* @version 3.0 (October 2011) * @package Securimage * */ /** ChangeLog 3.0 - Rewrite class using PHP5 OOP - Remove support for GD fonts, require FreeType - Remove support for multi-color codes - Add option to make codes case-sensitive - Add namespaces to support multiple captchas on a single page or page specific captchas - Add option to show simple math problems instead of codes - Remove support for mp3 files due to vulnerability in decoding mp3 audio files - Create new flash file to stream wav files instead of mp3 - Changed to BSD license 2.0.2 - Fix pathing to make integration into libraries easier (Nathan Phillip Brink ohnobinki@ohnopublishing.net) 2.0.1 - Add support for browsers with cookies disabled (requires php5, sqlite) maps users to md5 hashed ip addresses and md5 hashed codes for security - Add fallback to gd fonts if ttf support is not enabled or font file not found (Mike Challis http://www.642weather.com/weather/scripts.php) - Check for previous definition of image type constants (Mike Challis) - Fix mime type settings for audio output - Fixed color allocation issues with multiple colors and background images, consolidate allocation to one function - Ability to let codes expire after a given length of time - Allow HTML color codes to be passed to Securimage_Color (suggested by Mike Challis) 2.0.0 - Add mathematical distortion to characters (using code from HKCaptcha) - Improved session support - Added Securimage_Color class for easier color definitions - Add distortion to audio output to prevent binary comparison attack (proposed by Sven "SavageTiger" Hagemann [insecurity.nl]) - Flash button to stream mp3 audio (Douglas Walsh www.douglaswalsh.net) - Audio output is mp3 format by default - Change font to AlteHaasGrotesk by yann le coroller - Some code cleanup 1.0.4 (unreleased) - Ability to output audible codes in mp3 format to stream from flash - Error reading from wordlist in some cases caused words to be cut off 1 letter short 1.0.3 - Removed shadow_text from code which could cause an undefined property error due to removal from previous version 1.0.2 - Audible CAPTCHA Code wav files - Create codes from a word list instead of random strings 1.0 - Added the ability to use a selected character set, rather than a-z0-9 only. - Added the multi-color text option to use different colors for each letter. - Switched to automatic session handling instead of using files for code storage - Added GD Font support if ttf support is not available. Can use internal GD fonts or load new ones. - Added the ability to set line thickness - Added option for drawing arced lines over letters - Added ability to choose image type for output */ /** * Securimage CAPTCHA Class. * * @version 3.0 * @package Securimage * @subpackage classes * @author Drew Phillips * */ class Securimage { // All of the public variables below are securimage options // They can be passed as an array to the Securimage constructor, set below, // or set from securimage_show.php and securimage_play.php /** * Renders captcha as a JPEG image * @var int */ const SI_IMAGE_JPEG = 1; /** * Renders captcha as a PNG image (default) * @var int */ const SI_IMAGE_PNG = 2; /** * Renders captcha as a GIF image * @var int */ const SI_IMAGE_GIF = 3; /** * Create a normal alphanumeric captcha * @var int */ const SI_CAPTCHA_STRING = 0; /** * Create a captcha consisting of a simple math problem * @var int */ const SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC = 1; /** * The width of the captcha image * @var int */ public $image_width = 215; /** * The height of the captcha image * @var int */ public $image_height = 80; /** * The type of the image, default = png * @var int */ public $image_type = self::SI_IMAGE_PNG; /** * The background color of the captcha * @var Securimage_Color */ public $image_bg_color = '#ffffff'; /** * The color of the captcha text * @var Securimage_Color */ public $text_color = '#707070'; /** * The color of the lines over the captcha * @var Securimage_Color */ public $line_color = '#707070'; /** * The color of the noise that is drawn * @var Securimage_Color */ public $noise_color = '#707070'; /** * How transparent to make the text 0 = completely opaque, 100 = invisible * @var int */ public $text_transparency_percentage = 50; /** * Whether or not to draw the text transparently, true = use transparency, false = no transparency * @var bool */ public $use_transparent_text = false; /** * The length