1 | <div class="titrePage"> |
2 | <h2>{$TITLE} › {'Edit photo'|@translate} {$TABSHEET_TITLE}</h2> |
3 | </div> |
4 | {if $IN_CROP} |
5 | |
6 | {combine_css path="themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.Jcrop.css"} |
7 | {combine_script id='jquery.jcrop' load='footer' require='jquery' path='themes/default/js/plugins/jquery.Jcrop.min.js'} |
8 | |
9 | {footer_script require="jquery"} |
10 | var jcrop_api; |
11 | |
12 | jQuery("#jcrop").Jcrop({ldelim} |
13 | //boxWidth: {$crop.display_width}, |
14 | //boxHeight: {$crop.display_height}, |
15 | boxWidth: 500, boxHeight: 400, |
16 | onChange: jOnChange, |
17 | onRelease: jOnRelease |
18 | }, |
19 | function(){ldelim} |
20 | jcrop_api = this; |
21 | }); |
22 | |
23 | $("input[name='ratio']").change(function(e) {ldelim} |
24 | if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '1/1') |
25 | {ldelim} |
26 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 1/1 }); |
27 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
28 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
29 | } |
30 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '4/5') |
31 | {ldelim} |
32 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 4/5 }); |
33 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
34 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
35 | } |
36 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '4/3') |
37 | {ldelim} |
38 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 4/3 }); |
39 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
40 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
41 | } |
42 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '5/7') |
43 | {ldelim} |
44 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 5/7 }); |
45 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
46 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
47 | } |
48 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '16/9') |
49 | {ldelim} |
50 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 16/9 }); |
51 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
52 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
53 | } |
54 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == '2.35/1') |
55 | {ldelim} |
56 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 2.35/1 }); |
57 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
58 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
59 | } |
60 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == 'original') |
61 | {ldelim} |
62 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: eval($('#image_ratio').val()) }); |
63 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
64 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
65 | } |
66 | else if ($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == 'C') |
67 | {ldelim} |
68 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = false; |
69 | if ( eval($('#ratioC').val()) > 0 ) |
70 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: eval($('#ratioC').val()) }); |
71 | } |
72 | else |
73 | {ldelim} |
74 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: 0 }); |
75 | document.getElementById('ratioC').disabled = true; |
76 | document.getElementById('ratioC').value = ''; |
77 | } |
78 | jcrop_api.focus(); |
79 | }); |
80 | $("input[name='ratioC']").change(function(e) {ldelim} |
81 | if (($("input[name='ratio']:checked").val() == 'C') && eval($('#ratioC').val()) > 0) |
82 | jcrop_api.setOptions({ldelim} aspectRatio: eval($('#ratioC').val()) }); |
83 | jcrop_api.focus(); |
84 | }); |
85 | |
86 | function jOnChange(sel) {ldelim} |
87 | jQuery("input[name='x']").val(sel.x); |
88 | jQuery("input[name='y']").val(sel.y); |
89 | jQuery("input[name='x2']").val(sel.x2); |
90 | jQuery("input[name='y2']").val(sel.y2); |
91 | |
92 | jQuery("input[name='w']").val(sel.w); |
93 | jQuery("input[name='h']").val(sel.h); |
94 | |
95 | jQuery("#width").html(Math.round(sel.x2-sel.x).toFixed(0)); |
96 | jQuery("#height").html(Math.round(sel.y2-sel.y).toFixed(0)); |
97 | } |
98 | function jOnRelease() {ldelim} |
99 | |
100 | } |
101 | |
102 | {/footer_script} |
103 | |
104 | <form method="post" action=""> |
105 | <fieldset> |
106 | <legend>{'Crop Photo'|@translate}</legend> |
107 | {'Choose the part of the photo you want to keep'|@translate}<br> |
108 | <img id="jcrop" src="{$picture.banner_src}?{1|rand:200}" width="{$crop.display_width}" height="{$crop.display_height}"> |
109 | |
110 | <ul> |
111 | <li><b>{'Width'|@translate}:</b> <span id="width"></span>px</li> |
112 | <li><b>{'Height'|@translate}:</b> <span id="height"></span>px</li> |
113 | </ul> |
114 | |
115 | <input type="hidden" name="x"> |
116 | <input type="hidden" name="y"> |
117 | <input type="hidden" name="x2"> |
118 | <input type="hidden" name="y2"> |
119 | <input type="hidden" name="h"> |
120 | <input type="hidden" name="w"> |
121 | <input type="hidden" name="picture_file" value="{$picture.path}"> |
122 | <input type="hidden" name="image_ratio" id="image_ratio" value="{$image_ratio}"> |
123 | <input type="hidden" name="image_id" value="{$image_id}"> |
124 | <fieldset> |
125 | <legend>{'Aspect Ratio'|@translate}</legend> |
126 | {'Square'|@translate}<input type="radio" value="1/1" name="ratio"> 4:5<input type="radio" value="4/5" name="ratio"> 4:3<input type="radio" value="4/3" name="ratio"> 5:7<input type="radio" value="5/7" name="ratio"> 16:9<input type="radio" value="16/9" name="ratio"> 2.35:1<input type="radio" value="2.35/1" name="ratio"> |
127 | {'None'|@translate}<input type="radio" value="0" checked name="ratio"> {'Original'|@translate}<input type="radio" value="original" name="ratio"> {'Custom'|@translate}<input type="radio" value="C" name="ratio"> <input type="text" name="ratioC" id="ratioC" value="" size="5" disabled/> |
128 | </fieldset> |
129 | <input type="submit" name="submit_crop" value="{'Submit'|@translate}"> |
130 | <input type="submit" name="cancel_crop" value="{'Cancel'|@translate}"> |
131 | </fieldset> |
132 | </form> |
133 | {/if} |