// problème avec GMaps+diaporama: // corriger gmaps_pip.class.inc.php ajouter ligne 90 if ( !isset($_GET['slideshow'])) //============================================================== jQuery.Affiche_script = { version: '2.0.0' }; /******************************************** * document ready ********************************************/ jQuery(document).ready(function (jQuery) { var Type_Img; var theImg; var Zone_image; /****************************************** * test_theme("mont,pur") ... ******************************************/ test_theme = function (param) { if (!param) return if (!options.theme) return; regx = new RegExp(param, "gi"); return (options.theme.match(regx)) } /****************************************** * Save_cookies ******************************************/ Save_cookies = function (parametres) { parametres.windowHeight = jQuery(window).height(); parametres.windowWidth = jQuery(window).width(); try { if (parametres.pictureSelType) jQuery.cookie('picture_sel_type', parametres.pictureSelType, { path: COOKIE_PATH }); 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} //____________________ Get_cookies _____________________________ /************************************************* * Recupère le Type d'mage *************************************************/ Get_type_img = function (e) { //====== détection du type d'images ====== if (jQuery("#charlie").length > 0) { Type_Img = "charlie"; } else if (jQuery("#Panorama").length > 0) { Type_Img = "panorama"; } else if (jQuery("#pamoorama").length > 0) { Type_Img = "pamoorama"; options.valide = true; infos_pamoorama = jQuery("#pamoorama").infos({ absolute: true }); } else if (jQuery("#map").length > 0 || jQuery("#mapPicture").length > 0) { Type_Img = "map"; } else if (jQuery("#Panorama").length) { Type_Img = "panorama"; } else if ((jQuery("#theImage" + " iframe").length + jQuery("#theImage" + " object").length + jQuery("#theImage" + " embed").length) > 0) { if (jQuery("#theImage" + " object").length > 0) { type_src = "object"; } else if (jQuery("#theImage" + " embed").length > 0) { type_src = "embed"; } else { type_src = "iframe"; 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else { zoom_cl = ""; src_info = options.pictureDeriv; } } jQuery('#bp_cla').attr('alt', src_info); jQuery('#bp_cla').attr('title', src_info); jQuery('#bp_cla').attr('Stitle', src_info); jQuery('#bp_cla').attr('Stip', zoom_cl); r = { width: jQuery("#theMainImage").width(), height: jQuery("#theMainImage").height(), rap: jQuery("#theMainImage").width() / jQuery("#theMainImage").height(), rap_init: Zone_image.image_init.rapport } jQuery('#bp_cla span').text(zoom_cl); color_back = jQuery('#imageToolBar').css("backgroundColor"); try { if (color_back.match(new RegExp("rgb", "gi"))) { color_back = color_back.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(","); color_back = "rgb(" + Math.abs(255 - color_back[0]) + "," + Math.abs(255 - color_back[1]) + "," + Math.abs(255 - color_back[2]) + ")"; } else if (color_back.match(new RegExp("#", "gi"))) color_back = Math.abs("#65536" - color_back); else color_back = jQuery('body').css("color"); jQuery('#bp_cla span').css({ color: color_back, aling: "center" }); } catch (e) { } if (options.pictureDeriv) { jQuery('.auto_details').text(" (" + Zone_image.image.width + " x " + Zone_image.image.height + ") " + options.pictureDeriv); 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/*********************************************************** * RESIZE (une fois document chargé) ***********************************************************/ var new_dim; jQuery(window).resize(function (event, ui) { Autosize_resize(true, options); return; }); //_____________ widow.resize _______________ type_src = "div"; old_window = { width: 0, height: 0 }; List_autosize = new Array(); nu_img = 0; tempo = 0; infos_llgbo = jQuery(llgbo_id).infos(true); infos_llgboh2 = jQuery("#llgboh2").infos(true); marges_llgbo = 0; //========================================================================================== if (options.valide) { init_gen(); } }); //__________________window.onload_________________ /******************************************** * window unLOAD ********************************************/ jQuery(window).unload(function () { // return; }); //_________ unload ___________ //=================== // VARIABLES //=================== // options //=================== //========================================================= /*messages = "This frame uses the W3C box model: " + jQuery.support.boxModel + ""; messages += "This frame uses the html5Clone: " + jQuery.support.html5Clone + "";*/ // jQuery("p").html(messages); if (typeof (options) == "undefined") { options = { imageAutosize: false } } options = jQuery.extend(Autosize_options, options); var COOKIE_PATH = options.COOKIE_PATH; var cookies = Get_cookies(); var defaults = { imageAutosizeMargin: 0, imageAutosize: false, marge_basse: options.imageAutosizeMargin || 0, DEBUG_autosize: false }; options = jQuery.extend(defaults, options); for (i = 0; i < options.liste_type.length; i++) { options.liste_type[i] = options.liste_type[i].split(","); } options.theMainImageWidth = options.theMainImageWidth; options.theMainImageHeight = options.theMainImageHeight; jQuery("#form_autosize_picture").addClass("Autosize"); //===== marges suplémentaires en fonction theme === options.valide = jQuery(".Autosize").css("display") != "none"; options.marge_haute = jQuery(".Autosize").Get_Val_int(jQuery(".Autosize").css("top")); options.marge_basse = jQuery(".Autosize").Get_Val_int(jQuery(".Autosize").css("bottom")); options.marge_gauche = jQuery(".Autosize").Get_Val_int(jQuery(".Autosize").css("left")); options.marge_droite = jQuery(".Autosize").Get_Val_int(jQuery(".Autosize").css("right")); fade_in = options.fade_in || 0; imageComment_id = ".imageComment"; if (test_theme("simple")) { jQuery("#theImage p").addClass("imageComment"); } if (test_theme("mont")) { jQuery("#content").css({ marginLeft: 'auto' }); //monblanc } DEBUG_autosize = options.DEBUG_autosize; Get_type_img(); var theMainImage_id = "#theMainImage"; var theImage_id = "#theImage"; var theImageAndInfos_id = "#theImageAndInfos"; var infos_window = jQuery(window).infos(); var infos_theImageAndInfos = jQuery(theImageAndInfos_id).infos(); // Cadre general var infos_content; var infos_body; var infos_the_page = jQuery("#the_page").infos(true); var nopano; var llgbo_id = "#llgbo0"; var marges_llgbo = 0; var useMap = options.pictureMap; // #mapxxx var user_status = options.user_status; var pictureDeriv = options.pictureDeriv; // xxx var pictureSelType_user = eval("options." + user_status + "_type"); //limite taille if (Type_Img == "pamoorama") options.pictureSelType = "Autosize"; if (pictureSelType_user != options.pictureSelType) { if (pictureDeriv == null) pictureDeriv = pictureDeriv_user; else pictureDeriv_user = pictureDeriv; } if (!options.valide) { pictureDeriv = "medium"; pictureDeriv_user = pictureDeriv; options.pictureDeriv = pictureDeriv; } jQuery('#derivativeSwitchBox .switchCheck').css('visibility', 'hidden'); jQuery('#derivativeChecked' + options.pictureSelType).css('visibility', 'visible'); //====================================================================================== href_path = "javascript:changeImgSrc('" + options.imgSrc + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + "SelMaxi" + "')"; /* */ // jQuery('#derivativeCheckedSelMaxi').hide(); jQuery('#derivativeCheckedSelMaxi').next().show(); jQuery('#derivativeCheckedSelMaxi').next().next().show(); spans = jQuery("#derivativeCheckedSelMaxi").next(); spans.attr("href", href_path); spans.attr("name", "SelMaxi"); spans = spans.find("span"); spans.attr("name", "SelMaxi"); spans.text("(" + options.theMainImageWidth + " x " + options.theMainImageHeight + ")"); spans = spans.find("span"); spans.text(options.pictureDeriv); //========================================================== href_path = "javascript:changeImgSrc('" + options.imgSrc + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + "Autosize" + "')"; spans = jQuery("#derivativeCheckedAutosize").next(); spans.attr("href", href_path); spans.attr("name", "Autosize"); spans = spans.find("span"); spans.attr("name", "Autosize"); spans.text("(" + options.theMainImageWidth + " x " + options.theMainImageHeight + ")"); spans.next().text(options.pictureDeriv); //========================================================== /* jQuery('#derivativeCheckedAutosize').hide(); jQuery('#derivativeCheckedAutosize').next().hide(); jQuery('#derivativeCheckedAutosize').next().next().hide(); */ //============================================================= // REPONSE ACTION //============================================================= theMainImage_st = false; jQuery("#reset").click(function () { location.reload(); }); //=========================================================== // REPONSE TRIGGER //=========================================================== jQuery('#ret_autosize').live('ON', function (e) { if (nu_img == "") nu_img = 8; jQuery(jQuery('.debug').get(nu_img)).trigger('ON'); }); //========================================================== jQuery("map area").mouseover(function (e) { try { nok = theImg.useMap; hok = this; } catch (r) { } }); //================================== // jQuery("#llgbo").trigger("ON"); //================================== jQuery(llgbo_id).live('ON', function (e) { n_id = this; infos_llgbo = jQuery(llgbo_id).infos(); if (infos_llgbo.visible == false) return; marges_llgbo = 0; if (infos_llgbo.height > 0) { infos_llgboframe1 = jQuery(llgbo_id + " div:last").infos(); infos_llgboframe31 = jQuery(llgbo_id + " div:first").infos(); //============================================= ll2 = infos_llgboframe1.width; // llgboframe1 interieur ll1 = infos_llgboframe31.exterieur.width; // llgboframe31 avec border width options.marges_llgbo = (ll1 - ll2); infos_llgboh2 = jQuery("#llgboh2").infos(); } }); //============================== // jQuery("#mapPicture").trigger("ON"); //============================== jQuery("#mapPicture").live('ON', function (e) { p2 = jQuery("#infoSwitcher").infos(); }); //============================== // jQuery("#map").trigger("ON"); //============================== jQuery("#map").live('ON', function (e) { p2 = jQuery("#map").infos(); }); //=================================== // jQuery("#theImage").trigger("ON"); //=================================== jQuery("#imageInfos").live('on', function (e) { target = e.target.id; }); //=================================== // jQuery("#theImage").trigger("ON"); //=================================== jQuery("#theImage").live('ON', function (e) { target = e.target.id; id = this.id; Select_Image(); //+calcul }); //================================================================= jQuery(document).live('gallyInterfaceReady', function (e) { i = jQuery(this).text(); jQuery(this).trigger('ON'); } ); /********************************* * ********************************/ var old_width; jQuery("#theImage").resize(function (e) { }); jQuery("#menuSwitcher,#infoSwitcher").click(function (e) { options.set_sw = this.id; setTimeout(function () { div_resize() }, 10); nu_img = 0; }); div_resize = function (i) { jQuery("#theImage").trigger("resize"); /* if (jQuery("#theImage").width() != old_width) { setTimeout(function () { div_resize() }, 10); } */ } //=========================================== // jQuery("#theImageAndInfos").trigger("ON"); //=========================================== jQuery("#theImageAndInfos").live('ON', function (e) { infos_theImageAndInfos = jQuery("#theImageAndInfos").infos(); // setTimeout(function () { Autosize_resize(true) }, 100); nu_img = 0; }); // fin click #theImageAndInfos ON jQuery("#theImageAndInfos").resize(function (e) { }); jQuery("#linkAutosize").click(function (e) { nu_img = 0; }); //================================== // //=================================== jQuery('#derivativeCheckedAutosize').click(function () { try { pathnames = jQuery(this).attr("href").split(":"); // eval(pathnames[1]); } catch (e) { n = false; } }); // fin click derivativeCheckedAutosize //==================================================== if (typeof decode_href != 'function') { function decode_href(myObj) { href_path = jQuery(myObj).attr("href"); pt = href_path.split("("); pt = pt[1].split(")"); pt = pt[0].replace(RegExp("'", "g"), ""); pt = pt.replace(RegExp(" ", "g"), ""); pt = pt.split(","); source = pt[0]; pictureDeriv = pt[1]; pictureMap = pt[2]; if (pt.length > 3) pictureSelType = pt[3]; else pictureSelType = pt[1]; return { source: source, pictureDeriv: pictureDeriv, pictureMap: pictureMap, pictureSelType: pictureSelType } } } jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox a").click(function (e) { retour = decode_href(this); theImg = document.getElementById(theMainImage_id.replace("#", "")); if (theImg) { // options.pictureDeriv = retour.pictureDeriv; options.pictureSelType = retour.pictureSelType; options.pictureDeriv = retour.pictureDeriv; options.pictureMap = retour.pictureDeriv; if (this.name) { options.pictureSelType = this.name; n = Get_dimensions(true, options); } else { } jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox span").removeClass("auto_details linkAutosize"); jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox a").removeClass("auto_details linkAutosize"); if (options.pictureSelType == "Autosize" || options.pictureSelType == "SelMaxi") { spans = jQuery("#derivativeChecked" + options.pictureSelType).next(); spans.addClass("linkAutosize"); spans.find("span").addClass("auto_details"); jQuery(".auto_details").text(""); } Autosize_resize(true, options); } }); //__________ fin click #derivativeSwitchBox a ____________ jQuery("input").click(function () { if (this.name.match(RegExp("_enabled", "gi"))) { sel = "[name*=" + this.name + "]"; obj = jQuery("tr" + sel); if (this.checked) obj.css({ backgroundColor: "green", color: "white" }); else obj.css({ backgroundColor: "red", color: "white" }); return; } return; }); //==================================== Autosize_init = function (name, value) { img_defaut = { height: options.scaled_height, width: options.scaled_width }; img_reelle = { height: options.theImageHeight, width: options.theImageWidth }; img_init = { height: options.theImageHeight, width: options.theImageWidth }; // taille initiale img_finale = img_init; useMap = infos_theMainImage.useMap; // #mapmedium useMap = options.pictureMap; // #mapxxx pictureDeriv = options.pictureDeriv; //picturederiv xxx old_img = options.imgSrc; old_window_height = options.windowHeight || jQuery(window).height(); old_window_width = options.windowWidth || jQuery(window).width(); old_img_h = options.imgHeight; old_img_w = options.imgWidth; if (infos_theMainImage.visible == true) { theImg = document.getElementById(theMainImage_id.replace("#", "")); theImg.useMap = useMap; } fade_in = parseInt(options.fade_in || 0); } //____________________ Autosize_init _____________________ /*************************** * Autosize_resize ***************************/ Autosize_resize = function (force, parametres) { n = Get_dimensions(true, options); if (n == false) return; Save_cookies(options); if (options.pictureSelType != "Autosize" && options.pictureSelType != "SelMaxi") { /**/ jQuery(theImg).width(Zone_image.image_init.width); jQuery(theImg).height(Zone_image.image_init.height); set_cl("no"); Set_llbgo(true); return; } infos_theImage = jQuery(theImage_id).infos(true); if (typeof img_finale == "undefined") img_finale = { width: Zone_image.image.width, height: Zone_image.image.height }; if (img_finale.width && (img_finale.width != Zone_image.image.width || img_finale.height != Zone_image.image.height)) { img_finale = { width: Zone_image.image.width, height: Zone_image.image.height }; } r1 = Zone_image.image.width / Zone_image.image.height; //====================================================== affiche_debug({ Debug1: Debug_info(1, "Cont:" + infos_theImage.width + " X " + infos_theImage.height + " IMG: " + img_finale.width + " X " + img_finale.height + " mgw : " + Zone_image.marges.width , "->") }); if (Type_Img == "pamoorama") {// img_finale.width jQuery("#pamoorama").width(img_finale.width); jQuery("#pamoorama").height(img_finale.height); infos_pamoorama = jQuery("#pamoorama").infos({ absolute: true }); Set_Pamoorama({ width: img_finale.width, height: img_finale.height }); if (nopano) if (window.myPamoorama.options.autoscrollOnLoad) { window.myPamoorama.startAnimRight(); } //jQuery(theMainImage_id).height(Zone_image.image.height); } else { if (options.imageAutosize == false) if (options.pictureSelType == "Autosize" || options.pictureSelType == "SelMaxi") { jQuery(theMainImage_id).height(Zone_image.image.height); jQuery(theMainImage_id).width(Zone_image.image.width); } else { jQuery(theMainImage_id).width(Zone_image.image_init.width); jQuery(theMainImage_id).height(Zone_image.image_init.height); } if (Type_Img == "charlie" || Type_Img == "iframe") { swfobj = jQuery("#" + Type_Img).infos({ absolute: true }); // jQuery("#" + Type_Img).attr({ height: Zone_image.image.height, width: Zone_image.image.width - 50 }); // jQuery(theMainImage_obj).attr({ height: Zone_image.image.height, width: Zone_image.image.width - 50 }); // jQuery(theMainImage_emb).attr({ height: Zone_image.image.height, width: Zone_image.image.width }); } } set_cl(); Set_llbgo(true); return true; }; //_________________Autosize ____________________________________ /***************** * changeImgSrc ******************/ changeImgSrc = function (url, typeSave, typeMap, type) { if (url) { if (url.match(RegExp("i.php", "gi"))) { urls = url.split("?"); } } url2 = jQuery("#theMainImage").attr("src"); jQuery("#theMainImage").removeAttr("width height").attr("src", url) .load(function (i) { if (!init_img(this)) return; //======================================================================= jQuery('#derivativeSwitchBox .switchCheck').css('visibility', 'hidden'); newtype = options.pictureSelType; if (typeof type != "undefined" && (type == "Autosize" || type == "SelMaxi")) { jQuery('#derivativeChecked' + type).css('visibility', 'visible'); document.cookie = 'picture_sel_type=' + type + ';path=' + COOKIE_PATH; } else { jQuery('#derivativeChecked' + typeSave).css('visibility', 'visible'); document.cookie = 'picture_sel_type=' + typeSave + ';path=' + COOKIE_PATH; } options.pictureMap = typeMap; options.pictureDeriv = typeSave; document.cookie = 'picture_deriv=' + typeSave + ';path=' + COOKIE_PATH; }) .live("ON", function (e) { theMainImage_st = this.complete; imgsrc = this.src; // alert(this.src + ' Image does not exist !!'); }).error(function (i) { imgsrc = this.src; }); /*********************** * **********************/ jQuery("#theMainImage," + theMainImage_id + ",.preload, .next1 , ") .error(function (e) { if (!this.complete) { // le fichier n'est pas present src = jQuery(this).attr("src").replace("./_data/i/", "", 1); src = this.src.split("/_data/i")[1]; url = 'i.php?' + src + "&ajaxload=true"; jQuery(theMainImage_id).attr("src", url); /* jQuery.