assign(array( 'B2F_PATH' => B2F_PATH, 'verso' => $verso, )); /* admin link */ if (is_admin()) { $template->assign('VERSO_U_ADMIN', get_root_url().'admin.php?page=photo-'.$verso['id']); $template->set_filename('B2F_admin_button', realpath(B2F_PATH.'template/admin_button.tpl')); $template->concat('PLUGIN_PICTURE_ACTIONS', $template->parse('B2F_admin_button', true)); } /* link name */ if (!empty($conf['back2front']['link_name'][$user['language']])) { if (strpos($conf['back2front']['link_name'][$user['language']], '|') !== false) { $conf['back2front']['link_name'] = explode('|', $conf['back2front']['link_name'][$user['language']]); } else { $conf['back2front']['link_name'] = array_fill(0, 2, $conf['back2front']['link_name'][$user['language']]); } } else if (!empty($conf['back2front']['link_name']['default'])) { if (strpos($conf['back2front']['link_name']['default'], '|') != false) { $conf['back2front']['link_name'] = explode('|', $conf['back2front']['link_name']['default']); } else { $conf['back2front']['link_name'] = array_fill(0, 2, $conf['back2front']['link_name']['default']); } } else { $conf['back2front']['link_name'] = array(l10n('See back'), l10n('See front')); } if ($conf['back2front']['transition'] == 'fade' && $conf['back2front']['position'] == 'bottom') { $conf['back2front']['position'] = 'top'; } /* template & output */ $template->set_filename('B2F_picture_content', realpath(B2F_PATH.'template/picture_content.tpl')); $template->assign(array( 'b2f_switch_mode' => $conf['back2front']['switch_mode'], 'b2f_transition' => $conf['back2front']['transition'], 'b2f_position' => $conf['back2front']['position'], 'b2f_see_back' => $conf['back2front']['link_name'][0], 'b2f_see_front' => $conf['back2front']['link_name'][1], )); switch ($conf['back2front']['position']) { case 'toolbar': $template->concat('PLUGIN_PICTURE_ACTIONS', $template->parse('B2F_picture_content', true)); break; case 'top': $content = $template->parse('B2F_picture_content', true)."\n".$content; break; case 'bottom': $content = $content."\n".$template->parse('B2F_picture_content', true); break; } } return $content; } /* * Add field on picture modify page */ function back2front_picture_modify() { global $page, $template, $conf; if ($page['page'] != 'photo') return; if (isset($_GET['tab']) && $_GET['tab']!='properties') return; /* SAVE VALUES */ if (isset($_POST['b2f_submit'])) { /* catch all verso and recto ids and original categories */ $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.B2F_TABLE.';'; $result = pwg_query($query); $rectos = $versos = $cats = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rectos[] = $row['image_id']; $versos[] = $row['verso_id']; $cats[] = $row['categories']; } if (count($rectos) != 0) { $all_recto_verso = array_combine($rectos, $versos); $verso_cats = array_combine($versos, $cats); } else { $all_recto_verso = array(0=>0); $verso_cats = array(0=>null); } unset($rectos, $versos, $cats); /* picture is verso */ if (isset($_POST['b2f_is_verso'])) { /* verso don't exists */ if (!picture_exists($_POST['b2f_front_id'])) { array_push($page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('Unknown id %d for frontside picture'), $_POST['b2f_front_id'] )); } /* verso same as recto */ else if ($_POST['b2f_front_id'] == $_GET['image_id']) { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('Backside and frontside can\'t be the same picture')); } /* recto has already a verso */ else if (in_array($_POST['b2f_front_id'], array_keys($all_recto_verso)) && $all_recto_verso[$_POST['b2f_front_id']] != $_GET['image_id']) { $recto_current_verso['id'] = $all_recto_verso[$_POST['b2f_front_id']]; $recto_current_verso['link'] = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=photo-'.$recto_current_verso['id']; array_push($page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('The picture n°%d has already a backside : %s'), $_POST['b2f_front_id'], ''.$recto_current_verso['id'].'' )); } /* recto is already a verso */ else if (in_array($_POST['b2f_front_id'], array_values($all_recto_verso))) { $recto_is_verso['id'] = $_POST['b2f_front_id']; $recto_is_verso['link'] = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=picture_modify&image_id='.$recto_is_verso['id']; array_push($page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('The picture n°%s is already a backside'), ''.$recto_is_verso['id'].'' )); } /* everything is fine */ else { // move the verso - if first save if (isset($_POST['b2f_move_verso']) && (!array_key_exists($_GET['image_id'], $verso_cats) || $verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']] == null)) { // get current categories $query = 'SELECT category_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].';'; $verso_categories = array_from_query($query, 'category_id'); pwg_query('DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].';'); pwg_query('INSERT INTO '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.'