1 | {strip} |
2 | {combine_css path=$ADMINTOOLS_PATH|cat:'template/style.css'} |
3 | {combine_css path='admin/themes/default/fontello/css/fontello.css'} |
4 | {combine_css path=$ADMINTOOLS_PATH|cat:'template/fontello/css/fontello-ato.css'} |
5 | |
6 | {if isset($ato.QUICK_EDIT)} |
7 | {*<!-- colorbox -->*} |
8 | {combine_script id='jquery.colorbox' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.colorbox.min.js'} |
9 | {combine_css id='colorbox' path='themes/default/js/plugins/colorbox/style2/colorbox.css'} |
10 | |
11 | {if isset($ato.IS_PICTURE)} |
12 | {*<!-- tokeninput -->*} |
13 | {combine_script id='jquery.tokeninput' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.tokeninput.js'} |
14 | {combine_css path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.tokeninput.css'} |
15 | |
16 | {*<!-- datepicker -->*} |
17 | {combine_script id='jquery.ui.datepicker' load='footer' path='themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js'} |
18 | |
19 | {assign var=datepicker_language value='themes/default/js/ui/i18n/jquery.ui.datepicker-'|cat:$lang_info.code|cat:'.js'} |
20 | {if 'PHPWG_ROOT_PATH'|constant|cat:$datepicker_language|file_exists} |
21 | {combine_script id='jquery.ui.datepicker-'|cat:$lang_info.code load='footer' path=$datepicker_language} |
22 | {/if} |
23 | |
24 | {combine_css path='themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.core.css'} |
25 | {combine_css path='themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.theme.css'} |
26 | {combine_css path='themes/default/js/ui/theme/jquery.ui.datepicker.css'} |
27 | {/if} |
28 | {/if} |
29 | |
30 | {combine_script id='admintools.controller' load='footer' require='jquery' path=$ADMINTOOLS_PATH|cat:'template/public_controller.js'} |
31 | {/strip} |
32 | |
33 | {footer_script require='admintools.controller'} |
34 | AdminTools.urlWS = '{$ROOT_URL}ws.php?format=json&method='; |
35 | AdminTools.urlSelf = '{$ato.U_SELF}'; |
36 | |
37 | {if isset($ato.MULTIVIEW)} |
38 | AdminTools.multiView = { |
39 | view_as: {$ato.MULTIVIEW.view_as}, |
40 | theme: '{$ato.MULTIVIEW.theme}', |
41 | lang: '{$ato.MULTIVIEW.lang}' |
42 | }; |
43 | {/if} |
44 | |
45 | {if $ato.DELETE_CACHE} |
46 | AdminTools.deleteCache(); |
47 | {/if} |
48 | AdminTools.init({intval($ato.DEFAULT_OPEN)}); |
49 | {if $themeconf.mobile} |
50 | AdminTools.initMobile(); |
51 | {/if} |
52 | {if isset($ato.U_SET_REPRESENTATIVE)} |
53 | AdminTools.initRepresentative({$current.id}, {$ato.CATEGORY_ID}); |
54 | {/if} |
55 | {if isset($ato.U_CADDIE) and isset($ato.IS_PICTURE)} |
56 | AdminTools.initCaddie({$current.id}); |
57 | {/if} |
58 | {if isset($ato.QUICK_EDIT)} |
59 | AdminTools.initQuickEdit({intval(isset($ato.IS_PICTURE))}, { |
60 | hintText: '{'Type in a search term'|translate|escape:javascript}', |
61 | noResultsText: '{'No results'|translate|escape:javascript}', |
62 | searchingText: '{'Searching...'|translate|escape:javascript}', |
63 | newText: ' ({'new'|translate|escape:javascript})' |
64 | }); |
65 | {/if} |
66 | {/footer_script} |
67 | |
68 | <div id="ato_header_closed"{if $ato.POSITION=='right'} class="right"{/if}><a href="#" class="icon-tools"></a></div> |
69 | |
70 | <div id="ato_header"> |
71 | <ul> |
72 | <li{if $ato.POSITION=='right'} class="right"{/if}><a href="#" class="icon-ato-cancel close-panel"></a></li> |
73 | {if isset($ato.U_SITE_ADMIN)} |
74 | <li class="parent"><a href="#" class="icon-menu ato-min-1">{'Administration'|translate}</a> |
75 | <ul> |
