Values are defined per percentage (%) or per pixels (px).'; $lang['cl_autosize_height'] = 'Height'; $lang['cl_autosize_width'] = 'Width'; $lang['cl_autosize_config_title_2'] = 'Minimum values'; $lang['cl_autosize_hlp_line2'] = 'Minimum picture size, to activate the automatic resizing.'; $lang['cl_autosize_miniheight'] = 'Minimum height'; $lang['cl_autosize_miniwidth'] = 'Minimum width'; $lang['cl_autosize_hlp_line3'] = 'The automatic resizing will be desactivated if the size of the picture to be displayed is less than this value.'; $lang['cl_autosize_echelle_max'] = 'Maximum scale.'; $lang['cl_autosize_hlp_line4'] = 'The automatic resizing will be clipped to this value, if the magnifying ratio (real picture size / displayed picture size) is above.'; $lang['cl_autosize_marge_basse'] = 'Bottom margin.'; $lang['cl_autosize_hlp_line5'] = 'Bottom saved space, for legend display'; $lang['cl_autosize_save'] = 'Save'; $lang['cl_autosize_save_config'] = 'Store configuration.'; $lang['cl_autosize_fade_in'] = "Fade in"; $lang['cl_autosize_default_type'] = " SelMax / Autosize "; $lang['cl_autosize_default_type_hlp'] = "Select default mode"; ?>