$random_url_condition) { if (empty($random_url_condition) or eval($random_url_condition)) { $random_index_redirect[] = $random_url; } } if (!empty($random_index_redirect)) { redirect($random_index_redirect[mt_rand(0, count($random_index_redirect)-1)]); } } return true; } global $template, $user; $identifier = $page['ap_homepage'] ? $conf['AP']['homepage'] : $tokens[1]; // Retrieve page data $query = 'SELECT id, title, lang, content, users, groups, level, permalink, standalone FROM ' . ADD_PAGES_TABLE . ' '; $query .= is_numeric($identifier) ? 'WHERE id = '.$identifier.';' : 'WHERE permalink = "'.$identifier.'";'; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); // Page not found if (empty($row)) { if ($page['ap_homepage']) return; page_not_found('Requested page does not exist'); } // Redirect with permalink if exist if (is_numeric($identifier) and !empty($row['permalink']) and !$page['ap_homepage']) { redirect(make_index_url(array('section'=>'page')).'/'.$row['permalink']); } // Access controls if (!is_admin() or (!is_admin() xor $page['ap_homepage'])) { // authorized language if (!empty($row['lang']) and $row['lang'] != $user['language']) { if ($page['ap_homepage'] and check_random_index_redirect()) return; page_forbidden(l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page'), make_index_url()); } // authorized level if ($user['level'] < $row['level']) { if ($page['ap_homepage'] and check_random_index_redirect()) return; page_forbidden(l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page'), make_index_url()); } // authorized users if (isset($row['users'])) { $authorized_users = explode(',', $row['users']); if (!in_array($user['status'], $authorized_users)) { if ($page['ap_homepage'] and check_random_index_redirect()) return; page_forbidden(l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page'), make_index_url()); } } // authorized groups if (!empty($row['groups'])) { $query = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ' AND group_id IN (' . $row['groups'] . ') ;'; $groups = array_from_query($query, 'group_id'); if (empty($groups)) { if ($page['ap_homepage'] and check_random_index_redirect()) return; page_forbidden(l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page'), make_index_url()); } } } // Display standalone page if ($row['standalone'] == 'true') { echo $row['content']; exit; } // Page initilization $page['section'] = 'additional_page'; $page['additional_page'] = array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'permalink' => @$row['permalink'], 'title' => trigger_event('AP_render_title', $row['title']), 'content' => trigger_event('AP_render_content', $row['content']), ); add_event_handler('loc_end_index', 'ap_set_index'); add_event_handler('loc_begin_page_header', 'ap_set_header'); function ap_set_header() { global $page, $title; if ($page['ap_homepage']) { $page['body_id'] = 'theHomePage'; } else { $page['body_id'] = 'theAdditionalPage'; $title = $page['additional_page']['title']; } } function ap_set_index() { global $template, $page, $conf; if (is_admin()) { $template->assign('U_EDIT', get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.AP_DIR.'-edit_page&edit='.$page['additional_page']['id'].'&redirect=true'); } $title = $page['additional_page']['title']; if ($conf['AP']['show_home'] and !$page['ap_homepage']) { $title = ''.l10n('Home').''.$conf['level_separator'].$title; } $template->assign(array( 'TITLE' => $title, 'PLUGIN_INDEX_CONTENT_BEGIN' => $page['additional_page']['content'], ) ); $template->clear_assign(array('U_MODE_POSTED', 'U_MODE_CREATED')); } ?>