> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See main.inc.php for release information CStat_root : common classe for admin and public classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) die('Hacking attempt!'); include_once('cstat_version.inc.php'); // => Don't forget to update this file !! include_once('cstat_colorstat.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/CommonPlugin.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCCss.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCAjax.class.inc.php'); class CStat_root extends CommonPlugin { static public $pluginName='ColorStat'; static public $pluginNameFile='cstat'; static public $pluginTables=array('images', 'color_table', 'images_colors'); static public $colorTableSize=Array('small' => Array(30,20), 'large' => Array(10,10)); protected $css; //the css object public function __construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { $this->setPluginName(self::$pluginName); $this->setPluginNameFiles(self::$pluginNameFile); parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $this->section_name=$this->getPluginNameFiles(); $this->setTablesList(self::$pluginTables); $this->css = new GPCCss(dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/'.$this->getPluginNameFiles().".css"); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->css); parent::__destruct(); } public function initEvents() { parent::initEvents(); add_event_handler('blockmanager_register_blocks', array(&$this, 'register_blocks') ); } /* menu block management */ public function register_blocks() { } /* intialize default values */ public function initConfig() { //global $user; $this->config=array( 'newInstall' => 'n', 'analyze_maxTime' => 1, 'analyze_colorTable' => 'small', 'analyze_pps' => 0, 'analyze_ppsQuality' => 7500, 'analyze_itemPerRequest' => 10, 'display_gallery_showColors' => 'n', 'display_gallery_colorSize' => 15, 'display_stat_orderType' => 'img', 'stat_minPct' => 1.5, ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ajax functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * this function return the number of pixels analyzed per second for an image * * @param Integer $quality : quality used to analyze the performance * a quality of 1 is the best quality (process is * longuer so, analyze is better) * @param Boolean $update : if yes, update the config with the current pps * @return Integer : pps */ protected function ajax_cstat_ppsBench($quality, $update) { ColorStat::getFileColors( dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/image/sample1.png', ColorStat::getColorTable(CStat_root::$colorTableSize['small'][0],CStat_root::$colorTableSize['small'][1]), Array('quality' => $quality, 'numColors' => 16) ); if($update) { $this->config['analyze_pps']=ColorStat::$fileColorsStat['pps']; $this->saveConfig(); } return(ColorStat::$fileColorsStat['pps']); } } //class class CStat_functions { static private $tables = Array(); static private $config = Array(); /** * initialise the class * * @param String $prefixeTable : the piwigo prefixe used on tables name * @param String $pluginNameFile : the plugin name used for tables name */ static public function init($prefixeTable) { GPCCore::loadConfig(CStat_root::$pluginNameFile, self::$config); $list=CStat_root::$pluginTables; for($i=0;$i 0 ORDER BY color_id "; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $colors[$row['color_id']]=Array('num_images' => $row['num_images'], 'num_pixels' => $row['num_pixels']); } } $colorTable=ColorStat::getColorTable( CStat_root::$colorTableSize[self::$config['analyze_colorTable']][0], CStat_root::$colorTableSize[self::$config['analyze_colorTable']][1] ); foreach($colorTable as $key=>$hue) { foreach($hue as $key2=>$saturation) { foreach($saturation as $key3=>$value) { $rgb=$value->getRGB()->getHexString(); $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]=Array( 'color' => $rgb, 'pct' => '', //(array_key_exists($rgb, $colors))?sprintf("%.2f", round(100*$colors[$rgb]['num_pixels']/$generalStats['pixelsAnalyzedSum'],2)):"", 'num' => (array_key_exists($rgb, $colors))?$colors[$rgb]['num_images']:"", ); } } } unset($colors); return($colorTable); } /** * return HTML code for a given colorTable * * @param Array $colorTable : a color table, typically made with the * ColorStat::getColorTable() function * @param Int $size : size for colorbox in the HTML table * @return String : HTML code */ static public function htmlColorTable($colorTable, $size=5, $id="", $class="", $br='
