND "; $where.=" ut.numOfImg > 0 "; } if($selectedTagOnly=='y') { ($where=="")?$where=" WHERE ":$where.=" AND "; $where.=" st.tagId IS NOT NULL "; } $sql.=$where; switch($orderType) { case 'tag': $sql.=" ORDER BY tagId ASC"; break; case 'num': $sql.=" ORDER BY numOfImg DESC, tagId ASC"; break; case 'label': $sql.=" ORDER BY translatedName ASC, tagId ASC"; break; } $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas[]=array( "numId" => $row['numId'], "tagId" => $row['tagId'], "label" => L10n::get($row['name']), "nb" => $row['numOfImg'], "pct" => ($numOfPictures!=0)?sprintf("%.2f", 100*$row['numOfImg']/$numOfPictures):"0", "tagChecked" => ($row['checked']=='y')?"checked":"" ); } } $local_tpl->assign('themeconf', Array('name' => $template->get_themeconf('name'))); $local_tpl->assign('datas', $datas); return($local_tpl->parse('body_page', true)); } /* * * */ private function ajax_amd_showStatsGetListImages($tagId, $orderType) { global $template; $this->config['amd_GetListImages_OrderType'] = $orderType; $this->saveConfig(); $local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $local_tpl->set_filename('body_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_select_iListImages.tpl'); $datas=array(); $sql="SELECT ut.translatable, ut.numOfImg, COUNT(it.imageId) AS Nb, it.value FROM ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['images_tags']." it ON ut.numId = it.numId WHERE ut.tagId = '".$tagId."' AND it.value IS NOT NULL GROUP BY it.value ORDER BY "; switch($orderType) { case 'value': $sql.="it.value ASC"; break; case 'num': $sql.="Nb DESC"; break; } $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas[]=array( "value" => $this->prepareValueForDisplay($row['value'], ($row['translatable']=='y'), ", "), "nb" => $row['Nb'], "pct" => ($row['numOfImg']!=0)?sprintf("%.2f", 100*$row['Nb']/$row['numOfImg']):"-" ); } } if(count($datas)>0) { $local_tpl->assign('themeconf', Array('name' => $template->get_themeconf('name'))); $local_tpl->assign('datas', $datas); return($local_tpl->parse('body_page', true)); } else { return("
"); } } /* * * */ private function ajax_amd_updateTagSelect($numId, $selected) { if($selected=='y') { $sql="SELECT ut.tagId FROM ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut ON ut.tagID = st.tagId WHERE ut.numId = $numId;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { if(pwg_db_num_rows($result)==0) { $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." SELECT ut.tagId, 0, -1 FROM ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st ON ut.tagID = st.tagId WHERE ut.numId = $numId;"; pwg_query($sql); } } } elseif($selected=='n') { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st USING ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st ON ut.tagID = st.tagId WHERE ut.numId = $numId;"; pwg_query($sql); } } /** * this function return the list of tags : * - associated with the group * - not associated with a group * the list is used to make tags selection * * @param String $id : Id of the current group * @return String : an HTML formatted list with checkbox */ private function ajax_amd_groupGetTagList($id) { global $template; if($id!="") { $sql="SELECT st.tagId, st.groupId, ut.name, ut.numId FROM ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut ON st.tagId = ut.tagId ORDER BY tagId"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $datas=Array(); while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($row['groupId']==$id) { $state="checked"; } elseif($row['groupId']==-1) { $state=""; } else { $state="n/a"; } if($state!="n/a") $datas[]=Array( 'tagId' => $row['tagId'], 'name' => L10n::get($row['name']), 'state' => $state, 'numId' => $row['numId'] ); } if(count($datas)>0) { $local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $local_tpl->set_filename('body_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_display_groupListTagSelect.tpl'); $local_tpl->assign('themeconf', Array('name' => $template->get_themeconf('name'))); $local_tpl->assign('datas', $datas); return($local_tpl->parse('body_page', true)); } else { return(l10n("g003_no_tag_can_be_selected")); } } } else { return(l10n("g003_invalid_group_id")); } } /** * this function associate tags to a group * * @param String $id : Id of group * @param String $listTag : list of selected tags, items are separated by a * semi-colon ";" char */ private function ajax_amd_groupSetTagList($id, $listTag) { if($id!="") { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." SET groupId = -1 WHERE groupId = $id;"; pwg_query($sql); if($listTag!="") { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st, ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut SET st.groupId = $id WHERE st.tagId = ut.tagId AND ut.numId IN ($listTag);"; pwg_query($sql); } } else { return("KO"); } } /** * this function returns an ordered list of tags associated with a group * * @param String $id : the group Id * @return String : an HTML formatted list */ private function ajax_amd_groupGetOrderedTagList($id) { global $template; if($id!="") { $numOfPictures=$this->getNumOfPictures(); $sql="SELECT st.tagId, ut.name, ut.numId, ut.numOfImg FROM ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut ON st.tagId = ut.tagId WHERE st.groupId = $id ORDER BY st.order ASC, st.tagId ASC"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $datas=Array(); while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas[]=Array( 'tagId' => $row['tagId'], 'name' => L10n::get($row['name']), 'numId' => $row['numId'], 'nbItems' => $row['numOfImg'], 'pct' => ($numOfPictures==0)?"0":sprintf("%.2f", 100*$row['numOfImg']/$numOfPictures) ); } if(count($datas)>0) { $template->set_filename('list_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_display_groupListTagOrder.tpl'); $template->assign('datas', $datas); $template->assign('group', $id); return($template->parse('list_page', true)); } else { return(l10n("g003_no_tag_can_be_selected")); } } } else { return(l10n("g003_invalid_group_id")); } } /** * this function update the tags order inside a group * * @param String $id : the group Id * @param String $listGroup : the ordered list of tags, items are separated * by a semi-colon ";" char */ private function ajax_amd_groupSetOrderedTagList($id, $listTag) { $tags=explode(';', $listTag); if($id!