of the captcha code * @var int */ public $code_length = 6; /** * Whether the captcha should be case sensitive (not recommended, use only for maximum protection) * @var bool */ public $case_sensitive = false; /** * The character set to use for generating the captcha code * @var string */ public $charset = 'ABCDEFGHKLMNPRSTUVWYZabcdefghklmnprstuvwyz23456789'; /** * How long in seconds a captcha remains valid, after this time it will not be accepted * @var unknown_type */ public $expiry_time = 900; /** * The session name securimage should use, only set this if your application uses a custom session name * It is recommended to set this value below so it is used by all securimage scripts * @var string */ public $session_name = null; /** * true to use the wordlist file, false to generate random captcha codes * @var bool */ public $use_wordlist = false; /** * The level of distortion, 0.75 = normal, 1.0 = very high distortion * @var double */ public $perturbation = 0.75; /** * How many lines to draw over the captcha code to increase security * @var int */ public $num_lines = 8; /** * The level of noise (random dots) to place on the image, 0-10 * @var int */ public $noise_level = 0; /** * The signature text to draw on the bottom corner of the image * @var string */ public $image_signature = ''; /** * The color of the signature text * @var Securimage_Color */ public $signature_color = '#707070'; /** * The path to the ttf font file to use for the signature text, defaults to $ttf_file (AHGBold.ttf) * @var string */ public $signature_font; /** * Use an SQLite database to store data (for users that do not support cookies) * @var bool */ public $use_sqlite_db = false; /** * The type of captcha to create, either alphanumeric, or a math problem
* Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_STRING or Securimage::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC * @var int */ public $captcha_type = self::SI_CAPTCHA_STRING; /** * The captcha namespace, use this if you have multiple forms on a single page, blank if you do not use multiple forms on one page * @var string * * namespace = 'contact_form'; * * // in form validator * $img->namespace = 'contact_form'; * if ($img->check($code) == true) { * echo "Valid!"; * } * */ public $namespace; /** * The font file to use to draw the captcha code, leave blank for default font AHGBold.ttf * @var string */ public $ttf_file; /** * The path to the wordlist file to use, leave blank for default words/words.txt * @var string */ public $wordlist_file; /** * The directory to scan for background images, if set a random background will be chosen from this folder * @var string */ public $background_directory; /** * The path to the SQLite database file to use, if $use_sqlite_database = true, should be chmod 666 * @var string */ public $sqlite_database; /** * The path to the securimage audio directory, can be set in securimage_play.php * @var string * * $img->audio_path = '/home/yoursite/public_html/securimage/audio/'; * */ public $audio_path; protected $im; protected $tmpimg; protected $bgimg; protected $iscale = 5; protected $securimage_path = null; protected $code; protected $code_display; protected $captcha_code; protected $sqlite_handle; protected $gdbgcolor; protected $gdtextcolor; protected $gdlinecolor; protected $gdsignaturecolor; /** * Create a new securimage object, pass options to set in the constructor.
* This can be used to display a captcha, play an audible captcha, or validate an entry * @param array $options * * $options = array( * 'text_color' => new Securimage_Color('#013020'), * 'code_length' => 5, * 'num_lines' => 5, * 'noise_level' => 3, * 'font_file' => Securimage::getPath() . '/custom.ttf' * ); * * $img = new Securimage($options); * */ public function __construct($options = array()) { $this->securimage_path = dirname(__FILE__); if (is_array($options) && sizeof($options) > 0) { foreach($options as $prop => $val) { $this->$prop = $val; } } $this->image_bg_color = $this->initColor($this->image_bg_color, '#ffffff'); $this->text_color = $this->initColor($this->text_color, '#616161'); $this->line_color = $this->initColor($this->line_color, '#616161'); $this->noise_color = $this->initColor($this->noise_color, '#616161'); $this->signature_color = $this->initColor($this->signature_color, '#616161'); if ($this->ttf_file == null) { $this->ttf_file = $this->securimage_path . '/AHGBold.ttf'; } $this->signature_font = $this->ttf_file; if ($this->wordlist_file == null) { $this->wordlist_file = $this->securimage_path . '/words/words.txt'; } if ($this->sqlite_database == null) { $this->sqlite_database = $this->securimage_path . '/database/securimage.sqlite'; } if ($this->audio_path == null) { $this->audio_path = $this->securimage_path . '/audio/'; } if ($this->code_length == null || $this->code_length < 1) { $this->code_length = 6; } if ($this->perturbation == null || !is_numeric($this->perturbation)) { $this->perturbation = 0.75; } if ($this->namespace == null || !is_string($this->namespace)) { $this->namespace = 'default'; } // Initialize session or attach to existing if ( session_id() == '' ) { // no session has been started yet, which is needed for validation if ($this->session_name != null && trim($this->session_name) != '') { session_name(trim($this->session_name)); // set session name if provided } session_start(); } } /** * Return the absolute path to the Securimage directory * @return string The path to the securimage base directory */ public static function getPath() { return dirname(__FILE__); } /** * Used to serve a captcha image to the browser * @param string $background_image The path to the background image to use * * $img = new Securimage(); * $img->code_length = 6; * $img->num_lines = 5; * $img->noise_level = 5; * * $img->show(); // sends the image to browser * exit; * */ public function show($background_image = '') { if($background_image != '' && is_readable($background_image)) { $this->bgimg = $background_image; } $this->doImage(); } /** * Check a submitted code against the stored value * @param string $code The captcha code to check * * $code = $_POST['code']; * $img = new Securimage(); * if ($img->check($code) == true) { * $captcha_valid = true; * } else { * $captcha_valid = false; * } * */ public function check($code) { $this->code_entered = $code; $this->validate(); return $this->correct_code; } /** * Output a wav file of the captcha code to the browser * * * $img = new Securimage(); * $img->outputAudioFile(); // outputs a wav file to the browser * exit; * */ public function outputAudioFile() { $ext = 'wav'; // force wav - mp3 is insecure header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"securimage_audio.{$ext}\""); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT'); header('Content-type: audio/x-wav'); $audio = $this->getAudibleCode($ext); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($audio)); echo $audio; exit; } /** * The main image drawing routing, responsible for constructing the entire image and serving it */ protected function doImage() { if( ($this->use_transparent_text == true || $this->bgimg != '') && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { $imagecreate = 'imagecreatetruecolor'; } else { $imagecreate = 'imagecreate'; } $this->im = $imagecreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height); $this->tmpimg = $imagecreate($this->image_width * $this->iscale, $this->image_height * $this->iscale); $this->allocateColors(); imagepalettecopy($this->tmpimg, $this->im); $this->setBackground(); $this->createCode(); $this->drawWord(); if ($this->noise_level > 0) { $this->drawNoise(); } if ($this->perturbation > 0 && is_readable($this->ttf_file)) { $this->distortedCopy(); } if ($this->num_lines > 0) { $this->drawLines(); } if (trim($this->image_signature) != '') { $this->addSignature(); } $this->output(); } /** * Allocate the colors to be used for the image */ protected function allocateColors() { // allocate bg color first for imagecreate $this->gdbgcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->image_bg_color->r, $this->image_bg_color->g, $this->image_bg_color->b); $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127); if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) { $this->gdtextcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, $this->text_color->r, $this->text_color->g, $this->text_color->b, $alpha); $this->gdlinecolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, $this->line_color->r, $this->line_color->g, $this->line_color->b, $alpha); $this->gdnoisecolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, $this->noise_color->r, $this->noise_color->g, $this->noise_color->b, $alpha); } else { $this->gdtextcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->text_color->r, $this->text_color->g, $this->text_color->b); $this->gdlinecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->line_color->r, $this->line_color->g, $this->line_color->b); $this->gdnoisecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->noise_color->r, $this->noise_color->g, $this->noise_color->b); } $this->gdsignaturecolor = imagecolorallocate($this->im, $this->signature_color->r, $this->signature_color->g, $this->signature_color->b); } /** * The the background color, or background image to be used */ protected function setBackground() { // set background color of image by drawing a rectangle since imagecreatetruecolor doesn't set a bg color imagefilledrectangle($this->im, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, $this->gdbgcolor); imagefilledrectangle($this->tmpimg, 0, 0, $this->image_width * $this->iscale, $this->image_height * $this->iscale, $this->gdbgcolor); if ($this->bgimg == '') { if ($this->background_directory != null && is_dir($this->background_directory) && is_readable($this->background_directory)) { $img = $this->getBackgroundFromDirectory(); if ($img != false) { $this->bgimg = $img; } } } if ($this->bgimg == '') { return; } $dat = @getimagesize($this->bgimg); if($dat == false) { return; } switch($dat[2]) { case 1: $newim = @imagecreatefromgif($this->bgimg); break; case 2: $newim = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->bgimg); break; case 3: $newim = @imagecreatefrompng($this->bgimg); break; default: return; } if(!$newim) return; imagecopyresized($this->im, $newim, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, imagesx($newim), imagesy($newim)); } /** * Scan the directory for a background image to use */ protected function getBackgroundFromDirectory() { $images = array(); if ( ($dh = opendir($this->background_directory)) !== false) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/(jpg|gif|png)$/i', $file)) $images[] = $file; } closedir($dh); if (sizeof($images) > 0) { return rtrim($this->background_directory, '/') . '/' . $images[rand(0, sizeof($images)-1)]; } } return false; } /** * Generates the code or math problem and saves the value to the session */ protected function createCode() { $this->code = false; switch($this->captcha_type) { case self::SI_CAPTCHA_MATHEMATIC: { $signs = array('+', '-', 'x'); $left = rand(1, 10); $right = rand(1, 5); $sign = $signs[rand(0, 2)]; switch($sign) { case 'x': $c = $left * $right; break; case '-': $c = $left - $right; break; default: $c = $left + $right; break; } $this->code = $c; $this->code_display = "$left $sign $right"; break; } default: { if ($this->use_wordlist && is_readable($this->wordlist_file)) { $this->code = $this->readCodeFromFile(); } if ($this->code == false) { $this->code = $this->generateCode($this->code_length); } $this->code_display = $this->code; $this->code = ($this->case_sensitive) ? $this->code : strtolower($this->code); } // default } $this->saveData(); } /** * Draws the captcha code on the image */ protected function drawWord() { $width2 = $this->image_width * $this->iscale; $height2 = $this->image_height * $this->iscale; if (!is_readable($this->ttf_file)) { imagestring($this->im, 4, 10, ($this->image_height / 2) - 5, 'Failed to load TTF font file!', $this->gdtextcolor); } else { if ($this->perturbation > 0) { $font_size = $height2 * .4; $bb = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display); $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0]; $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1]; $x = floor($width2 / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]); $y = round($height2 / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]); imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdtextcolor, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display); } else { $font_size = $this->image_height * .4; $bb = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display); $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0]; $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1]; $x = floor($this->image_width / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]); $y = round($this->image_height / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]); imagettftext($this->im, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdtextcolor, $this->ttf_file, $this->code_display); } } // DEBUG //$this->im = $this->tmpimg; //$this->output(); } /** * Copies the captcha image to the final image with distortion applied */ protected function distortedCopy() { $numpoles = 3; // distortion factor // make array of poles AKA attractor