get_id() != 'menubar') return; $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbAdditionalPages', 'Additional Pages', 'AP')); } function ap_apply($menu_ref_arr) { global $template, $conf, $user, $lang; $ap_conf = explode ("," , $conf['additional_pages']); $menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0]; if ( ($block = $menu->get_block( 'mbAdditionalPages' ) ) != null ) { $template->set_template_dir(AP_PATH.'template/'); load_language('plugin.lang', AP_PATH); // Gestion des langues pour le nom du menu $languages = explode('/', $ap_conf[0]); foreach($languages as $language) { $array = explode(':', $language); if (!isset($array[1])) $menu_langs['default'] = $array[0]; else $menu_langs[$array[0]] = $array[1]; } $data = array(); if (is_admin()) { array_push($data, array( 'URL' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php?page=plugin&section=' . AP_DIR . '%2Fadmin%2Fadd_page.php', 'LABEL' => l10n('ap_add_page'))); $clauses = ''; } else { $clauses = 'WHERE (lang = "' . $user['language'] . '" OR lang = "ALL")'; } // Recupération des groupes de l'utilisateur $q = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ';'; $result = pwg_query($q); $groups = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($groups, $row['group_id']); } // Récupération des pages $q = 'SELECT id , pos , title FROM ' . ADD_PAGES_TABLE . ' ' . $clauses . ' ORDER BY pos ASC;'; $result = pwg_query($q); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['pos'] != '0' or is_admin()) { if (strpos($row['title'] , '/user_id=')) { $array = explode('/user_id=' , $row['title']); $row['title'] = $array[0]; $authorized_users = explode(',', $array[1]); } if (strpos($row['title'] , '/group_id=')) { $array = explode('/group_id=' , $row['title']); $row['title'] = $array[0]; $auth = explode(',', $array[1]); $authorized_groups = array_intersect($groups, $auth); } if (is_admin() and isset($ap_conf[3]) and $ap_conf[3] == 'on') { $row['title'] .= ' --- [edit]'; } if (is_admin() or ( (isset($ap_conf[6]) and $ap_conf[6] == 'off' or !isset($authorized_groups) or !empty($authorized_groups)) and (isset($ap_conf[7]) and $ap_conf[7] == 'off' or !isset($authorized_users) or in_array($user['status'], $authorized_users)))) { array_push($data, array( 'URL' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'index.php?/additional_page/' . $row['id'], 'LABEL' => $row['title'])); } unset($authorized_groups); unset($authorized_users); } } if (!empty($data)) { $block->set_title(isset($menu_langs[$user['language']]) ? $menu_langs[$user['language']] : $menu_langs['default']); $block->template = 'AdditionalPages_menu.tpl'; $block->data = $data; } } } ?>