get_user_groups(); $this->get_modules($catid, $home); $this->process_modules($catid, $home, $permalinkcat); } /* Retrieve user groups */ function get_user_groups() { global $user; $query = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($this->user_groups, $row['group_id']); } } /* Retrieve module */ function get_module() { $module = $this->module; return $module; } /* Retrieve modules from table */ function get_modules($catid = null, $home = null) { global $page, $user; $module_found = false; $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . FLASHGAL_TABLE . ' WHERE users LIKE "%' . $user['status'] . '%" '; // FAire un test par rapport aux variables $catid et $home /* $script = script_basename(); if ($script == 'index') { $query .= isset($page['category']) ? 'AND on_cats = "true"' : 'AND on_home = "true"' ; } */ if ($home) $query .= 'AND on_home = "true"' ; elseif ($catid) $query .= 'AND on_cats = "true"' ; $query .= ' ORDER BY pos ASC;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { // seulement si aucun module est trouvé. if( !$module_found) { // Besoin de positionner le module par rapport au 'Mainblock' if ($row['type'] == 'MainBlock') { $this->pos = 'end'; continue; } // categories actives pour le module $row['cats'] = (!empty($row['cats']) ? unserialize($row['cats']) : false); /* if( (empty($page['category']) and $row['on_home'] = "true") // Home || ( (isset($page['category'])) and $row['on_cats'] = "true" and (in_array($page['category']['id'], $row['cats'])) ) // category and in module conf ) */ if ( ($home and $row['on_home'] = "true") // Home || ( $catid and $row['on_cats'] = "true" and (in_array($catid, $row['cats'])) ) // category and in module conf ) { $this->module = $row; // seul le premier correspondant est pris en compte // break; $module_found = true; } } } } /* Process modules */ function process_modules($catid = null, $home = null, $permalinkcat = null) { // foreach ($this->modules as $module) if ($this->module != null) { $module = $this->module; if ($module['type'] == 'MainBlock') { $this->pos = 'end'; return; } if (!empty($module['groups'])) { $authorized_groups = explode(',', $module['groups']); if (array_intersect($this->user_groups, $authorized_groups) == array()) return; } $datas = (!empty($module['datas']) ? unserialize($module['datas']) : false); $block = array(); $block['ID'] = $module['id']; if ($module['show_title'] == 'true') { $block['TITLE'] = trigger_event('render_flashgal_name', $module['name']); } if (is_admin()) { $block['U_EDIT'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin.php?page=plugin&section='.FLASHGAL_DIR.'%2Fadmin%2Fadd_module.php&type='.$module['type'].'&edit='.$module['id']; } $block['TEMPLATE'] = $this->get_template($module['type'].'.tpl', $module['type']); $block['TEMPLATE'] = realpath($block['TEMPLATE']); include(FLASHGAL_PATH . 'modules/' . $module['type']. '/'); $block['FLASHNAME'] = FLASHGAL_PATH . 'modules/' . $module['type']. '/'.$module_data['FlashName']; $block['FLASHVARXML'] = $module_data['FlashvarXML']; set_make_full_url(); // $catid = empty($page['category']['permalink']) ? $page['category']['id'] : $page['category']['permalink']; // echo "page['category']['id']=".$catid; // $block['XMLFEED'] = embellish_url(get_root_url().FLASHGAL_PATH.'generate-xml.php?/'.(isset($page['category']) ? 'category'.(isset($catid) ? $catid : '') : 'categories')); // $block['XMLFEED'] = embellish_url(get_root_url().FLASHGAL_PATH.'generate-xml.php%3F/'.(isset($page['category']) ? 'category'.(isset($catid) ? $catid : '') : 'categories')); $block['XMLFEED'] = embellish_url(get_root_url().FLASHGAL_PATH.'generate-xml.php?/'.(isset($permalinkcat) ? 'category/'.$permalinkcat : (isset($catid) ? 'category/' . $catid : 'categories' ))); // $block['XMLFEED'] = embellish_url(FLASHGAL_PATH.'generate-xml.php?/'.(isset($permalinkcat) ? 'category/'.$permalinkcat : (isset($catid) ? 'category/' . $catid : 'categories' ))); if (isset($module_data['GET_Mode']) && $module_data['GET_Mode']) $block['XMLFEED'] = embellish_url(get_root_url().FLASHGAL_PATH.'generate-xml.php?' .(isset($permalinkcat) ? 'permalink='.$permalinkcat : (isset($catid) ? 'catid=' . $catid : 'home' ))); unset_make_full_url(); $block['HEIGHT']= $module['height']; $block['TRANSPARENT'] = ($module['transparent'] == 'true' ? true : false); $block['FULLSCREEN'] = $module['fullscreen']; $block['BGCOLOR'] = $module['bgcolor']; if ((include(FLASHGAL_PATH . 'modules/' . $module['type'] . '/')) === false) return; $this->set_tpl_block($block, $module); } } /* Set template blocks */ function set_tpl_block($block, $module) { // TIICO : A supprimer car id_line est toujours vide, pas d'utilite de cette partie par rapport a PWG Stuff if (!empty($module['id_line'])) { $block['id_line'] = $module['id_line']; $block['given_width'] = ''; if (!empty($this->blocks[$this->pos])) { $last = end($this->blocks[$this->pos]); $key = key($this->blocks[$this->pos]); $penul = prev($this->blocks[$this->pos]); if (isset($last['id_line']) and $last['id_line'] == $module['id_line']) { if (isset($penul['id_line']) and $penul['id_line'] == $module['id_line']) { $i = 3; !$block['given_width'] or $i--; !$last['given_width'] or $i--; !$penul['given_width'] or $i--; !$i or $default_width = intval((100 - $block['given_width'] - $last['given_width'] - $penul['given_width']) / $i); $penul['WIDTH'] = $penul['given_width'] ? $penul['given_width'] : $default_width; $block['WIDTH'] = $block['given_width'] ? $block['given_width'] : $default_width; $block['CLASS'] = 'right_block'; $block['new_line'] = false; $block['end_line'] = false; $last['end_line'] = true; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key-1] = $penul; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key] = $block; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $last; return; } else { if (empty($block['given_width']) and empty($last['given_width'])) { $last['WIDTH'] = 50; } elseif ($block['given_width']>0) { $last['WIDTH'] = 100 - $block['given_width']; } else { $last['WIDTH'] = $last['given_width']; } $block['CLASS'] = 'middle_block'; $last['CLASS'] = 'left_block'; $block['new_line'] = false; $block['end_line'] = true; $last['end_line'] = false; $this->blocks[$this->pos][$key] = $last; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $block; return; } } } } $block['new_line'] = true; $block['end_line'] = true; $block['CLASS'] = 'middle_block'; $this->blocks[$this->pos][] = $block; } /* Return template for user template/theme */ function get_template($file, $modulename = null) { global $user, $template; if (isset($modulename)) { $dir = FLASHGAL_PATH . 'modules/'.$modulename .'/'; return $dir.$file; } else { $dir = FLASHGAL_PATH . 'themes/'; $themes_file = FLASHGAL_PATH. $user['theme'].'/'. $file; if (file_exists($themes_file)) { return $themes_file; } else { return $dir.$file; } } } } ?>