points for ($i = 0; $i < $numpoles; ++ $i) { $px[$i] = rand($this->image_width * 0.2, $this->image_width * 0.8); $py[$i] = rand($this->image_height * 0.2, $this->image_height * 0.8); $rad[$i] = rand($this->image_height * 0.2, $this->image_height * 0.8); $tmp = ((- $this->frand()) * 0.15) - .15; $amp[$i] = $this->perturbation * $tmp; } $bgCol = imagecolorat($this->tmpimg, 0, 0); $width2 = $this->iscale * $this->image_width; $height2 = $this->iscale * $this->image_height; imagepalettecopy($this->im, $this->tmpimg); // copy palette to final image so text colors come across // loop over $img pixels, take pixels from $tmpimg with distortion field for ($ix = 0; $ix < $this->image_width; ++ $ix) { for ($iy = 0; $iy < $this->image_height; ++ $iy) { $x = $ix; $y = $iy; for ($i = 0; $i < $numpoles; ++ $i) { $dx = $ix - $px[$i]; $dy = $iy - $py[$i]; if ($dx == 0 && $dy == 0) { continue; } $r = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy); if ($r > $rad[$i]) { continue; } $rscale = $amp[$i] * sin(3.14 * $r / $rad[$i]); $x += $dx * $rscale; $y += $dy * $rscale; } $c = $bgCol; $x *= $this->iscale; $y *= $this->iscale; if ($x >= 0 && $x < $width2 && $y >= 0 && $y < $height2) { $c = imagecolorat($this->tmpimg, $x, $y); } if ($c != $bgCol) { // only copy pixels of letters to preserve any background image imagesetpixel($this->im, $ix, $iy, $c); } } } } /** * Draws distorted lines on the image */ protected function drawLines() { for ($line = 0; $line < $this->num_lines; ++ $line) { $x = $this->image_width * (1 + $line) / ($this->num_lines + 1); $x += (0.5 - $this->frand()) * $this->image_width / $this->num_lines; $y = rand($this->image_height * 0.1, $this->image_height * 0.9); $theta = ($this->frand() - 0.5) * M_PI * 0.7; $w = $this->image_width; $len = rand($w * 0.4, $w * 0.7); $lwid = rand(0, 2); $k = $this->frand() * 0.6 + 0.2; $k = $k * $k * 0.5; $phi = $this->frand() * 6.28; $step = 0.5; $dx = $step * cos($theta); $dy = $step * sin($theta); $n = $len / $step; $amp = 1.5 * $this->frand() / ($k + 5.0 / $len); $x0 = $x - 0.5 * $len * cos($theta); $y0 = $y - 0.5 * $len * sin($theta); $ldx = round(- $dy * $lwid); $ldy = round($dx * $lwid); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++ $i) { $x = $x0 + $i * $dx + $amp * $dy * sin($k * $i * $step + $phi); $y = $y0 + $i * $dy - $amp * $dx * sin($k * $i * $step + $phi); imagefilledrectangle($this->im, $x, $y, $x + $lwid, $y + $lwid, $this->gdlinecolor); } } } /** * Draws random noise on the image */ protected function drawNoise() { if ($this->noise_level > 10) { $noise_level = 10; } else { $noise_level = $this->noise_level; } $t0 = microtime(true); $noise_level *= 125; // an arbitrary number that works well on a 1-10 scale $points = $this->image_width * $this->image_height * $this->iscale; $height = $this->image_height * $this->iscale; $width = $this->image_width * $this->iscale; for ($i = 0; $i < $noise_level; ++$i) { $x = rand(10, $width); $y = rand(10, $height); $size = rand(7, 10); if ($x - $size <= 0 && $y - $size <= 0) continue; // dont cover 0,0 since it is used by imagedistortedcopy imagefilledarc($this->tmpimg, $x, $y, $size, $size, 0, 360, $this->gdnoisecolor, IMG_ARC_PIE); } $t1 = microtime(true); $t = $t1 - $t0; /* // DEBUG imagestring($this->tmpimg, 5, 25, 30, "$t", $this->gdnoisecolor); header('content-type: image/png'); imagepng($this->tmpimg); exit; */ } /** * Print signature text on image */ protected function addSignature() { if ($this->use_gd_font) { imagestring($this->im, 5, $this->image_width - (strlen($this->image_signature) * 10), $this->image_height - 20, $this->image_signature, $this->gdsignaturecolor); } else { $bbox = imagettfbbox(10, 0, $this->signature_font, $this->image_signature); $textlen = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0]; $x = $this->image_width - $textlen - 5; $y = $this->image_height - 3; imagettftext($this->im, 10, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdsignaturecolor, $this->signature_font, $this->image_signature); } } /** * Sends the appropriate image and cache headers and outputs image to the browser */ protected function output() { header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); switch ($this->image_type) { case self::SI_IMAGE_JPEG: header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($this->im, null, 90); break; case self::SI_IMAGE_GIF: header("Content-Type: image/gif"); imagegif($this->im); break; default: header("Content-Type: image/png"); imagepng($this->im); break; } imagedestroy($this->im); exit(); } /** * Gets the code and returns the binary audio file for the stored captcha code * @param string $format WAV only */ protected function getAudibleCode($format = 'wav') { // override any format other than wav for now // this is due to security issues with MP3 files $format = 'wav'; $letters = array(); $code = $this->getCode(); if ($code == '') { $this->createCode(); $code = $this->getCode(); } for($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); ++$i) { $letters[] = $code{$i}; } if ($format == 'mp3') { return $this->generateMP3($letters); } else { return $this->generateWAV($letters); } } /** * Gets a captcha code from a wordlist */ protected function readCodeFromFile() { $fp = @fopen($this->wordlist_file, 'rb'); if (!$fp) return false; $fsize = filesize($this->wordlist_file); if ($fsize < 128) return false; // too small of a list to be effective fseek($fp, rand(0, $fsize - 64), SEEK_SET); // seek to a random position of file from 0 to filesize-64 $data = fread($fp, 64); // read a chunk from our random position fclose($fp); $data = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\n", $data); $start = @strpos($data, "\n", rand(0, 56)) + 1; // random start position $end = @strpos($data, "\n", $start); // find end of word if ($start === false) { return false; } else if ($end === false) { $end = strlen($data); } return strtolower(substr($data, $start, $end - $start)); // return a line of the file } /** * Generates a random captcha code from the set character set */ protected function generateCode() { $code = ''; for($i = 1, $cslen = strlen($this->charset); $i <= $this->code_length; ++$i) { $code .= $this->charset{rand(0, $cslen - 1)}; } //return 'testing'; // debug, set the code to given string return $code; } /** * Checks the entered code against the value stored in the session or sqlite database, handles case sensitivity * Also clears the stored codes if the code was entered correctly to prevent re-use */ protected function validate() { $code = $this->getCode(); // returns stored code, or an empty string if no stored code was found // checks the session and sqlite database if enabled if ($this->case_sensitive == false && preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $code)) { // case sensitive was set from securimage_show.php but not in class // the code saved in the session has capitals so set case sensitive to true $this->case_sensitive = true; } $code_entered = trim( (($this->case_sensitive) ? $this->code_entered : strtolower($this->code_entered)) ); $this->correct_code = false; if ($code != '') { if ($code == $code_entered) { $this->correct_code = true; $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace] = ''; $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace] = ''; $this->clearCodeFromDatabase(); } } } /** * Return the code from the session or sqlite database if used. If none exists yet, an empty string is returned */ protected function getCode() { $code = ''; if (isset($_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]) && trim($_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]) != '') { if ($this->isCodeExpired( $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace]) == false) { $code = $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]; } } else if ($this->use_sqlite_db == true && function_exists('sqlite_open')) { // no code in session - may mean user has cookies turned off $this->openDatabase(); $code = $this->getCodeFromDatabase(); } else { /* no code stored in session or sqlite database, validation will fail */ } return $code; } /** * Save data to session namespace and database if used */ protected function saveData() { $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace] = $this->code; $_SESSION['securimage_code_ctime'][$this->namespace] = time(); $this->saveCodeToDatabase(); } /** * Saves the code to the sqlite database */ protected function saveCodeToDatabase() { $success = false; $this->openDatabase(); if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $time = time(); $code = $_SESSION['securimage_code_value'][$this->namespace]; // if cookies are disabled the session still exists at this point $success = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO codes(ip, code, namespace, created) VALUES('$ip', '$code', '{$this->namespace}', $time)"); } return $success !