1 | {combine_css path=$F2B_PATH|@cat:"template/style.css"} |
2 | {if $themeconf.id == roma}<style type="text/css">.lang_help {ldelim} background-color:#464646; }</style>{/if} |
3 | |
4 | {footer_script require='jquery'}{literal} |
5 | jQuery().ready( function () { |
6 | jQuery('select[name="lang_desc_select"]').change(function () { |
7 | jQuery('[id^="link_name"]').hide(); |
8 | jQuery("#link_name_"+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value).show(); |
9 | }); |
10 | jQuery('[id^="link_name_"]').keyup(function () { |
11 | arr = jQuery(this).attr("id").split("link_name_"); |
12 | id = arr[1]; |
13 | opt = jQuery('select[name="lang_desc_select"] option[id="opt_'+id+'"]'); |
14 | if (this.value != '') |
15 | opt.html(opt.html().replace("\u2718", "\u2714")); |
16 | else |
17 | opt.html(opt.html().replace("\u2714", "\u2718")); |
18 | }); |
19 | }); |
20 | |
21 | jQuery('.lang_help').tipTip(); |
22 | {/literal}{/footer_script} |
23 | |
24 | <div class="titrePage"> |
25 | <h2>Front2Back</h2> |
26 | </div> |
27 | |
28 | <form method="post" action="" class="properties" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> |
29 | <fieldset> |
30 | <legend>{'Configuration'|@translate}</legend> |
31 | <ul> |
32 | <li> |
33 | <span class="property">{'Back sides folder'|@translate}</span> |
34 | <input type="text" name="path" value="{$PATH}"/> |
35 | </li> |
36 | <li> |
37 | <span class="property">{'Web sized pics sub-folder'|@translate}</span> |
38 | <input type="text" name="parent" value="{$PARENT}"/> |
39 | </li> |
40 | <li> |
41 | <span class="property">{'HD pics sub-folder'|@translate}</span> |
42 | <input type="text" name="hd_parent" value="{$HD_PARENT}"/> |
43 | </li> |
44 | <li> |
45 | <span class="property">{'Suffix'|@translate}</span> |
46 | <input type="text" name="suffix" value="{$SUFFIX}"/> |
47 | </li> |
48 | |
49 | <li> |
50 | <span class="property">{'Link position'|@translate}</span> |
51 | <label><input type="radio" name="position" value="top" {if $POSITION == 'top'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Top'|@translate}</label> |
52 | <label><input type="radio" name="position" value="bottom" {if $POSITION == 'bottom'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Bottom'|@translate}</label> |
53 | <label><input type="radio" name="position" value="toolbar" {if $POSITION == 'toolbar'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Toolbar'|@translate}</label> |
54 | </li> |
55 | <li> |
56 | <span class="property">{'Switch mode'|@translate}</span> |
57 | <label><input type="radio" name="switch_mode" value="click" {if $SWITCH_MODE == 'click'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Click'|@translate}</label> |
58 | <label><input type="radio" name="switch_mode" value="hover" {if $SWITCH_MODE == 'hover'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Mouseover'|@translate}</label> |
59 | </li> |
60 | <li> |
61 | <span class="property">{'Transition'|@translate}</span> |
62 | <label><input type="radio" name="transition" value="none" {if $TRANSITION == 'none'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'None'|@translate}</label> |
63 | <label><input type="radio" name="transition" value="fade" {if $TRANSITION == 'fade'}checked="checked"{/if}/> {'Fade'|@translate}</label> |
64 | </li> |
65 | |
66 | <li> |
67 | <span class="property">{'Link name'|@translate}</span> |
68 | <select name="lang_desc_select"> |
69 | {foreach from=$link_name item=lang} |
70 | <option value="{$lang.LANGUAGE_CODE}" id="opt_{$lang.LANGUAGE_CODE}">{if empty($lang.VALUE)}✘{else}✔{/if} {$lang.LANGUAGE_NAME}</option> |
71 | {/foreach} |
72 | </select> |
73 | {foreach from=$link_name item=lang} |
74 | <input type="text" size="30" name="link_name[{$lang.LANGUAGE_CODE}]" id="link_name_{$lang.LANGUAGE_CODE}" value="{$lang.VALUE}" style="{if $lang.LANGUAGE_CODE != 'default'}display:none; {/if}margin-left:10px;"> |
75 | {/foreach} |
76 | |
77 | <a class="lang_help" title="{'Seperate the two labels with the | symbol. Leave blank to use default translation.'|@translate}">i</a> |
78 | </li> |
79 | </ul> |
80 | </fieldset> |
81 | |
82 | <p><input class="submit" type="submit" value="{'Submit'|@translate}" name="submit" /></p> |
83 | </form> |
84 | |
85 | {'f2b_help'|@translate} |