var GDThumb = { max_height: 200, margin: 10, max_first_thumb_width: 0.7, big_thumb: null, big_thumb_block: false, check_pv: false, small_thumb: null, method: 'crop', t: new Array, do_merge: false, // Initialize plugin logic, perform necessary steps setup: function(method, max_height, margin, do_merge, big_thumb, check_pv) { jQuery('ul#thumbnails').addClass("thumbnails"); GDThumb.max_height = max_height; GDThumb.margin = margin; GDThumb.method = method; GDThumb.check_pv = check_pv; GDThumb.do_merge = do_merge; GDThumb.big_thumb = big_thumb; $(window).bind("RVTS_loaded", function() { GDThumb.init(); }); GDThumb.init(); }, init: function() { if (GDThumb.do_merge) { GDThumb.merge(); }; jQuery(window).bind('RVTS_loaded',; jQuery('ul.thumbnails').resize(GDThumb.process); jQuery("ul.thumbnails .thumbLegend.overlay").click( function() { window.location.href = $(this).parent().find('a').attr('href'); }); jQuery("ul.thumbnails .thumbLegend.overlay-ex").click( function() { window.location.href = $(this).parent().find('a').attr('href'); }); }, // Merge categories and picture lists merge: function() { var mainlists = $('.content ul.thumbnails'); if (mainlists.length < 2) { // there is only one list of elements } else { $(".thumbnailCategories li").addClass("album"); $(".thumbnailCategories").append($(".content ul#thumbnails").html()); $("ul#thumbnails").remove(); $("div.loader:eq(1)").remove(); } }, // Build thumb metadata build: function () { if ((GDThumb.method == 'square') && (GDThumb.big_thumb != null) && ((GDThumb.big_thumb.height != GDThumb.big_thumb.width) || (GDThumb.big_thumb.height < GDThumb.max_height))){ var main_width = jQuery('ul.thumbnails').width(); var max_col_count = Math.floor(main_width / GDThumb.max_height); var thumb_width = Math.floor(main_width / max_col_count) - GDThumb.margin; GDThumb.big_thumb.height = (thumb_width * 2) + GDThumb.margin; GDThumb.big_thumb.width = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; GDThumb.big_thumb.crop = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; GDThumb.max_height = thumb_width; } else if (GDThumb.method == 'slide') { var main_width = jQuery('ul.thumbnails').width(); var max_col_count = Math.floor(main_width / GDThumb.max_height); var thumb_width = Math.floor(main_width / max_col_count) - GDThumb.margin; GDThumb.max_height = thumb_width; } GDThumb.t = new Array; $('ul.thumbnails img.thumbnail').each(function(index) { width = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr('width')); height = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr('height')); th = {index: index, width: width, height: height, real_width: width, real_height: height}; if (GDThumb.check_pv) { var ratio = th.width / th.height; GDThumb.big_thumb_block = (ratio > 2.2) || (ratio < 0.455); } if (((GDThumb.method == 'square') || (GDThumb.method == 'slide')) && (th.height != th.width)) { th.width = GDThumb.max_height; th.height = GDThumb.max_height; th.crop = GDThumb.max_height; } else if (height < GDThumb.max_height) { th.width = Math.round(GDThumb.max_height * width / height); th.height = GDThumb.max_height; } GDThumb.t.push(th); }); if (GDThumb.big_thumb_block) { GDThumb.big_thumb = null; } first = GDThumb.t[0]; if (first) { GDThumb.small_thumb = {index: first.index, width: first.real_width, height: first.real_height, src: jQuery('ul.thumbnails img.thumbnail:first').attr('src')} } jQuery.resize.throttleWindow = false; jQuery.resize.delay = 50; GDThumb.process(); }, // Adjust thumb attributes to match plugin settings process: function() { var width_count = GDThumb.margin; var line = 1; var round_rest = 0; var main_width = jQuery('ul.thumbnails').width(); var first_thumb = jQuery('ul.thumbnails img.thumbnail:first'); var best_size = {width: 1, height: 1}; if (GDThumb.method == 'slide') { best_size.width = GDThumb.max_height; best_size.height = GDThumb.max_height; GDThumb.resize(first_thumb, GDThumb.t[0].real_width, GDThumb.t[0].real_height, GDThumb.t[0].width, GDThumb.t[0].height, false); } else