== false; } /** * Open sqlite database */ protected function openDatabase() { $this->sqlite_handle = false; if ($this->use_sqlite_db && function_exists('sqlite_open')) { $this->sqlite_handle = sqlite_open($this->sqlite_database, 0666, $error); if ($this->sqlite_handle !== false) { $res = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "PRAGMA table_info(codes)"); if (sqlite_num_rows($res) == 0) { sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "CREATE TABLE codes (ip VARCHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, code VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, namespace VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, created INTEGER)"); } } return $this->sqlite_handle != false; } return $this->sqlite_handle; } /** * Get a code from the sqlite database for ip address */ protected function getCodeFromDatabase() { $code = ''; if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ns = sqlite_escape_string($this->namespace); $res = sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "SELECT * FROM codes WHERE ip = '$ip' AND namespace = '$ns'"); if ($res && sqlite_num_rows($res) > 0) { $res = sqlite_fetch_array($res); if ($this->isCodeExpired($res['created']) == false) { $code = $res['code']; } } } return $code; } /** * Remove an entered code from the database */ protected function clearCodeFromDatabase() { if (is_resource($this->sqlite_handle)) { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ns = sqlite_escape_string($this->namespace); sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "DELETE FROM codes WHERE ip = '$ip' AND namespace = '$ns'"); } } /** * Deletes old codes from sqlite database */ protected function purgeOldCodesFromDatabase() { if ($this->use_sqlite_db && $this->sqlite_handle !== false) { $now = time(); $limit = (!is_numeric($this->expiry_time) || $this->expiry_time < 1) ? 86400 : $this->expiry_time; sqlite_query($this->sqlite_handle, "DELETE FROM codes WHERE $now - created > $limit"); } } /** * Checks to see if the captcha code has expired and cannot be used * @param unknown_type $creation_time */ protected function isCodeExpired($creation_time) { $expired = true; if (!is_numeric($this->expiry_time) || $this->expiry_time < 1) { $expired = false; } else if (time() - $creation_time < $this->expiry_time) { $expired = false; } return $expired; } /** * * Generate an MP3 audio file of the captcha image * * @deprecated 3.0 */ protected function generateMP3() { return false; } /** * Generate a wav file given the $letters in the code * @todo Add ability to merge 2 sound files together to have random background sounds * @param array $letters * @return string The binary contents of the wav file */ protected function generateWAV($letters) { $data_len = 0; $files = array(); $out_data = ''; $out_channels = 0; $out_samplert = 0; $out_bpersample = 0; $numSamples = 0; $removeChunks = array('LIST', 'DISP', 'NOTE'); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($letters); ++$i) { $letter = $letters[$i]; $filename = $this->audio_path . strtoupper($letter) . '.wav'; $file = array(); $data = @file_get_contents($filename); if ($data === false) { // echo "Failed to read $filename"; return $this->audioError(); } $header = substr($data, 0, 36); $info = unpack('NChunkID/VChunkSize/NFormat/NSubChunk1ID/' .'VSubChunk1Size/vAudioFormat/vNumChannels/' .'VSampleRate/VByteRate/vBlockAlign/vBitsPerSample', $header); $dataPos = strpos($data, 'data'); $out_channels = $info['NumChannels']; $out_samplert = $info['SampleRate']; $out_bpersample = $info['BitsPerSample']; if ($dataPos === false) { // wav file with no data? // echo "Failed to find DATA segment in $filename"; return $this->audioError(); } if ($info['AudioFormat'] != 1) { // only work with PCM audio // echo "$filename was not PCM audio, only PCM is supported"; return $this->audioError(); } if ($info['SubChunk1Size'] != 16 && $info['SubChunk1Size'] != 18) { // probably unsupported extension // echo "Bad SubChunk1Size in $filename - Size was {$info['SubChunk1Size']}"; return $this->audioError(); } if ($info['SubChunk1Size'] > 16) { $header .= substr($data, 36, $info['SubChunk1Size'] - 16); } if ($i == 0) { // create the final file's header, size will be adjusted later $out_data = $header . 'data'; } $removed = 0; foreach($removeChunks as $chunk) { $chunkPos = strpos($data, $chunk); if ($chunkPos !