="" and count($tags)>0) { /* * by default, all items are set with order equals -1 (if list is not * complete, forgotten items are sorted in head) */ pwg_query("UPDATE ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st SET st.order = -1 WHERE st.groupId = $id;"); foreach($tags as $key=>$val) { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." st, ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut SET st.order = $key WHERE st.groupId = $id AND st.tagId = ut.tagId AND ut.numId = $val;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); } } } /** * this function update the groups order * * @param String $listGroup : the ordered list of groups, items are separated * by a semi-colon ";" char */ private function ajax_amd_groupSetOrder($listGroup) { $groups=explode(";",$listGroup); if(count($groups)>0) { /* * by default, all items are set with order equals -1 (if list is not * complete, forgotten items are sorted in head) */ pwg_query("UPDATE ".$this->tables['groups']." g SET g.order = -1;"); foreach($groups as $key=>$val) { $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['groups']." g SET g.order = $key WHERE g.groupId = $val;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); } } } /** * this function is used to create a new group ($groupId = "") or update the * group name (names are given in all langs in a list) * * @param String $groupId : the groupId to update, or "" to create a new groupId * @param String $listNames : name of the group, in all language given as a * list ; each lang is separated by a carraige * return "\n" char, each items is defined as * lang=value * en_UK=the name group * fr_FR=le nom du groupe */ private function ajax_amd_groupSetNames($groupId, $listNames) { $names=explode("\n", $listNames); if($groupId=="" and count($names)>0) { $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['groups']." VALUES('', 9999)"; $result=pwg_query($sql); $groupId=pwg_db_insert_id(); } if(is_numeric($groupId) and count($names)>0) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['groups_names']." WHERE groupId = $groupId;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql=""; foreach($names as $val) { $tmp=explode("=", $val); if($sql!="") $sql.=", "; $sql.=" ($groupId, '".$tmp[0]."', '".$tmp[1]."')"; } $sql="INSERT INTO ".$this->tables['groups_names']." VALUES ".$sql; pwg_query($sql); } } /** * this function returns an html form, allowing to manage the group * * @param String $groupId : the groupId to manage, or "" to return a creation * form * @return String : the form */ private function ajax_amd_groupGetNames($groupId) { global $user; $local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $local_tpl->set_filename('body_page', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_display_groupEdit.tpl'); $datasLang=array( 'language_list' => Array(), 'lang_selected' => $user['language'], 'fromlang' => substr($user['language'],0,2), 'default' => '' ); $langs=get_languages(); foreach($langs as $key => $val) { $datasLang['language_list'][$key] = Array( 'langName' => str_replace("\n", "", $val), 'name' => "" ); } if($groupId!="") { $sql="SELECT lang, name FROM ".$this->tables['groups_names']." WHERE groupId = $groupId;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if(array_key_exists($row['lang'], $datasLang['language_list'])) { $datasLang['language_list'][$row['lang']]['name']=htmlentities($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if($user['language']==$row['lang']) { $datasLang['default']=$datasLang['language_list'][$row['lang']]['name']; } } } } } $local_tpl->assign('datasLang', $datasLang); return($local_tpl->parse('body_page', true)); } /** * this function returns an html form, allowing to manage the group * * @param String $groupId : the groupId to manage, or "" to return a creation * form * @return String : the form */ private function ajax_amd_groupGetList() { global $user, $template; //$local_tpl = new Template(AMD_PATH."admin/", ""); $template->set_filename('group_list', dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/admin/amd_metadata_display_groupList.tpl'); $datas=array( 'groups' => Array(), ); $sql="SELECT g.groupId, gn.name FROM ".$this->tables['groups']." g LEFT JOIN ".$this->tables['groups_names']." gn ON g.groupId = gn.groupId WHERE gn.lang = '".$user['language']."' ORDER BY g.order;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas['groups'][]=Array( 'id' => $row['groupId'], 'name' => htmlentities($row['name'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") ); } } $template->assign('datas', $datas); return($template->parse('group_list', true)); } /** * delete the group * associated tag returns in the available tag list * * @param String $groupId : the groupId to delete */ private function ajax_amd_groupDelete($groupId) { if($groupId!="") { $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['groups']." WHERE groupId = $groupId;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="DELETE FROM ".$this->tables['groups_names']." WHERE groupId = $groupId;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['selected_tags']." SET groupId = -1 WHERE groupId = $groupId;"; pwg_query($sql); } } } // AMD_AIP class ?>