0, 'chronology_style'=>0, 'chronology_view'=>0, 'chronology_date'=>0, ))); $batch_id = ltrim($batch_id, '/'); } else if (isset($page['category'])) { $batch_type = 'category'; $batch_id = $page['category']['id']; } else if (isset($page['flat'])) // this is for the whole gallery only, flat mode for category is above { return false; } break; case 'tags': $batch_type = 'tags'; $batch_id = implode(',', array_map(create_function('$t', 'return $t["id"];'), $page['tags'])); break; case 'search': $batch_type = 'search'; $batch_id = $page['search']; break; case 'collections': if (in_array(@$page['sub_section'], array('view','edit'))) { $batch_type = 'collection'; $batch_id = $page['col_id']; } break; case 'favorites': case 'most_visited': case 'best_rated': case 'list': case 'recent_pics': $batch_type = $page['section']; $batch_id = null; break; default: return false; } $set = array( 'type' => $batch_type, 'id' => $batch_id, 'size' => !empty($_GET['down_size']) ? $_GET['down_size'] : 'original', 'items' => $page['items'], ); // check size if (!$conf['batch_download']['multisize']) { $set['size'] = $conf['batch_download']['photo_size']; } else { $avail_sizes = array(); foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $params) { $avail_sizes[] = $params->type; if ($params->type == $conf['batch_download']['photo_size']) break; } if ($conf['batch_download']['photo_size'] == 'original') { $avail_sizes[] = 'original'; } if (!in_array($set['size'], $avail_sizes)) { $set['size'] = $conf['batch_download']['photo_size']; } } return trigger_change('batchdownload_get_set_info', $set); } /** * check is current user can use BatchDownloader * @return: boolean */ function check_download_access() { global $user, $conf; if (is_a_guest()) return false; if (is_admin()) return true; if ($user['level'] < $conf['batch_download']['level']) return false; if (!empty($conf['batch_download']['groups'])) { $query = ' SELECT 1 FROM '.USER_GROUP_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND group_id IN('.implode(',', $conf['batch_download']['groups']).') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (!pwg_db_num_rows($result)) return false; } return true; } // https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=61636 function readlargefile($fullfile) { $fp = fopen($fullfile, 'rb'); if ($fp) { while (!feof($fp)) { print(fread($fp, 2097152)); } fclose($fp); } } if (!function_exists('str2lower')) { if (function_exists('mb_strtolower') && defined('PWG_CHARSET')) { function str2lower($term) { return mb_strtolower($term, PWG_CHARSET); } function str2upper($term) { return mb_strtoupper($term, PWG_CHARSET); } } else { function str2lower($term) { return strtolower($term); } function str2upper($term) { return strtoupper($term); } } }