> v1.1.1 >> $lang['Pictures_seen'] = 'Pictures seen'; $lang['Categories_seen'] = 'Categories seen'; $lang['IP_visit'] = 'IP addresses'; $lang['AStat_title_page'] = 'Advanced Statistics'; $lang['IP_label'] = 'IP address'; $lang['CATEGORY_LABEL'] = 'Category'; $lang['pct_Pictures_seen'] = '%Pictures'; $lang['pct_Pages_seen'] = '%Pages'; $lang['ratio_Pictures_seen'] = 'Pictures seen'; $lang['AStat_period_label_hours'] = 'Hours'; $lang['AStat_period_label_days'] = 'Days'; $lang['AStat_period_label_months'] = 'Months'; $lang['AStat_period_label_years'] = 'Years'; $lang['AStat_period_label_all'] = 'All year'; $lang['AStat_period_label_global'] = 'Global'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_0'] = 'Sunday'; //sunday $lang['AStat_day_of_week_1'] = 'Monday'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_2'] = 'Tuesday'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_3'] = 'Wednesday'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_4'] = 'Thursday'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_5'] = 'Friday'; $lang['AStat_day_of_week_6'] = 'Saturday'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_1'] = 'January'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_2'] = 'February'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_3'] = 'Mach'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_4'] = 'April'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_5'] = 'May'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_6'] = 'June'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_7'] = 'July'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_8'] = 'August'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_9'] = 'September'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_10'] = 'October'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_11'] = 'November'; $lang['AStat_month_of_year_12'] = 'December'; $lang['AStat_by_period'] = 'By period'; $lang['AStat_by_ip'] = 'By IP'; $lang['AStat_by_category'] = 'By category'; $lang['AStat_config'] = 'Settings'; $lang['AStat_BarColor_Pages'] = 'Number of pages'; $lang['AStat_BarColor_Img'] = 'Number of pictures'; $lang['AStat_BarColor_IP'] = 'Number of IP addresses'; $lang['AStat_MouseOverColor'] = 'Mouse over row'; $lang['AStat_config_title'] = 'AStat settings'; $lang['AStat_config_colors_and_graph'] = 'Color & graphics settings'; $lang['AStat_specific_ip_config'] = 'Specifics settings for statistics by IP'; $lang['AStat_NbIPPerPages'] = 'Number of IP per pages'; $lang['AStat_MaxBarWidth'] = 'Maximum bar width (pixels)'; $lang['AStat_NbCatPerPages'] = 'Number of category per page'; $lang['AStat_specific_category_config'] = 'Specifics settings for statistics by categories'; $lang['AStat_do_save'] = 'Save'; $lang['AStat_page_label'] = 'Page'; $lang['AStat_pages_label'] = 'Pages'; $lang['AStat_nb_total_ip'] = 'Total number of IP adresses'; $lang['AStat_nb_total_category'] = 'Total number of categories'; $lang['AStat_Nfo_Category'] = "For the choosen period, represent in percent number of pages & pictures seen by categories, as the average number of view per picture"; $lang['AStat_Nfo_IP'] = "For the choosen period, represent number of pages & pictures seen by an IP address"; $lang['AStat_Nfo_Period'] = "For the choosen period, represent number of pages & pictures seen, as the number of distincts IP adresses connected"; $lang['AStat_IP_geolocalisation'] = 'Geolocalisation'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault'] = 'Default chosen period'; $lang['AStat_specific_period_config'] = 'Specific settings for statistics by periods'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault_global'] = 'Global'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault_all'] = 'All years'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault_year'] = 'The current year'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault_month'] = 'The current month'; $lang['AStat_PeriodPerDefault_day'] = 'The current day'; $lang['AStat_config_saved'] = 'Settings are saved!'; $lang['AStat_ShowThumbCat'] = 'Show the representative category\'s thumbnail'; $lang['AStat_yesno_true'] = 'Yes'; $lang['AStat_yesno_false'] = 'No'; $lang['AStat_sortcat_page'] = 'Representation in percent of seen pages'; $lang['AStat_sortcat_picture'] = 'Representation in percent