//==== autosize remplace $(... avec jQuery( ==== /* *[gmaps=id:1;width:800;height:640;] * Luciano rv_gmaps * pb : Gmaps llgbo pamooramics rv_map */ var d1 = 0; var init_tb = 0; var dom = {}; if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') { alert(" jQuery n'est pas chargé"); } else { // jQuery est chargé } try{ if (DEBUG == "true") { } }catch(e) { DEBUG = "false"; } //=================================================== var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var OS, version; //============================================================================== browser = detect_browser(); function detect_browser() { mybrowser = { browser: "", konqueror: false, chrome: false, safari: false, omniWeb: false, opera: false, firefox: false, msie: false, netscape: false } if (checkIt('konqueror')) { mybrowser.Konqueror = true; lbrowser = "konqueror"; OS = "Linux"; } else if (checkIt('chrome')) { mybrowser.chrome = true; lbrowser = "chrome"; } else if (checkIt('safari')) { mybrowser.safari = true; lbrowser = "safari"; } else if (checkIt('omniweb')) { mybrowser.omniweb = true; lbrowser = "omniWeb"; } else if (checkIt('opera')) { mybrowser.opera = true; lbrowser = "opera"; } else if (checkIt('firefox')) { mybrowser.firefox = true; lbrowser = "firefox"; } else if (checkIt('msie')) { mybrowser.msie = true; lbrowser = "msie"; } else if (checkIt('compatible')) { mybrowser.NetscapeNavigator = true; lmybrowser.browser = "NetscapeNavigator"; version = detect.charAt(8); } else lbrowser = "An unknown browser"; if (!version) version = detect.charAt(place + thestring.length); if (!OS) { if (checkIt('linux')) OS = "Linux"; else if (checkIt('x11')) OS = "Unix"; else if (checkIt('mac')) OS = "Mac"; else if (checkIt('win')) OS = "Windows"; else OS = "an unknown operating system"; } mybrowser.browser = lbrowser; return mybrowser }; function checkIt(string) { place = detect.indexOf(string) + 1; thestring = string; return place; } /* */ konqueror = mybrowser.konqueror || false; chrome = mybrowser.chrome || false; safari = mybrowser.safari || false; omniWeb = mybrowser.omniWeb || false; opera = mybrowser.opera || false; firefox = mybrowser.firefox || false; msie = mybrowser.msie || false; netscape = mybrowser.netscape || false; //======================================== /*function $defined(A) { $ = _$2; // ; return A != undefined; } */ var time_out = 0; //=================================================== nbpa = 0; var Fn; function conflit(element, nc) { //--- cl_conflit var retour = (getStackTrace()); Fn = retour.fn; retour = retour.state; n = document; v = window; var ret_element = ""; if (retour.match(RegExp("jQuery", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery(element); } else if (retour.match(RegExp("rv_gmaps", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery().$Prototype(element); } else if (retour.match(RegExp("GMaps", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery(element); } else if (retour.match(RegExp("pamooramics", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery().$Pamoorama(element); if (retour.match(RegExp("init_", "gi"))) { } nbpa += 1; } else if (retour.match(RegExp("luciano", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery().$Luciano(element, nc); } else if (retour.match(RegExp("jQuery", "gi"))) { ret_element = jQuery(element); } if (ret_element != "") return ret_element; if (typeof (element) == "string") { if (element.match("^#|.ui", "gi")) { ret_element = jQuery(element); return ret_element; } } else if (typeof (element) == "function") { fn = element.toString(); if (fn.match("#pwg|open", "gi")) { ret_element = jQuery(element); return ret_element; } } else if (element == document) { ret_element = jQuery(element); return ret_element; } tp0 = typeof (element); ret_element = jQuery(element); if (DEBUG == "true") { retour = (getStackTrace()); alert("element : " + element + " retour : " + retour + "Fonctions:" + Fn); } return ret_element; } // conflit(element,nc) jQuery(document).ready( function (jQuery) { jQuery(window).load(function () { //============================================================ jQuery("#icon_gmaps").bind('click', function () { jQuery('html,body').stop().scrollTop(0); jQuery('html,body').stop().scrollLeft(0); jQuery(".ui-widget-overlay").css("opacity", "0.75"); l1 = (jQuery(window).width() - (jQuery(".gmapsPopup").width())) / 2; h1 = (jQuery(window).height() - (jQuery(".gmapsPopup").height())) / 2; jQuery(".gmapsPopup").css("left", l1 + "px"); jQuery(".gmapsPopup").css("top", h1 + "px"); }) //============================================================= if (typeof(Parent)=="undefined") Parent = "#theImage"; info_image = jQuery(Parent).infos(); p0 = jQuery(Parent); if (p0.length > 0) { //====================================================== if (theme.match("gally", "gi")) if (jQuery.isFunction(inittoolbar)) { if (typeof (currentTab) == "undefined") inittoolbar(); else initializeImageMode("resize"); if (info_image.position != "static") { //==== compatibilité Gally/LLGBO === //--- passage relative ==> static ===/ jQuery(Parent).css({ position: "static" } ); jQuery("#imageToolBar").css({ position: "relative", top: "0px" }); }; } } // jQuery(window).resize(); }); //============================================================= // $ = _$2; ; }) ; //========================================================= jQuery.fn.extend({ //---------------- luciano ------------------------------- $Luciano: function (el, nc) { return document.id(el, nc, this.document); }, //=============== PaMOOramics =========================== $Pamoorama: function (B) { if (!B) { if (typeof (B) == "boolean") return null; } try { if (B.htmlElement) { return Garbage.collect(B); } } catch (e) { } if ([window, document].contains(B)) { return B; } var A = $type(B); if (A == "string") { B = document.getElementById(B); A = (B) ? "element" : false; } if (A != "element") { return null; } if (B.htmlElement) { return Garbage.collect(B); } if (["object", "embed"].contains(B.tagName.toLowerCase())) { return B; } $extend(B, Element.prototype); B.htmlElement = function () { }; try { return Garbage.collect(B); } catch (e) { return; } }, //=================================================== $Prototype: function (element) { //======== prototype.js ===================== if (arguments.length > 1) { for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) elements.push($(arguments[i])); return elements; } if (typeof element == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); return Element.extend(element); try { new_element = Element.extend(element); } catch (e) { return new_element; } return new_element; } //========================================================= }); // fin extend /* * mootools.js version: "1.11" * pamoorama0.3.js * * main.js (google maps) * prototype.js(mootool version: "1.62") * windows.js * */ function getStackTrace() { var callstack = []; var isCallstackPopulated = false; try { i.dont.exist += 0; //doesn't exist- that's the point } catch (e) { var retcallstack = []; var e_message = e.message; var e_stack = e.stack; var state_ff = ""; if (e_stack) { //Firefox Opera 3.6 //=== test fichier source ============= var lines = e.stack.split("\n"); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { var Src_Match = lines[i]; if (Src_Match.match(/conflit.js/)) { // } else { if (Src_Match.match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) { callstack.push(Src_Match); //php? } else { callstack.push(Src_Match); } if (Src_Match.match("GMaps|applyMap|markupMaps|applyMarkers")) { callstack.push("GMaps"); isCallstackPopulated = true; break; } if (Src_Match.match("rv_gmaps", "gi")) { callstack.push("rv_gmaps"); isCallstackPopulated = true; break; } if (Src_Match.match("paMOOramics")) { isCallstackPopulated = true; callstack.push("paMOOramics"); break; } if (Src_Match.match("Luciano", "gi")) { callstack.push("Luciano"); isCallstackPopulated = true; break; } if (Src_Match.match("main")) { callstack.push("main"); isCallstackPopulated = true; break; } if (Src_Match.match("jQuery", "gi")) { callstack.push("jQuery"); isCallstackPopulated = true; break; } } } //callstack.shift(); state_ff = callstack.join('\n'); isCallstackPopulated = false; } if (window.opera && e.message && isCallstackPopulated == false) { callstack = []; //Opera ================================= var lines = e.message.split("\n"); for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) { var entry = lines[i]; //Append next line also since it has the file info if (lines[i + 1]) { entry += " at " + lines[i + 1]; i++; } callstack.push(entry); //isCallstackPopulated = true; } } } //===== fin Opera====================================== } if (!isCallstackPopulated) { //IE and Safari var currentFunction = arguments.callee.caller; //next callstack = []; all_functions = []; state = ""; if (currentFunction == null) { return (""); } states = []; var fn1 = currentFunction.toString(); // fonction d'appel local (conflit) currentFunction = currentFunction.caller; var fn2 = currentFunction.toString(); // fonction d'appel local (conflit) currentFunction = currentFunction.caller; //$family while (currentFunction) { var fn = currentFunction.toString(); all_functions.push(fn); var fname = fn.substring(fn.indexOf("function") + 8, fn.indexOf("(")) || " "; if (fname != " ") { jQuery.noop; if (states.length > 0) break; // if (fname != " $") callstack.push(fn); } if (fname != "") { jQuery.noop; // if (fname != " $") callstack.push(fn); } callstack.push(fn); if (fn.match(RegExp("jquery|switchmenu|switchTabs|switchInterface|gally|initializeImageMode", "gi"))) { states.push('jQuery'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("dialog..open", "gi"))) { states.push('GMaps'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("GMaps|applyMap|markupMaps|applyMarkers", "gi"))) { states.push('GMaps'); break; } //====================== //? bubble Expression = new RegExp("\\$", "gi") if (fn.match(Expression)) { if (fn.match(RegExp("rateForm", "gi"))) { states.push('Luciano'); break; } } // "window.fireEvent('domready')" Expression = new RegExp("window.fireEvent", "gi") if (fn.match(Expression)) { //luciano // "window.fireEvent('domready')" Expression = new RegExp("window.fireEvent..domready..", "gi") if (fn.match(Expression)) { states.push('Luciano'); break; } } if (fn.match(RegExp("(splat|buildFrameWork|photoNext)", "gi"))) { //luciano states.push('Luciano'); break; } //====================== if (fn.match(RegExp("_footer|ie_ready|makeDraggable|droppables", "gi"))) { states.push('paMOOramics'); break; } //window_1290934905697_top if (fn.match(RegExp("window_..|WindowUtilities", "gi"))) { states.push('rv_gmaps'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("that.overlayOpacity", "gi"))) { states.push('rv_gmaps'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("For backward compatibility like win", "gi"))) { states.push('rv_gmaps'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("overlay_modal|HTMLDivElement|constraintPad", "gi"))) { states.push('rv_gmaps'); break; } if (fn.match(RegExp("__content|__method|observe|responder|stopobserving|fireContentLoadedEvent", "gi"))) { states.push('rv_gmaps'); break; } if (all_functions.length > 50) break; currentFunction = currentFunction.caller; } } // state_ff + "|" + state = states.join('\n'); if (state == "") { if (DEBUG == "true") { Fn = all_functions.join('\n'); try { alert(Conflit.name + Conflit.version + "\n Appel non trouvée:" + fn1 + "\n" + Fn + "\n Firefox(retour):" + state_ff); } catch (e) { } } state = state_ff; } Fn = all_functions; return { state: state, fn: callstack.join('\n'),fn1:fn2 }; } //==================================== (function ($) { $(document).ready(function () { jQuery(window).load(function () { a = jQuery(':Description'); }); }); //============================================== librairies=[]; jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], { // Nom du sélecteur personnalisé Description: function (a) { n = jQuery(a).infos(); if (n.id != "") { //alert("<" + n.nodeName +" id= " + n.id + " >") ; } if (n.nodeName == "SCRIPT") if (a.src == "") { Match = jQuery(a).html(); /* if ( Match.match(new RegExp("jQuery", "gi") )) { alert(n.id + n.nodeName + a.outerHTML ) ; } if ( Match.match(new RegExp("ajax", "gi") )) { alert(n.id + n.nodeName + a.outerHTML ) ; } */ if (Match.match(new RegExp("\\$", "gi"))) { if (Match.match(new RegExp("ajax", "gi"))) { // alert(n.id + n.nodeName + a.outerHTML); } } if (Match.match(new RegExp("pamoorama", "ig"))) { // alert(n.id + n.nodeName + a.innerHTML); } } else { if (a.src.match(RegExp("mootools|pamooramic|luciano", "gi"))) { jQuery.noop; librairies.push(a.src); } } return a; } }); //fin extend /* * */ })(jQuery); $_0= $; function $(element, nc0) { a = conflit(element, nc0); return a; } if (typeof ($.ajax) != "function") { $.ajax = function (origSettings) { jQuery.ajax(origSettings); } $.parseJSON = function (msg) { return jQuery.parseJSON(msg); } } //============================================ /* url (String): URl de la page à charger * params (Map): (optionnel) paires de clé/valeur qui seront envoyées au serveur. * callback (Fonction): (optionnel) fonction qui sera éxécutée quand les données sera chargées. * type (String): (optionnel) format des données renvoyées à la fonction de callback */ if (typeof ($.get) != "function") { $.get = function ( a, b, c, d) { return jQuery.get(a, b, c,d ); } } $_ = $; function save_framework(page) { try { Conflit = { version: cl_version, name: cl_plugin }; } catch (e) { } $_2 = $; return }