1 | {combine_css path=$BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH|@cat:"admin/template/style.css"} |
2 | |
3 | <div class="titrePage"> |
4 | <h2>Batch Downloader</h2> |
5 | </div> |
6 | |
7 | <form class="filter" method="post" name="filter" action="{$F_FILTER_ACTION}"> |
8 | <fieldset> |
9 | <legend>{'Filter'|@translate}</legend> |
10 | <input type="hidden" name="page" value="user_list"> |
11 | |
12 | <label>{'Username'|@translate} <input type="text" name="username" value="{$F_USERNAME}"></label> |
13 | |
14 | <label> |
15 | {'Set type'|@translate} |
16 | {html_options name=type options=$type_options selected=$type_selected} |
17 | </label> |
18 | |
19 | <label> |
20 | {'Status'|@translate} |
21 | {html_options name=status options=$status_options selected=$status_selected} |
22 | </label> |
23 | |
24 | <label> |
25 | {'Sort by'|@translate} |
26 | {html_options name=order_by options=$order_options selected=$order_selected} |
27 | </label> |
28 | |
29 | <label> |
30 | {'Sort order'|@translate} |
31 | {html_options name=direction options=$direction_options selected=$direction_selected} |
32 | </label> |
33 | |
34 | <label> |
35 | |
36 | <span><input class="submit" type="submit" name="filter" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"> <a href="{$F_FILTER_ACTION}">{'Reset'|@translate}</a></span> |
37 | </label> |
38 | |
39 | </fieldset> |
40 | |
41 | </form> |
42 | |
43 | <table class="table2" width="97%"> |
44 | <thead> |
45 | <tr class="throw"> |
46 | <td class="user">{'Username'|@translate}</td> |
47 | <td class="type">{'Set type'|@translate}</td> |
48 | <td class="date">{'Creation date'|@translate}</td> |
49 | <td class="size">{'Total size'|@translate}</td> |
50 | <td class="images">{'Number of images'|@translate}</td> |
51 | <td class="archives">{'Number of archives'|@translate}</td> |
52 | <td class="status">{'Status'|@translate}</td> |
53 | <td class="action">{'Actions'|@translate}</td> |
54 | </tr> |
55 | </thead> |
56 | |
57 | {foreach from=$sets item=set name=sets_loop} |
58 | <tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.sets_loop.index is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}"> |
59 | <td>{$set.USERNAME}</td> |
60 | <td>{$set.NAME}</td> |
61 | <td style="text-align:center;">{$set.DATE_CREATION}</td> |
62 | <td>{$set.TOTAL_SIZE} MB</td> |
63 | <td>{$set.NB_IMAGES}</td> |
64 | <td>{$set.NB_ARCHIVES}</td> |
65 | <td> |
66 | {$set.STATUS|@translate} |
67 | {if $set.STATUS == 'download'}<i style="font-size:0.8em;">({$set.LAST_ZIP}/{$set.NB_ARCHIVES})</i>{/if} |
68 | </td> |
69 | <td style="padding-left:25px;"> |
70 | <a href="{$set.U_DELETE}" title="{'Delete this set'|@translate}" onClick="return confirm('{'Are your sure?'|@translate}');"><img src="admin/themes/default/icon/delete.png"></a> |
71 | {if $set.STATUS != 'done'}<a href="{$set.U_CANCEL}" title="{'Cancel this set'|@translate}" onClick="return confirm('{'Are your sure?'|@translate}');"><img src="admin/themes/default/icon/permissions.png"></a>{/if} |
72 | </td> |
73 | </tr> |
74 | {/foreach} |
75 | |
76 | {if not $sets} |
77 | <tr class="row2"> |
78 | <td colspan="8" style="text-align:center;font-style:italic;">{'No result'|@translate}</td> |
79 | </tr> |
80 | {/if} |
81 | </table> |
82 | |
83 | <form action="{$F_FILTER_ACTION}" method="post"> |
84 | <p><label><input type="checkbox" name="delete_done" value="1"> {'Remove all finished downloads'|@translate}</label> |
85 | <input type="submit" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"></p> |
86 | </form> |