76 | <li><a class="icon-picture" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}batch_manager">{'Photos'|translate}</a></li> |
77 | <li><a class="icon-sitemap" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}cat_list">{'Albums'|translate}</a></li> |
78 | <li><a class="icon-users" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}user_list">{'Users'|translate}</a></li> |
79 | <li><a class="icon-puzzle" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}plugins">{'Plugins'|translate}</a></li> |
80 | <li><a class="icon-wrench" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}maintenance">{'Tools'|translate}</a></li> |
81 | <li><a class="icon-cog" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}configuration">{'Options'|translate}</a></li> |
82 | </ul> |
83 | </li> |
84 | {/if} |
85 | {if isset($ato.U_ADMIN_EDIT)} |
86 | <li class="parent"><a href="#" class="icon-pencil ato-min-2">{'Edit'|translate}</a> |
87 | <ul> |
88 | <li><a href="#ato_quick_edit" class="icon-ato-flash edit-quick">{'Quick edit'|translate}</a></li> |
89 | <li><a class="icon-ato-doc-text-inv" href="{$ato.U_ADMIN_EDIT}">{'Properties page'|translate}</a></li> |
90 | {if isset($ato.U_DELETE)} |
91 | <li style="margin-top:1em;"><a class="icon-ato-cancel" href="{$ato.U_DELETE}" onclick="return confirm('{'Are you sure?'|translate|escape:javascript}')">{'delete photo'|translate|ucfirst}</a></li> |
92 | {/if} |
93 | </ul> |
94 | </li> |
95 | {else if isset($ato.QUICK_EDIT)} |
96 | <li><a href="#ato_quick_edit" class="icon-pencil edit-quick ato-min-2">{'Edit'|translate}</a></li> |
97 | {if isset($ato.U_DELETE)} |
98 | <li><a class="icon-ato-cancel ato-min-2" href="{$ato.U_DELETE}" onclick="return confirm('{'Are you sure?'|translate|escape:javascript}')">{'delete photo'|translate|ucfirst}</a></li> |
99 | {/if} |
100 | {/if} |
101 | {if isset($ato.U_SET_REPRESENTATIVE)} |
102 | <li {if $ato.IS_REPRESENTATIVE}class="disabled"{/if}><a class="icon-ato-trophy set-representative ato-min-2" href="{$ato.U_SET_REPRESENTATIVE}">{'representative'|translate|ucfirst}</a></li> |
103 | {/if} |
104 | {if isset($ato.U_CADDIE)} |
105 | <li {if $ato.IS_IN_CADDIE}class="disabled"{/if}><a class="icon-flag add-caddie ato-min-2" href="{$ato.U_CADDIE}">{'Add to caddie'|translate}</a></li> |
106 | {/if} |
107 | {if isset($ato.IS_CATEGORY)} |
108 | <li><a class="icon-plus-circled ato-min-2" href="{$ato.U_SITE_ADMIN}photos_add&album={$ato.CATEGORY_ID}">{'Add Photos'|translate}</a></li> |
109 | {/if} |
110 | <li class="saved"><span class="icon-ato-ok ato-min-1">{'Saved'|translate}</span></li> |
111 | |
112 | {if isset($ato.MULTIVIEW)} |
113 | <li class="parent right multiview"><a class="icon-cog-alt ato-min-1" href="#">{'Tools'|translate}</a> |
114 | <ul> |
115 | <li><label>{'View as'|translate}</label> |
116 | <select class="switcher" data-type="view_as"></select> |
117 | </li> |
118 | <li><label>{'Theme'|translate}</label> |
119 | <select class="switcher" data-type="theme"></select> |
120 | </li> |
121 | <li><label>{'Language'|translate}</label> |
122 | <select class="switcher" data-type="lang"></select> |
123 | </li> |
124 | <li><a class="icon-check{if !$ato.MULTIVIEW.show_queries}-empty{/if}" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_show_queries={(int)!$ato.MULTIVIEW.show_queries}">{'Show SQL queries'|translate}</a></li> |
125 | <li><a class="icon-check{if !$ato.MULTIVIEW.debug_l10n}-empty{/if}" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_debug_l10n={(int)!$ato.MULTIVIEW.debug_l10n}">{'Debug languages'|translate}</a></li> |
