[3321] | 1 | Fonctionnality: |
| 2 | =============== |
| 3 | From source directory, this tools allows you to build a ready structure for FTP transfer including thumbnails, normal, high definition pictures and index.php files. |
| 4 | |
| 5 | XnView must be installed. |
| 6 | |
| 7 | The +: |
| 8 | - mass treatment |
| 9 | - use of other line command program |
| 10 | |
| 11 | Installation: |
| 12 | ============= |
| 13 | 1: XnView version Complete (Plugins & NConvert) must be installed http://xnview.com/ |
| 14 | 2: Copy filesBuildPWGPicture.cmd et BuildPWGPicture.Params.txt on your choice directory |
| 15 | 3: Modify default parameters on file fichier BuildPWGPicture.Params.txt |
| 16 | => This 3 parameters must be correctly defined: |
| 17 | o DirXnView |
| 18 | o DirAlbum |
| 19 | o DirFTP |
| 20 | It's source and destination of build pictures |
| 21 | 4: Copy file index.php in DirAlbum directory. |
| 22 | If exist file index.php in directory DirAlbum, this file will be copied in each directories. |
| 23 | It's allow to not list files contained in a directory. |
| 24 | |
| 25 | Usage: |
| 26 | ====== |
| 27 | Syntax: |
| 28 | - All directories: BuildPWGPicture [-options] [-ParFile <File Name>] |
| 29 | - Selected Directory: BuildPWGPicture <Short Directory Name> [-DirDest <Full Directory Path>] [-options] [-ParFile <File Name>] |
| 30 | - Selected Directories src/dest: BuildPWGPicture -DirSrc <Full Directory Path> -DirDest <Full Directory Path> [-options] [-ParFile <File Name>] |
| 31 | |
| 32 | Key: |
| 33 | - <Short Directory Name> : Directory on Album directory |
| 34 | - -DirSrc <Full Directory Path> : Source directory |
| 35 | Override computed Album directory name |
| 36 | Cannot be used with <Short Directory Name> |
| 37 | - -DirDest <Full Directory Path> : Destination directory |
| 38 | Override computed FTP directory name |
| 39 | - [-options] can be composed of all parameters defined in BuildPWGPicture.Params.txt |
| 40 | Override parameters defined in BuildPWGPicture.Params.txt |
| 41 | Each option is composed with 2 line arguments -<parameter name> and <parameter value> |
| 42 | Override before [-ParFile <File Name>] |
| 43 | - [-ParFile <File Name>] : Full name of parameters file |
| 44 | Override parameters defined in BuildPWGPicture.Params.txt |
| 45 | Override after [-options] |
| 46 | |
| 47 | Examples: |
| 48 | BuildPWGPicture |
| 49 | BuildPWGPicture -HDKeep N -TNQuality 70 |
| 50 | BuildPWGPicture 20050816 |
| 51 | BuildPWGPicture 20050816 -HDKeep N -TNQuality 70 |
| 52 | BuildPWGPicture 20050816 -DirDest c:\temp\FTP -HDKeep N -TNQuality 70 |
| 53 | BuildPWGPicture -DirSrc c:\temp\test -DirDest c:\temp\testII -HDKeep N -TNQuality 70 |
| 54 | |
| 55 | Overview: |
| 56 | ========= |
| 57 | Pictures are copied or converted by XnView to source directory from high destination directory. |
| 58 | Pictures converted by XnView to high destination directory from "normal" destination directory. |
| 59 | Pictures converted by XnView to high destination directory from thumbnail destination directory. |
| 60 | index.php file are copied in all "FTP" directories, this file allow to avoid everybody to list contents. |
| 61 | Pictures in high destination directory must be deleted (by default, pictures are not deleted). |
| 62 | Different options of convertion or treatment are possible this execution of AddOn on each step. |
| 63 | |
| 64 | Examples: |
| 65 | ========= |
| 66 | Source: |
| 67 | F:. |
| 68 | +---Album |
| 69 | ¦ +---20040915 |
| 70 | ¦ +---rub |
| 71 | |
| 72 | Launch commandes: |
| 73 | BuildPWGPicture.cmd rub |
| 74 | BuildPWGPicture.cmd 20040915 |
| 75 | |
| 76 | Destination: |
| 78 | +---rub |
| 79 | ¦ +---pwg_high |
| 80 | ¦ +---thumbnail |
| 81 | +------20040915 |
| 82 | ¦ +---pwg_high |
| 83 | ¦ +---thumbnail |
| 84 | |
| 85 | Most simple use: |
| 86 | ================ |
| 87 | o Have always the same directory "Album" and the same directory "FTP". |
| 88 | o In other directory "MyImages", have sub-directories classified according to your choice |
| 89 | o Make prior treatments (not possible with BuildPWGPicture) in this sub-directories |
| 90 | o Copy this sub-directories in Album directory |
| 91 | o Double-click on shortcut icone defined on the top |
| 92 | o Launch script BuildPWGPicture.cmd on command line |
| 93 | o All sub-directories in "FTP" directory are ready |
| 94 | o Detele all sub-directories of "Album" directory |
| 95 | |
| 96 | Example de AddOn: |
| 97 | ================= |
| 98 | - Remove EXIF: |
| 99 | > Instal exiv2 http://www.exiv2.org/download.html |
| 100 | > Create file HDAddOnFile.cmd in BuildPWGPicture directory |
| 101 | > Add in file, this following line: |
| 102 | C:\exiv2\exiv2.exe -d e %1\*.JPG |