') { global $template; $template->set_filename('color_table_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/templates/cstat_color_table.tpl'); switch(count($colorTable)) { case 12; $break=4; $size=10; break; case 15; $break=5; $size=10; break; case 18; $break=6; $size=5; break; case 20; $break=5; $size=10; break; case 24; $break=6; $size=5; break; case 30; $break=6; $size=5; break; case 36; $break=6; $size=5; break; case 45; $break=9; $size=3; break; } $colors=Array(); $nbHue=count($colorTable); $nbStep=count($colorTable[0]); $col=0; $row=0; foreach($colorTable as $key => $hue) { $lrow=0; foreach($hue as $key2 => $saturation) { $lcol=0; foreach($saturation as $key3 => $value) { //if(!($col!=0 and $hsv['V']==0) and !($row!=0 and $hsv['S']==0)) $trow=$lcol+$col*$nbStep; $tcol=$lrow+$row*$nbStep; if($colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3] instanceof HSV) { $colors[$tcol][$trow]=Array('color' => $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]->getRGB()->getHexString(), 'pct' => "", 'num' => ""); } elseif(is_array($colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3])) { $colors[$tcol][$trow]=Array( 'color' => (array_key_exists('color', $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]))?$colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]['color']:"", 'pct' => (array_key_exists('pct', $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]))?$colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]['pct']:"", 'num' => (array_key_exists('num', $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]))?$colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3]['num']:"", ); } else { $colors[$tcol][$trow]=Array('color' => $colorTable[$key][$key2][$key3], 'pct' => "", 'num' => ""); } $lcol++; } $lrow++; } $col++; if($col==$break) { $col=0; $row++; } } $data=array( 'colorTable' => $colors, 'size' => $size, 'id' => $id, 'class' => $class, 'br' => $br, ); $template->assign('data', $data); unset($data); return($template->parse('color_table_page', true)); } /** * return HTML code for a given colors list * * @param Array $colors : list of colors * @param Int $size : size for colorbox in the HTML table * @return String : HTML code */ static public function htmlColorList($colorList, $split=8, $size=5, $id="", $class="", $br='
') { global $template; $template->set_filename('color_table_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/templates/cstat_color_table.tpl'); $colors=Array(); $row=0; $num=0; foreach($colorList as $key => $val) { $colors[$row][]=Array('color' => $key, 'pct' => $val['pct'], 'num' => ""); $num++; if($num==$split) { $num=0; $row++; } } $data=array( 'colorTable' => $colors, 'size' => $size, 'id' => $id, 'class' => $class, 'br' => $br, ); $template->assign('data', $data); unset($data); return($template->parse('color_table_page', true)); } /** * returns an array of colors & colors percent of an image * * @param Integer $imageId : id of the image * @return Array('colors' => Array(), 'colors_pct' => Array()) */ static public function getImageColors($imageId) { $returned=Array( 'colors' => Array(), 'colors_pct' => Array(), ); $sql="SELECT colors, colors_pct FROM ".self::$tables['images']." WHERE image_id='".$imageId."'"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned['colors']=explode(',', $row['colors']); $returned['colors_pct']=explode(',', $row['colors_pct']); } } return($returned); } /** * return all HTML&JS code necessary to display a dialogbox to choose * colors */ static public function dialogBoxColor() { global $template; GPCCore::addUI('simpleTip'); $template->set_filename('colors_choose', dirname(__FILE__).'/templates/cstat_dialog_colors_choose.tpl'); $colorTable=CStat_functions::getColorTableWithStat(); $datas=Array( 'colorTable' => CStat_functions::htmlColorTable( $colorTable, (self::$config['analyze_colorTable']=='small')?16:8, "", "color0px" ), //'urlRequest' => $this->getAdminLink(), ); $template->assign('datas', $datas); unset($data); return($template->parse('colors_choose', true)); } /** * returns general stats on the analyzed colors process * * @return Array : array with keys * 'nbImages', 'timeMax', 'timeMin', 'timeSum', * 'pixelsAnalyzedMax', 'pixelsAnalyzedMin', * 'pixelsAnalyzedAvg', 'pixelsAnalyzedSum', 'totalPixels', * 'ppsMax', 'ppsMin', 'ppsAvg', 'qualityMax', * 'qualityMin', 'qualityAvg' */ static public function getGeneralStats() { $returned=Array( 'nbImages' => 0, 'timeMax' => 0, 'timeMin' => 0, 'timeSum' => 0, 'pixelsAnalyzedMax' => 0, 'pixelsAnalyzedMin' => 0, 'pixelsAnalyzedAvg' => 0, 'pixelsAnalyzedSum' => 0, 'totalPixels' => 0, 'ppsMax' => 0, 'ppsMin' => 0, 'ppsAvg' => 0, 'qualityMax' => 0, 'qualityMin' => 0, 'qualityAvg' => 0, ); $sql="SELECT COUNT(image_id) AS nbImages, MAX(time) AS timeMax, MIN(time) AS timeMin, SUM(time) AS timeSum, MAX(analyzed_pixels) AS pixelsAnalyzedMax, MIN(analyzed_pixels) AS pixelsAnalyzedMin, AVG(analyzed_pixels) AS pixelsAnalyzedAvg, SUM(analyzed_pixels) AS pixelsAnalyzedSum, SUM(num_pixels) AS totalPixels, MAX(pps) AS ppsMax, MIN(pps) AS ppsMin, AVG(pps) AS ppsAvg, MAX(quality) AS qualityMax, MIN(quality) AS qualityMin, AVG(quality) AS qualityAvg FROM ".self::$tables['images']." WHERE analyzed='y';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $returned=$row; } } return($returned); } } //CStat_functions ?>