126 | <li><a class="icon-check{if !$ato.MULTIVIEW.debug_template}-empty{/if}" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_debug_template={(int)!$ato.MULTIVIEW.debug_template}">{'Debug template'|translate}</a></li> |
127 | <li><a class="icon-check{if !$ato.MULTIVIEW.template_combine_files}-empty{/if}" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_template_combine_files={(int)!$ato.MULTIVIEW.template_combine_files}">{'Combine JS&CSS'|translate}</a></li> |
128 | <li><a class="icon-check{if $ato.MULTIVIEW.no_history}-empty{/if}" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_no_history={(int)!$ato.MULTIVIEW.no_history}">{'Save visit in history'|translate}</a></li> |
129 | <li><a class="icon-ato-null" href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_purge_template=1">{'Purge compiled templates'|translate}</a></li> |
130 | </ul> |
131 | </li> |
132 | {if $ato.USER.id != $ato.MULTIVIEW.view_as} |
133 | <li class="right ato-hide-2"><span> |
134 | {'Viewing as <b>%s</b>.'|translate:$ato.CURRENT_USERNAME} |
135 | <a href="{$ato.U_SELF}ato_view_as={$ato.USER.id}">{'Revert'|translate}</a> |
136 | </span></li> |
137 | {/if} |
138 | {/if} |
139 | </ul> |
140 | </div> |
141 | |
142 | {if isset($ato.QUICK_EDIT)} |
143 | <div style="display:none;"> |
144 | <div id="ato_quick_edit" title="{'Quick edit'|translate}"> |
145 | <form method="post" action="{$ato.U_SELF}"> |
146 | <fieldset class="left"> |
147 | {if isset($ato.QUICK_EDIT.img)}<img src="{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.img}" width="100" height="100">{/if} |
148 | <input type="submit" value="{'Save'|translate}"> |
149 | <a href="#" class="icon-ato-cancel close-edit">{'Cancel'|translate}</a> |
150 | </fieldset> |
151 | |
152 | <fieldset class="main"> |
153 | <label for="quick_edit_name">{'Name'|translate}</label> |
154 | <input type="text" name="name" id="quick_edit_name" value="{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.name|escape:html}"> |
155 | |
156 | {if isset($ato.IS_PICTURE)} |
157 | <label for="quick_edit_author">{'Author'|translate}</label> |
158 | <input type="text" name="author" id="quick_edit_author" value="{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.author|escape:html}"> |
159 | |
160 | <label for="quick_edit_date_creation">{'Creation date'|translate}</label> |
161 | <input type="text" name="date_creation" id="quick_edit_date_creation" class="datepicker" value="{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.date_creation}"> |
162 | <input type="hidden" name="date_creation_time" value="{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.date_creation_time}"> |
163 | |
164 | <label for="quick_edit_tags">{'Tags'|translate}</label> |
165 | <select name="tags" id="quick_edit_tags" class="tags"> |
166 | {foreach from=$ato.QUICK_EDIT.tag_selection item=tag} |
167 | <option value="{$tag.id}" class="selected">{$tag.name}</option> |
168 | {/foreach} |
169 | </select> |
170 | |
171 | {if isset($available_permission_levels)} |
172 | <label for="quick_edit_level">{'Who can see this photo?'|@translate}</label> |
173 | <select name="level" size="1"> |
174 | {html_options options=$available_permission_levels selected=$ato.QUICK_EDIT.level} |
175 | </select> |
176 | {/if} |
177 | {/if} |
178 | |
179 | <label for="quick_edit_comment">{'Description'|translate}</label> |
180 | <textarea name="comment" id="quick_edit_comment">{$ato.QUICK_EDIT.comment}</textarea> |
181 | </fieldset> |
182 | |
183 | <input type="hidden" name="action" value="quick_edit"> |
184 | </form> |
185 | </div> |
186 | </div> |
187 | {/if} |