== false) { $listSize = unpack('VSize', substr($data, $chunkPos + 4, 4)); $data = substr($data, 0, $chunkPos) . substr($data, $chunkPos + 8 + $listSize['Size']); $removed += $listSize['Size'] + 8; } } $dataSize = unpack('VSubchunk2Size', substr($data, $dataPos + 4, 4)); $dataSize['Subchunk2Size'] -= $removed; $out_data .= substr($data, $dataPos + 8, $dataSize['Subchunk2Size'] * ($out_bpersample / 8)); $numSamples += $dataSize['Subchunk2Size']; } $filesize = strlen($out_data); $chunkSize = $filesize - 8; $dataCSize = $numSamples; $out_data = substr_replace($out_data, pack('V', $chunkSize), 4, 4); $out_data = substr_replace($out_data, pack('V', $numSamples), 40 + ($info['SubChunk1Size'] - 16), 4); $this->scrambleAudioData($out_data, 'wav'); return $out_data; } /** * Randomizes the audio data to add noise and prevent binary recognition * @param string $data The binary audio file data * @param string $format The format of the sound file (wav only) */ protected function scrambleAudioData(&$data, $format) { $start = strpos($data, 'data') + 4; // look for "data" indicator if ($start === false) $start = 44; // if not found assume 44 byte header $start += rand(1, 4); // randomize starting offset $datalen = strlen($data) - $start; $step = 1; for ($i = $start; $i < $datalen; $i += $step) { $ch = ord($data{$i}); if ($ch == 0 || $ch == 255) continue; if ($ch < 16 || $ch > 239) { $ch += rand(-6, 6); } else { $ch += rand(-12, 12); } if ($ch < 0) $ch = 0; else if ($ch > 255) $ch = 255; $data{$i} = chr($ch); $step = rand(1,4); } return $data; } /** * Return a wav file saying there was an error generating file * * @return string The binary audio contents */ protected function audioError() { return @file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/audio/error.wav'); } function frand() { return 0.0001 * rand(0,9999); } /** * Convert an html color code to a Securimage_Color * @param string $color * @param Securimage_Color $default The defalt color to use if $color is invalid */ protected function initColor($color, $default) { if ($color == null) { return new Securimage_Color($default); } else if (is_string($color)) { try { return new Securimage_Color($color); } catch(Exception $e) { return new Securimage_Color($default); } } else if (is_array($color) && sizeof($color) == 3) { return new Securimage_Color($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); } else { return new Securimage_Color($default); } } } /** * Color object for Securimage CAPTCHA * * @version 3.0 * @since 2.0 * @package Securimage * @subpackage classes * */ class Securimage_Color { public $r; public $g; public $b; /** * Create a new Securimage_Color object.
* Constructor expects 1 or 3 arguments.
* When passing a single argument, specify the color using HTML hex format,
* when passing 3 arguments, specify each RGB component (from 0-255) individually.
* $color = new Securimage_Color('#0080FF') or
* $color = new Securimage_Color(0, 128, 255) * * @param string $color * @throws Exception */ public function __construct($color = '#ffffff') { $args = func_get_args(); if (sizeof($args) == 0) { $this->r = 255; $this->g = 255; $this->b = 255; } else if (sizeof($args) == 1) { // set based on html code if (substr($color, 0, 1) == '#') { $color = substr($color, 1); } if (strlen($color) != 3 && strlen($color) != 6) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid HTML color code passed to Securimage_Color' ); } $this->constructHTML($color); } else if (sizeof($args) == 3) { $this->constructRGB($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Securimage_Color constructor expects 0, 1 or 3 arguments; ' . sizeof($args) . ' given' ); } } /** * Construct from an rgb triplet * @param int $red The red component, 0-255 * @param int $green The green component, 0-255 * @param int $blue The blue component, 0-255 */ protected function constructRGB($red, $green, $blue) { if ($red < 0) $red = 0; if ($red > 255) $red = 255; if ($green < 0) $green = 0; if ($green > 255) $green = 255; if ($blue < 0) $blue = 0; if ($blue > 255) $blue = 255; $this->r = $red; $this->g = $green; $this->b = $blue; } /** * Construct from an html hex color code * @param string $color */ protected function constructHTML($color) { if (strlen($color) == 3) { $red = str_repeat(substr($color, 0, 1), 2); $green = str_repeat(substr($color, 1, 1), 2); $blue = str_repeat(substr($color, 2, 1), 2); } else { $red = substr($color, 0, 2); $green = substr($color, 2, 2); $blue = substr($color, 4, 2); } $this->r = hexdec($red); $this->g = hexdec($green); $this->b = hexdec($blue); } } ?>