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'i.php?' + src + "&ajaxload=true", dataType: 'json', success: (function (data) { j = data.url; // jQuery(theMainImage_id).attr("src", data.url); }) }); */ } }) .bind("Finish", function (e, data) { if (typeof imageInfos_id == "undefined") return; }) .bind("ON", function (e, data) { if (data.status != "ok") { popup = jQuery(".errors"); if (popup.length == 0) { jQuery("#theImage").append("
"); } jQuery(".errors").text("Erreur : [" + data.done + "] " + data.responseText); jQuery(".errors").show().delay(10000).hide(2000); return; } if (data.src) { if (typeof imageInfos_id == "undefined") return; if (!data.src.match(RegExp(options.pictureDeriv.substr(0, 2) + ".jpg", "gi"))) { Autosize_resize(true, options); } } }); //_________ theMainImage ___________ document.cookie = 'picture_deriv=' + typeSave + ';path=' + COOKIE_PATH; } //__________________ changeImgSrc ______________________ /***************************** * pamoorama ******************************/ jQuery("#pamoorama").bind("on", function () { alert($(this).text()); }); jQuery("#pamoorama").bind("on", function (e) { myPamoorama = window.myPamoorama; }); jQuery("#pamoorama_inner").live("on", function (e) { myPamoorama = window.myPamoorama; }); jQuery('#pamoorama').live('ON', function (e) { jQuery(jQuery('.debug').get(1)).trigger('ON'); Autosize_resize(true, options); }); //=============================================== // jQuery("#theImage").trigger("Start_right"); //=============================================== jQuery("#theImage").live('Start_right', function (e) { if (typeof Zone_image == "undefined") return test_w = window.myPamoorama.autoSlideFx.to; test_w = window.myPamoorama.autoScrollFx.to; nf = jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb").height(); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").width(200); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").height(nf); // 200=window.myPamoorama.imageWidth // frame = Zone_image.container.width nw = (200 * Zone_image.image.width) / window.myPamoorama.imageWidth; jQuery("#pamoorama_frame").width(nw); }); //=============================================== // jQuery("#theImage").trigger("Start_left"); //=============================================== jQuery("#theImage").live('Start_left', function (e) { if (typeof Zone_image == "undefined") return jQuery("#theImage").show(0); window.myPamoorama.autoSlideFx.to = 0; test_w = window.myPamoorama.autoSlideFx.to; test_w = window.myPamoorama.autoScrollFx.to; nf = jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb").height(); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").width(200); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").height(nf); }); /************************************ * Wait_pamoorama ************************************/ Wait_pamoorama = function () { if (Type_Img != "pamoorama") return; tempo = 0; Wait_pamoorama_st = false; while (Wait_pamoorama_st == false) { Wait_pamoorama_st = Wait_pamoorama_time(); jQuery.noop(); } tempo = 0; if (nopano) { if (window.myPamoorama.options.autoscrollOnLoad) { window.myPamoorama.startAnimRight(); jQuery.delay(100); } } } //__________________ Wait_pamoorama ______________________ jQuery(".pwg-icon-clock-minus, .pwg-icon-clock-plus").click(function (i) { }).mouseover(function (i) { }) Wait_pamoorama_time = function () { if (nopano == true) return true; if (jQuery("#pamoorama").length) { tempo = tempo + 1; mypanorama = window.myPamoorama; if (!mypanorama) { if (tempo > 500) return true; setTimeout("Wait_pamoorama_time()", 500); return false; } if (mypanorama.skipInit == false) { if (tempo > 500) return true; setTimeout("Wait_pamoorama_time()", 500); return false; } //============================================================= if (Math.abs(mypanorama.imageHeight) < 100) { setTimeout("Wait_pamoorama_time()", 500); return false; } if (jQuery(".infos").length > 0) { jQuery(".infos").empty(); jQuery(".infos").hide(); } nopano = true; Zone_image = { image_init: { width: mypanorama.imageWidth, height: mypanorama.imageHeight } } jQuery("#pamoorama").trigger("ON"); return true; } } //__________________ Wait_pamoorama time______________________ /********************** * ***********************/ Wait_Affichage = function () { Wait_Affichage_st = false; while (Wait_Affichage_st == false) { jQuery.noop(); Wait_Affichage_st = Wait_Affichage_time(); } } //__________________ Wait_Affichage ______________________ Wait_Affichage_time = function () { if (typeof fade_in == "undefined") fade_in = 1000; fade_in = parseInt(fade_in); /* if (!Autosize_resize()) { setTimeout("Wait_Affichage()", 500); return } nu_img++; */ if (typeof fade_in == "undefined") fade_in = 0; // if (nu_img > 1) return; if (typeof stb != "undefined") stb.stop().fadeTo(3500, 0); if (typeof theMainImage_id == "undefined") return true; if (theMainImage_id.selector) { theMainImage_id = theMainImage_id.selector; } if (theMainImage_id == null) return; if (jQuery(theMainImage_id).length == 0) { if (jQuery("#pamoorama_inner").length > 0) { return true; } //=== attente Image chargée === if (tempo > 100) return true; tempo++; setTimeout("Wait_Affichage_time()", 500); return false; } else { img_h = jQuery(theMainImage_id).height(); img_w = jQuery(theMainImage_id).width(); if (typeof infos_theImage == "undefined") return; jQuery("#ret_autosize").trigger('ON', { width: img_w, height: img_h, theImage: theMainImage_id, img_src: infos_theMainImage.src, window_height: infos_theImage.height, window_width: infos_theImage.width }); } return true; } //______________ Wait_affichage ______ /*********************** * **********************/ init_img = function (theImg) { if (theImg.complete == false) { return; } name_src = theImg.src; img_init = { width: jQuery(theImg).width(), height: jQuery(theImg).height() } if (typeof theImg.naturalWidth != "undefined") img_init.width = theImg.naturalWidth; if (typeof theImg.naturalHeight != "undefined") img_init.height = theImg.naturalHeight; img_init.rapport = img_init.width / img_init.height; if (typeof Zone_image == "undefined") Zone_image = { image: {} }; if (typeof Zone_image.image == "undefined") Zone_image.image = { height: Zone_image.image_init.height, width: Zone_image.image_init.width }; // theImg.height = img_init.height; // theImg.width = img_init.width; Zone_image.image_init = { height: img_init.height, width: img_init.width, rapport: img_init.rapport }; Zone_image.zoom = Zone_image.image_init.height / img_init.height; if (typeof Zone_image.src == "undefined") { Zone_image.src = name_src; return false; } stx = name_src.match(RegExp(Zone_image.src, "gi")); return stx; } //___________ init_img _______ //=========================================== // //=========================================== Set_Map = function (nds) { p0 = jQuery("#map").offset(); if (!p0) return; infos_mapPicture = jQuery("#mapPicture").infos({ absolute: true }); infos_theImage = jQuery("#theImage").infos({ absolute: true }); jQuery("#map").removeAttr("height"); jQuery("#map").removeAttr("width"); jQuery("#map").width(infos_theImage.width - (infos_mapPicture.width)); jQuery("#map").height(jQuery(window).height() - infos_theImage.top - infos_theImage.general.marges.height); return true; } jQuery("map [name='#Autosize'] area").mouseover(function (e) { return; }); //___ Set_Map ___ //===================================== // //===================================== Get_Maxi = function (Maxi_image) { var pt = options.liste_type; if (pt.length > 0) { tw = Maxi_image.width; // valeur maxi th = Maxi_image.height; // valeur maxi n = 0; maxi_size = { w: Maxi_image.width, h: Maxi_image.height, idx: -1 }; mini_size = { w: tw, h: th, idx: 0 }; size_derive = { w: 0, h: 0 }; size_encours = { w: tw, h: th }; //================================= jQuery(pt).each(function (i) { vn = this; size_derive = { w: parseInt(vn[2]), h: parseInt(vn[3]) }; if (vn[0] == options.pictureSelType) { maxi_size = size_derive; maxi_size.idx = n; return false } if (vn[0] != "square" && vn[0] != "thumb" && vn[0] != "SelMaxi" && vn[0] != "Autosize") { if (size_derive.h > size_encours.h) { if (maxi_size.idx < 0) { maxi_size = size_derive; maxi_size.idx = n; if (options.pictureSelType == "SelMaxi" || options.pictureSelType == "Autosize") return false } } if (size_derive.h < size_encours.h && size_derive.h > 10) { mini_size = size_derive; mini_size.idx = n; } } n++; }); n = maxi_size.idx; if (n < 0) { n = mini_size.idx; } if (options.pictureSelType.match(RegExp("SelMaxi", "gi"))) { n = mini_size.idx; } if (options.pictureSelType.match(RegExp("Autosize", "gi"))) { } options.pictureDeriv = pt[n][0]; return { url: pt[n][1], pictureDeriv: pt[n][0], pictureMap: pt[n][0], width: pt[n][2], height: pt[n][3] }; } return { imgSrc: "", pictureDeriv: "", width: "", height: "" }; } //_______________ Get_Maxi ______ /******************** * ********************/ Select_Image = function () { var pt = options.liste_type; if (pt.length > 0) { //===== calcul Image === if (typeof imageInfos_id == "undefined") return; Calcul_Image(); options.theImageMargeZone = Zone_image.marges; if (Type_Img != 'charlie') { /* if (options.pictureSelType != "SelMaxi" && options.pictureSelType != "Autosize") { options.pictureMap = options.pictureDeriv; imgSrc = options.liste_type[6]; changeImgSrc(imgSrc, options.pictureDeriv, options.pictureMap, options.pictureSelType); src = theImg.src; return; } else { IMg = Get_Maxi(Zone_image.image); } */ IMg = Get_Maxi(Zone_image.image); imgSrc = IMg.url; if (options.imgSrc.match(RegExp(imgSrc, "gi"))) options.imgSrc = imgSrc; img_width = IMg.width; img_height = IMg.height; Zone_image.image_init = { height: IMg.height, width: IMg.width, rapport: IMg.width / IMg.height }; if (typeof Zone_image.image == "undefined") Zone_image.image = { height: IMg.height, width: IMg.width, rapport: IMg.width / IMg.height }; } else { return; } Zone_image.zoom = Zone_image.image.height / Zone_image.image_init.height; if (typeof Zone_image.src == "undefined") Zone_image.src = " "; identique = Zone_image.src.match(RegExp(imgSrc, "gi")); if (identique) return; href_path = "javascript:changeImgSrc('" + imgSrc + "', '" + IMg.pictureMap + "', '" + IMg.pictureDeriv + "', '" + options.pictureSelType + "')"; jQuery(".linkAutosize").attr("href", href_path); theImg = document.getElementById(theMainImage_id.replace("#", "")); if ((theImg == null) || theImg.tagName != "IMG") { imgSrc_i = jQuery(theImg).css("backgroundImage"); imgSrc_j = jQuery(theImg).css("background-image"); return; } else { changeImgSrc(imgSrc, IMg.pictureDeriv, IMg.pictureMap, options.pictureSelType); } theImg.useMap = "#map" + IMg.pictureMap; return true; theImg = document.getElementById(theMainImage_id.replace("#", "")); if (init_img(theImg)) { return true; } return false; } else { return false; } }; //_______________ Select_Image ______ /************************************************* * correction pamoorama *************************************************/ Set_Pamoorama = function (Format) { myPamoorama = window.myPamoorama; if (Type_Img == "pamoorama") { if (!nopano) { theMainImage_Id = "#pamoorama"; nopano = false; Wait_pamoorama(); infos_theMainImage = jQuery(theMainImage_Id).infos(); //theMainImage_Id = "#pamoorama"; } if (typeof myPamoorama == "undefined") { return; } //========================================================= if (!nopano) { //theMainImage_Id = "#pamoorama"; nopano = false; Wait_pamoorama(); infos_theMainImage = jQuery(theMainImage_Id).infos(); //theMainImage_Id = "#pamoorama"; } infos_pamoorama_outter = jQuery("#pamoorama_outter").infos({ absolute: true }); infos_pamoorama_inner = jQuery("#pamoorama_inner").infos({ absolute: true }); infos_pamoorama_frame = jQuery("#pamoorama_frame").infos({ absolute: true }); infos_frame = jQuery(myPamoorama.frame).infos({ absolute: true }); //==================================================== marges_w = infos_pamoorama.general.marges.width; marges_h = infos_pamoorama.general.marges.height; jQuery("#pamoorama_footer").css({ width: Format.width + "px" }); infos_pamoorama_footer = jQuery("#pamoorama_footer").infos(); marges_h += infos_pamoorama_footer.general.height; outter_height = Format.height; Zoom_pano = (Format.height - marges_h) / Zone_image.image_init.height; new_image = { height: Math.ceil(Zone_image.image_init.height * Zoom_pano), width: Math.ceil(Zone_image.image_init.width * Zoom_pano) } jQuery("#pamoorama_inner").css({ width: new_image.width + "px", height: new_image.height + "px", "background-size": "100%" }); //---------- test largeur image new_width = Format.width - (options.marge_right + options.marge_left); if (new_width > new_image.width) { new_width = new_image.width; jQuery("#pamoorama_outter").css({ align: "center", margin: "0" }); } outter_width = new_width; jQuery("#pamoorama_outter").css({ align: 'center', margin: 'auto', width: outter_width + "px", height: Format.height - marges_h + "px" }); //============= Mise à l'echelle ================== window.myPamoorama.options.width = Math.ceil(Format.width); //================================================================== new_max_left = new_image.width - outter_width; if (!window.myPamoorama.outter) return; window.myPamoorama.outter.scrollTo(new_max_left, 0); if (typeof window.myPamoorama.autoScrollFx != "undefined") window.myPamoorama.autoScrollFx.to = new Array(new_max_left, 0); window.myPamoorama.ratio = Math.ceil(new_image.width / 200); window.myPamoorama.imageWidth = new_image.width; window.myPamoorama.imageHeight = new_image.height; nf = jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb").height(); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").width(180); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").height(nf); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb").css({ /* position: "absolute", */ left: (Format.width - 215) + "px" }); jQuery("#pamoorama_thumb img").css({ }); // 200=window.myPamoorama.width // frame = Zone_image.container.width nw = (window.myPamoorama.image.width * Format.width) / window.myPamoorama.imageWidth; jQuery("#pamoorama_frame").width(nw); } // } // Set_Pamoorama /*********************************************************/ Toggle_bp = function () { options.cl_visible = !options.cl_visible; Autosize_resize(); Wait_Affichage(); } //==================================== // //==================================== Calcul_Image = function () { /****************************************/ if (typeof imageInfos_id == "undefined") return; infos_imageInfos = jQuery(imageInfos_id).infos({ absolute: true }); // information infos_theMainImage = jQuery(theMainImage_id).infos({ absolute: true }); // Image // commentContent // copyright pos_top = options.pos_top; // pos_top = infos_theImage.top; pos = jQuery(theImage_id).offset(); infos_theImage = jQuery(theImage_id).infos(true); // container infos_window = jQuery(window).infos(true); // window w = infos_theImage.general.marges.width container = { height: infos_window.height - options.theImageTop, width: infos_window.width - options.theImageLeft - options.theImageRight } marge_left = options.marge_left | 0; marge_right = options.marge_right | 0; marge_top = options.marge_top | 0; marge_bottom = options.marge_bottom | 0; //========================================================== if (test_theme("stripped")) { infos_the_page.margin.left = 20; //taille fleche infos_the_page.margin.right = 20; } if (test_theme("elegant")) { if (infos_imageInfos.visible == true) { // marge_right += infos_imageInfos.general.width; ; } else { marge_right += 0; } marge_right += 1; marge_left += 1; } else if (test_theme("stripped")) { } else if (test_theme("simple")) { } else if (test_theme("OS")) { } else if (test_theme("pur")) { marge_right += 0; // marge_right += 25; } else if (test_theme("mont")) { marge_right += 0; // marge_right += 25; } else { } retrait_img = {}; //========== Format Image ============== retrait_img.height = Math.ceil(options.marges_llgbo || 0) + Math.ceil(infos_theMainImage.general.marges.height); retrait_img.height += 2; //=============================================================== retrait_img.width = Math.ceil(infos_theMainImage.general.marges.width); // borderwidth+padding retrait_img.width = Math.ceil(infos_theImage.general.marges.width); // borderwidth+padding retrait_img.width += Math.ceil(options.marges_llgbo || 0); retrait_img.width += 2; if (!options.check_desc_v) marge_bottom = 0; //================== Limite Format Image ===================== container.height_interne = container.height - marge_top - marge_bottom; container.width_interne = container.width - marge_left - marge_right; container.height_interne = Math.max(container.height_interne, Math.ceil(options.mini_height) + retrait_img.height), container.width_interne = Math.max(container.width_interne, Math.ceil(options.mini_width) + retrait_img.width) image_max = { height: (container.height_interne - retrait_img.height), width: (container.width_interne - retrait_img.width) } //========================= // test débordement //========================= height_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.height); width_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.width); if (typeof Zone_image.image_init.rapport == "undefined") { Zone_image.image_init.rapport = options.ratio; } if (Type_Img == "charlie") { } else if (Type_Img == "pamoorama") { if (height_theMainImage > container.height_interne) { n = options.pictureSelType; } } else { height_theMainImage = Math.ceil(width_theMainImage / options.ratio); if (height_theMainImage > container.height_interne) { image_max.height = container.height_interne; image_max.width = image_max.height * Zone_image.image_init.rapport; width_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.width); height_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.height); } if (width_theMainImage > container.width_interne) { image_max.width = container.width_interne; image_max.height = image_max.width / Zone_image.image_init.rapport; width_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.width); height_theMainImage = Math.ceil(image_max.height); } else if (width_theMainImage > container.width) { } else { } } //================================================================= Zone_image.image = { width: width_theMainImage, height: height_theMainImage, rapport: width_theMainImage / height_theMainImage }; Zone_image.marges = { width: marge_left + marge_right + retrait_img.width, height: marge_top + marge_bottom + retrait_img.height } Zone_image.src = jQuery(theMainImage_id).attr("src"); } /********************************************* * Calcul les dimensions. *********************************************/ Get_dimensions = function (force, parametres) { new_img = jQuery(theMainImage_id).infos({ absolute: true }); new_dim = jQuery(theImage_id).infos({ absolute: true }); new_win = jQuery(window).infos({ absolute: true }); // avec ascenseur options.theImageTop = new_dim.top; options.theImageLeft = new_dim.left; options.theImageRight = (new_win.width - new_dim.right); options.theImageBottom = new_win.height - new_dim.out.bottom; options.marge_top = Math.ceil(new_img.top - new_dim.top); options.marge_bottom = Math.ceil(new_dim.out.bottom - new_img.out.bottom); if (options.theImageBottom < 0) { options.theImageBottom = 0; } options.theImageWidth = new_win.width - options.theImageLeft - options.theImageRight; options.theImageHeight = new_win.height - options.marge_top - options.theImageBottom - options.theImageTop; var chk = eval("options." + user_status + "_enabled"); if (chk == "") { return; } if (Type_Img != "map") Select_Image(); infos_theMainImage = jQuery(theMainImage_id).infos({ absolute: true }); Zone_image.src = infos_theMainImage.src; useMap = options.pictureSelType; /* if (useMap) { if (!useMap.match(RegExp("Autosize", "gi"))) { if (typeof img_height != "undefined") { jQuery(theImg).height(img_height); jQuery(theImg).width(img_width); } return; } } if (options.imageAutosize) { return true; //stripped } if (typeof options.cl_visible == "undefined") return; if (!options.cl_visible == true) { return; } */ //================================================================= switch (Type_Img) { case "map": if (Set_Map(true)) return false; break case "panorama": if (!theMainImage_id) { } infos_theImage = jQuery(theMainImage_id).infos(); infos_the_page = jQuery("#the_page").infos(); img_finale.height = infos_theImage.height; break case "img": break case "img_autre": if (!theMainImage_id) { if (DEBUG_autosize.match("true", gi)) alert("The_MainImage=null"); return; } infos_the_page = jQuery("#the_page").infos(); break case "embed": // if (infos_theMainImage.width == 0) infos_theMainImage = jQuery("#thePicturePage").infos(); if (infos_theMainImage.width == 0) infos_theMainImage = jQuery("#the_page").infos(); iph1 = jQuery("#theImage div").infos(); break case "charlie": break case "iframe": Zone_image.image.width = options.theImageWidth; Zone_image.image.height = options.theImageHeight; break case "pamoorama": Wait_pamoorama(); break } //================================================= if (Zone_image.image.height < options.mini_height2) { Zone_image.image.height = parseInt(options.mini_height2); Zone_image.image.width = Math.ceil(Zone_image.image.height * Zone_image.image_init.rapport); } if (Zone_image.image.width < options.mini_width2) { Zone_image.image.width = parseInt(options.mini_width2); Zone_image.image.height = Math.ceil(Zone_image.image.width / Zone_image.image_init.rapport); } //================================================== // ImageWidthidth largeur à atteindre // Calcul du rapport d'agrandissement echelle_max = parseFloat(options.echelle_max, '3'); if (Zone_image.zoom > echelle_max) { Zone_image.zoom = echelle_max; Zone_image.image.width = parseInt(Zone_image.image_init.width * Zone_image.zoom); if (Zone_image.image_init.rapport > 0) Zone_image.image.height = parseInt(Zone_image.image_init.width / Zone_image.image_init.rapport); } if (Type_Img != "pamoorama") { mxi = Math.ceil(Zone_image.image.height + Zone_image.marges.height); Zone_image.container.height = Math.max(Zone_image.container.height, mxi); } img_finale = { width: Zone_image.image.width, height: Zone_image.image.height }; return true; } //________________ Get_dimensions ___________________ /***************************** * init_gen *****************************/ init_gen = function (e) { theImg = document.getElementById(theMainImage_id.replace("#", "")); //================================================== marges_llgbo = 0; options.marges_llgbo = 0; if (jQuery(llgbo_id).length > 0) { infos_llgbo = jQuery(llgbo_id).infos(true); if (infos_llgbo.visible == true) { if (infos_llgbo.height > 0) { infos_llgboframe1 = jQuery(llgbo_id + " div:last").infos(); infos_llgboframe31 = jQuery(llgbo_id + " div:first").infos(); //============================================= ll2 = infos_llgboframe1.width; // llgboframe1 ll1 = infos_llgboframe31.general.width; // llgboframe31 options.marges_llgbo = (ll1 - ll2); infos_llgboh2 = jQuery("#llgboh2").infos(); } } marges_llgbo = options.marges_llgbo; } //========= Récupération des informations ============= options.marge_top = 0; pAll = jQuery(llgbo_id).absoluteAll({ absolute: true }); infos_llgbo.top = pAll.Top; infos_llgbo.bottom = pAll.Bottom; pAll = jQuery(theMainImage_id).absoluteAll({ absolute: true }); pos_top = pAll.Top; ; pos_bottom = pAll.Bottom; ; if (infos_llgbo.top > 0) { pos_top = infos_llgbo.top; options.marge_top = infos_theMainImage.top - infos_theImage.top; } else pos_top = infos_theImageAndInfos.top; options.pos_top = pos_top; options.marge_left = infos_theImage.general.marges.left + Math.ceil(options.marge_gauche); options.marge_right = infos_theImage.general.marges.right + Math.ceil(options.marge_droite); options.marge_top += infos_theImage.general.marges.top + infos_content.general.marges.top + Math.ceil(options.marge_haute); options.marge_bottom = Math.ceil(options.marge_basse); // +infos_content.general.marges.bottom; ; if (options.pictureDeriv == null) options.first = true; else options.first = false; //=================== Gestion liste photos size ============================ us = 0; if (!options.theMainImageWidth) options.theMainImageWidth = options.scaledWidth; if (!options.theMainImageHeight) options.theMainImageHeight = options.scaledHeight; if (options.first) { if (options.pictureDeriv) { pictureSelType = options.pictureSelType; options.pictureMap = options.pictureDeriv; } else { IMg = Get_Maxi(Zone_image.image); options.pictureDeriv = IMg.pictureDeriv; imgSrc = IMg.url; width = IMg.width; height = IMg.height; options.pictureDeriv = IMg.pictureDeriv; options.pictureMap = IMg.pictureMap; } } if (pictureSelType_user != options.pictureSelType) { /* user_status = options.user_status; pictureSelType_user = eval("options." + user_status + "_type"); //limite taille */ pictureDeriv_user = options.pictureDeriv; options.pictureDeriv_user = pictureDeriv_user; pictureSelType = options.pictureSelType; } //========================================================== href_path = "javascript:changeImgSrc('" + options.imgSrc + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + "SelMaxi" + "')"; spans = jQuery("#derivativeCheckedSelMaxi").next(); spans.attr("href", href_path); spans.attr("name", "SelMaxi"); spans = spans.find("span"); spans.attr("name", "SelMaxi"); spans.text("(" + options.theMainImageWidth + " x " + options.theMainImageHeight + ")"); //========================================================== href_path = "javascript:changeImgSrc('" + options.imgSrc + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + options.pictureDeriv + "', '" + "Autosize" + "')"; spans = jQuery("#derivativeCheckedAutosize").next(); spans.attr("href", href_path); spans.attr("name", "Autosize"); spans = spans.find("span"); spans.attr("name", "Autosize"); spans.text("(" + options.theMainImageWidth + " x " + options.theMainImageHeight + ")"); //========================================================== if (options.pictureSelType == "Autosize" || options.pictureSelType == "SelMaxi") { spans = jQuery("#derivativeChecked" + options.pictureSelType).next(); spans.addClass("linkAutosize"); spans.find("span").addClass("auto_details"); } pictureDeriv = options.pictureDeriv; Autosize_resize(true, options); Autosize_resize(true, options); return; IMg = Get_Maxi(Zone_image.image); imgSrc = IMg.url; width = IMg.width; height = IMg.height; n = 0; var pt = new Array(); //uyu = jQuery(uyu + " span"); // // auto_details //==== limite affichage selection = pictureSelType ==== jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox a").css('visibility', 'hidden'); jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox a").each(function (i) { href_path = jQuery(this).attr("href"); pt[i] = href_path.split("'"); tsz = pt[i][5]; jQuery(this).css('visibility', 'visible'); //--- recherche limite --- if (tsz.match(RegExp(pictureSelType_user, "gi"))) { if (tsz.match(RegExp(options.pictureSelType, "gi"))) { us = n; } else { return false; } } //--- type en cours --- if (tsz.match(RegExp("^" + pictureDeriv, "gi"))) { us = n; } n++; }); jQuery(".switchCheck").css('visibility', 'hidden'); jQuery("derivativeChecked" + pictureSelType_user).css('visibility', 'visible'); /* */ //==== en cours ============ if (options.imgSrc) { changeImgSrc(options.imgSrc, options.pictureDeriv, options.pictureDeriv, options.pictureSelType); imgSrc = options.imgSrc; } href_path = ""; }; //_______________________ init_gen _______________________ /********************************************* * DEBUG .... *********************************************/ /* if (DEBUG_autosize.match("true",gi)) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { jQuery('#adddebugs').click(); } jQuery(jQuery('.debug').get(i - 1)).click(); } */ // Custom Event, ON to turn on a debug. jQuery('.debug').live('ON', function (e) { nu_img = jQuery(this).text(); jQuery('.debug').trigger('OFF'); jQuery(this).addClass('debugOn'); }); // On Click = debugs On jQuery('.debug').live('click', function (e) { i = jQuery(this).text(); jQuery(this).trigger('ON'); }); // Custom Event, Turn off a debug jQuery('.debug').live('OFF', function (e) { jQuery(this).removeClass('debugOn'); }); // on Double Click, remove the debug from the DOM jQuery('.debug').live('dblclick', function () { jQuery(this).fadeOut(function () { jQuery(this).remove() }); }); // Add another debug to the DOM jQuery('#adddebugs').click(function () { i = jQuery('.debug').length; jQuery('
' + i + '
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"); } old_messages[index] += "" + Nom_str + "->" + infos + "
"; message = old_messages[index]; colors = Array('black', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'red'); myDebug = { id: "Debug" + index, texte: message, css: { display: "block", color: colors[index - 1], opacity: "1", position: "absolute", align: "left", height: 80 + "px", width: width_g + "px", left: ((index - 1) * width_g) + "px", border: "solid 1px green", top: 0 + "px" } } return myDebug; } } } //Debug_info //==================================================== affiche_debug = function (aff_infos) { jQuery(jQuery("[id ^='Debug']")).each(function (i) { if (aff_infos[this.id]) { if (aff_infos[this.id].css) { jQuery("#" + this.id).css(aff_infos[this.id].css); jQuery("#" + this.id).html(aff_infos[this.id].texte); } } }); return; } //___________ affiche_debug ____ //==================================================== function Debug_pos() { return; if (DEBUG_autosize.match("true", gi)) { jQuery("[id ^='Debug']").show(); /* Debug2 background-color:yellow Debug3 background-color:blue Debug4 background-color:green Debug5 background-color:red */ affiche_debug({ Debug5: Debug_info(5, infos_theMainImage, "infos_theMainImage") }); } } // Debug_pos //========================================================== }); // ready jQuery("#derivativeSwitchBox a").click(function (e) { k1 = 0; });