(image_id, category_id) VALUES('.$_GET['image_id'].', '.$conf['back2front']['versos_cat'].');'); // random representant for each categories set_random_representant($verso_categories); $verso_categories = isset($verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']]) ? $verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']] : implode(',',$verso_categories); $template->assign('B2F_MOVE_VERSO', 'checked="checked"'); } // restore the verso - if precedently moved else if (!isset($_POST['b2f_move_verso']) && array_key_exists($_GET['image_id'], $verso_cats) && $verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']] != null) { $item['verso_id'] = $_GET['image_id']; $item['categories'] = $verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']]; back2front_restaure_categories($item); $verso_categories = 'NULL'; $template->assign('B2F_MOVE_VERSO', ''); } // leave the verso else { $verso_categories = isset($verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']]) ? $verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']] : 'NULL'; $template->assign('B2F_MOVE_VERSO', isset($verso_cats[$_GET['image_id']]) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''); } // insert or update verso associations $query = ' INSERT INTO '.B2F_TABLE.' VALUES( '.$_POST['b2f_front_id'].', '.$_GET['image_id'].', "'.$verso_categories.'" ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE image_id = '.$_POST['b2f_front_id'].', categories = "'.$verso_categories.'" ;'; pwg_query($query); $template->assign(array( 'B2F_IS_VERSO' => 'checked="checked"', 'B2F_FRONT_ID' => $_POST['b2f_front_id'], )); $verso['id'] = $_POST['b2f_front_id']; $verso['link'] = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=photo-'.$verso['id']; array_push($page['infos'], sprintf( l10n('This picture is now the backside of the picture n°%s'), ''.$verso['id'].'' )); } } /* picture isn't verso */ else { /* search if it was a verso */ $query = ' SELECT categories FROM '.B2F_TABLE.' WHERE verso_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); /* it must be restored to its original categories */ if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { $item['verso_id'] = $_GET['image_id']; list($item['categories']) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); back2front_restaure_categories($item); pwg_query('DELETE FROM '.B2F_TABLE.' WHERE verso_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].';'); array_push($page['infos'], l10n('This picture is no longer a backside')); } } } /* GET SAVED VALUES */ if ($template->get_template_vars('B2F_IS_VERSO') == null) { $template->assign('B2F_MOVE_VERSO', 'checked="checked"'); /* is the picture a verso ? */ $query = ' SELECT image_id, categories FROM '.B2F_TABLE.' WHERE verso_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { list($recto_id, $cats) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); $template->assign(array( 'B2F_IS_VERSO' => 'checked="checked"', 'B2F_FRONT_ID' => $recto_id, 'B2F_MOVE_VERSO' => $cats != NULL ? 'checked="checked"' : '', )); } /* is the picture a front ? */ else { $query = ' SELECT verso_id FROM '.B2F_TABLE.' WHERE image_id = '.$_GET['image_id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { $item = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $template->assign(array( 'B2F_VERSO_ID' => $item['verso_id'], 'B2F_VERSO_URL' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=photo-'.$item['verso_id'], )); } } } $template->set_prefilter('picture_modify', 'back2front_picture_modify_prefilter'); } function back2front_picture_modify_prefilter($content, &$smarty) { $search = ''; $replacement = $search."\n\n".file_get_contents(B2F_PATH.'template/picture_modify.tpl'); return str_replace($search, $replacement, $content); } /* * Add mark on thumbnails list */ function back2front_thumbnails($tpl_thumbnails_var) { global $conf, $selection; if (!isset($selection)) { return $tpl_thumbnails_var; } if (!$conf['back2front']['show_thumbnail']) return $tpl_thumbnails_var; if (empty($tpl_thumbnails_var)) return $tpl_thumbnails_var; /* has the pictures a verso ? */ $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.B2F_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN('.implode(',', $selection).') ;'; $ids = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); $root_path = get_absolute_root_url(); foreach($tpl_thumbnails_var as &$tpl_var) { if (in_array($tpl_var['id'], $ids)) { $tpl_var['NAME'].= ' '; } } return $tpl_thumbnails_var; }