if (GDThumb.method == 'square') { if (GDThumb.big_thumb != null) { best_size.width = GDThumb.big_thumb.width; best_size.height = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; if (GDThumb.big_thumb.src != first_thumb.attr('src')) { first_thumb.attr('src', GDThumb.big_thumb.src).attr({width: GDThumb.big_thumb.width, height: GDThumb.big_thumb.height}); GDThumb.t[0].width = GDThumb.big_thumb.width; GDThumb.t[0].height = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; } GDThumb.t[0].crop = best_size.width; GDThumb.resize(first_thumb, GDThumb.t[0].real_width, GDThumb.t[0].real_height, GDThumb.big_thumb.width, GDThumb.big_thumb.height, true); }else{ best_size.width = GDThumb.max_height; best_size.height = GDThumb.max_height; GDThumb.resize(first_thumb, GDThumb.t[0].real_width, GDThumb.t[0].real_height, GDThumb.t[0].width, GDThumb.t[0].height, true); } } else { if (GDThumb.big_thumb != null && GDThumb.big_thumb.height < main_width * GDThumb.max_first_thumb_width) { // Compute best size for landscape picture (we choose bigger height) min_ratio = Math.min(1.05, GDThumb.big_thumb.width/GDThumb.big_thumb.height); for(width = GDThumb.big_thumb.width; width/best_size.height>=min_ratio; width--) { width_count = GDThumb.margin; height = GDThumb.margin; max_height = 0; available_width = main_width - (width + GDThumb.margin); line = 1; for (i=1;i available_width) { ratio = width_count / available_width; height += Math.round(max_height / ratio); line++; max_height = 0; width_count = GDThumb.margin; if (line > 2) { if (height >= best_size.height && width/height >= min_ratio && height<=GDThumb.big_thumb.height) { best_size = {width:width,height:height}; } break; } } } if (line <= 2) { if (max_height == 0 || line == 1) { height = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; } else { height += max_height; } if (height >= best_size.height && width/height >= min_ratio && height<=GDThumb.big_thumb.height) { best_size = {width:width,height:height} } } } if (GDThumb.big_thumb.src != first_thumb.attr('src')) { first_thumb.attr('src', GDThumb.big_thumb.src).attr({width: GDThumb.big_thumb.width, height: GDThumb.big_thumb.height}); GDThumb.t[0].width = GDThumb.big_thumb.width; GDThumb.t[0].height = GDThumb.big_thumb.height; } GDThumb.t[0].crop = best_size.width; GDThumb.resize(first_thumb, GDThumb.big_thumb.width, GDThumb.big_thumb.height, best_size.width, best_size.height, true); } } if (best_size.width == 1) { if (GDThumb.small_thumb != null && GDThumb.small_thumb.src != first_thumb.attr('src')) { first_thumb.prop('src', GDThumb.small_thumb.src).attr({width: GDThumb.small_thumb.width, height: GDThumb.small_thumb.height}); GDThumb.t[0].width = GDThumb.small_thumb.width; GDThumb.t[0].height = GDThumb.small_thumb.height; } GDThumb.t[0].crop = false; } width_count = GDThumb.margin; max_height = 0; last_height = GDThumb.max_height; line = 1; thumb_process = new Array; for (i=GDThumb.t[0].crop!=false?1:0;i available_width) { last_thumb = GDThumb.t[i].index; ratio = width_count / available_width; new_height = Math.round(max_height / ratio); round_rest = 0; width_count = GDThumb.margin; for (j=0;j height - new_height) { real_width = Math.round(new_height * width / height); width_crop = Math.round((real_width - new_width)/2); } else { real_height = Math.round(new_width * height / width); height_crop = Math.round((real_height - new_height)/2); } } thumb.css({ height: real_height+'px', width: real_width+'px' }); } else { thumb.css({height: '', width: ''}); height_crop = Math.round((height - new_height)/2); width_crop = Math.round((width - new_width)/2); } thumb.parents('li').css({ height: new_height+'px', width: new_width+'px' }); if (use_crop) { thumb.parent('a').css({ clip: 'rect('+height_crop+'px, '+(new_width+width_crop)+'px, '+(new_height+height_crop)+'px, '+width_crop+'px)', top: -height_crop+'px', left: -width_crop+'px' }); } else { thumb.parent('a').css({ top: -height_crop+'px', left: -width_crop+'px' }); } } }