of seen pictures'; $lang['AStat_sortcat_nbpicture'] = 'Average number of view per picture'; $lang['AStat_DefaultSortCat'] = 'Default sort'; $lang['AStat_SortCatLabel'] = 'Sorted by '; $lang['AStat_version'] = 'version '; $lang['AStat_RefImageLabel'] = 'Category / Picture\'s name'; $lang['AStat_by_image'] = 'Per pictures'; $lang['AStat_nb_total_image'] = 'Total number of pictures'; $lang['AStat_SortImgLabel'] = 'Sorted by '; $lang['AStat_sortimg_picture'] = 'Picture\'s number of view'; $lang['AStat_sortimg_catname'] = 'Alphabetical order - Category / Picture\'s name'; $lang['AStat_Nfo_Image'] = "For the choosen period, number of views for each pictures, as the representation in percent of number of views on the total number of view"; $lang['AStat_specific_image_config'] = 'Specifics settings for statistics per pictures'; $lang['AStat_NbImgPerPages'] = 'Number of pictures per page'; $lang['AStat_ShowThumbImg'] = 'Show picture\'s thumbnail'; $lang['AStat_DefaultSortImg'] = 'Default sort'; //--- << v1.1.1 << //--- >> v1.2.0 >> $lang['AStat_BarColor_Cat'] = 'Number of categories'; $lang['AStat_deleted_user'] = 'Deleted user'; $lang['AStat_SortIPLabel'] = 'Sorted by '; $lang['AStat_sortip_picture'] = 'Number of pictures seen'; $lang['AStat_sortip_ip'] = 'User / IP Address'; $lang['AStat_sortip_page'] = 'Number of pages seen'; $lang['AStat_RefIPLabel'] = 'User / IP Address'; $lang['AStat_DefaultSortIP'] = 'Default sort'; $lang['AStat_general_config'] = 'Global settings'; $lang['AStat_SeeTimeRequests'] = 'Show time execution of requests'; $lang['AStat_time_request_label'] = 'Request executed in'; $lang['AStat_section_categories'] = $lang['Categories']; $lang['AStat_section_tags'] = $lang['Tags']; $lang['AStat_section_search'] = $lang['search']; $lang['AStat_section_list'] = $lang['random_cat'] ; // correction v1.2.1 $lang['AStat_section_favorites'] = $lang['favorites']; $lang['AStat_section_most_visited'] = $lang['most_visited_cat']; $lang['AStat_section_best_rated'] = $lang['best_rated_cat']; $lang['AStat_section_recent_pics'] = $lang['recent_pics_cat']; $lang['AStat_section_recent_cats'] = $lang['recent_cats_cat']; $lang['AStat_section_additional_page'] = 'Plugin Additional pages'; $lang['AStat_section_web_services'] = 'Plugin Web services statistics'; $lang['AStat_section_most_commented'] = 'Plugin Most Commented'; $lang['AStat_section_unknown'] = 'Unknown [%s]'; $lang['AStat_date_time_format'] = 'Y/d/m H:i:s'; $lang['AStat_event'] = 'event'; $lang['AStat_events'] = 'events'; $lang['AStat_section_label'] = 'Section'; $lang['AStat_deleted_picture'] = 'Picture doesn\'t exist anymore'; $lang['AStat_tools'] = 'Tools'; $lang['AStat_tools_title'] = 'Maintenance tools'; $lang['AStat_tools_result_ok'] = "Action correctly performed"; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_user'] = 'Update history with user\'s references'; //v1.3.0 $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_user_nfo0'] = "This function forces to guest a user ID generated as event in the history whose account has been since deleted."; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_user_nfo1'] = "%s unknown user ID among history events impacting %s events : "; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_user_nfo2'] = "All users ID in the history of event exist, No action shall be undertaken."; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_user_apply'] = 'Update'; $lang['AStat_tools_general_nfo'] = 'General information on history'; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_picture'] = 'Update the history with picture referrals'; // v1.3.0 $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_picture_nfo0'] = "Impacts events in the history referring to images that no longer exist, a picture [Id #0] no longer exists in the base"; // v1.3.0 $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_picture_nfo1'] = "%s unknow picture Id among history of event impacting %s events : "; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_picture_nfo2'] = "All pictures Id in the history of event exist, No action shall be undertaken."; $lang['AStat_tools_deleted_picture_apply'] = 'Update'; //--- << v1.2.0 << //--- >> v1.3.0 >> $lang['AStat_section_old_deleted_cat'] = 'Unable to be imported old category '; $lang['AStat_tools_general_nfo_nfo'] = "