st'; $lang['CR_order_2'] = '2nd'; $lang['CR_order_3'] = '3rd'; $lang['CR_order_sup'] = 'th'; $lang['CR_help_lang'] = "You can use HTML and multilanguage descriptions :

Multilanguage descriptions are placed between [lang=xx] and [/lang] tags, where xx is the language code (for example en, es, fr). There is also 2 special languages : [lang=default] and [lang=all].

Special language default : the default description will be used if the description is not available in the connected user selected language. If [lang=default] does not exists, anything outside the [lang] tags will be considered as the default description.

Special language all : anything inside [lang=all] will be included in the description, anywhat the connected user defined language is. This is mainly useful to include HTML/JavaScript code inside a description."; $lang['CR_help_title'] = ""; $lang['CR_help_status'] = "When the contest is Finished the results are displayed on the contest page and the marker (Finished) is activated.
Caution : the contest doesn't switch automaticaly to the status 'finished' when the end date is reached !"; $lang['CR_help_visible'] = "If the contest is 'unvisible' only administrators can see it."; $lang['CR_help_summary'] = "The summary is only displayed in the general contest page.

"; $lang['CR_help_textareas'] = "These four areas allow you to describe the contest.
For each area you can choose the displaying according to the contest status.

"; $lang['CR_help_results'] = "Descriptions are displayed on each pictures pages and on the contest page for the first three.
Sort elements by drag-and-drop them.

"; ?>